Stow High School

Alumni Association

Dear Stow High Alumnus:

As an alumnus of Stow-Munroe Falls High School, we would like to encourage you to join YOUR Stow High School Alumni Association.

A lifetime membership to the Alumni Association is only $28.00 with $3.00 going to a scholarship fund. It is the surest way to be located by your class reunion committee and stay up to date with your alma mater’s activities. Also, it becomes much easier to participate in Association events. There is no fee for those alumni who are over 65 years old. Also, married Stow alumni graduates can join for the same $28.00 lifetime fee. Please feel free to photocopy this registration form and give it to fellow alum.

Great networking

Renewed friendships

For more information:

Name (include maiden name)____________________________________________________ ___

Address_________________________________________________________ _______________

City____________________ ___________State______________Zip_______________________

Phone__________________________email________ _______________________________

Graduating Class________

I would like to help with _____ Membership____Scholarship_____Fund Raising _____Newsletter_____Historical_____Social

How did you hear about us? ____email____alumnus_____website_____Stow Sentry_____other

Any other info you would like for us to know:

Mail completed form and $28.00 to


P.O. Box 2626

Stow, Ohio 44224