The Degree Programme in Civic Activities and Youth Work
Lohja Unit
Karstuntie 537
Author(s)Tuomas Rouvila / Date
Youth work and preventive care for the alcohol and drug abusers
Reijo Viitanen / Number of pages
My study was made during 2003-2005. The target was to explain the meaning of preventive care for the alcohol and drug abusers on youth worker´s point of view: Do youth workers feel that preventive care for the alcohol and drug abusers is part of their every day work and how it can be seen?I also compare youth work´s preventive care for the alcohol and drug abusers to the exemple determined by STAKES, the National Research and Development Centre for Welfare and Health.Based on recent researches I also aspire to determine how current trends of using intoxicating agents can be seen among the members of youth work’s target group and the work of the youth workers.
My study is based on quantitative research. The methods used are interviews and literary material. The examinations show that young people get closely interested in intoxicating agents in the age of 12-15 years. In this age young people are also active users of the services that youth work offer. The interviews showed that youth workers for marginalized youth meet young people that use intoxicating agents. They also feel that preventive care for the alcohol and drug abusers is a significant part of their work.
Youth workers for marginalized youth co-operate with experts of other occupations. That is necessary to obtain a good result in preventing of the use of intoxicating agents.Youth work is most important at times when youth workers meet young people that are beginning to get interested in the world of intoxicating agents. Recognizing this youth workers can deal with the matter at an early stage.
The youth workers which I interviewed mentioned several work methods which I specified to be a part of primary and secondary prevention, according to the tripartition of preventive care for the drug and alcohol abusers
Based on school healt service´s interrogation the smoking and drug and alcohol using of youth has started to decrease on the 21st century. In my research it is not possible to show how big the significance of preventive youth work is for this positive developent. However, preventive care for the alcohol and drug abusers is a wide area. All professionals working on that field are important, especially youth workers who meet young people in the risky age of starting to experience the world of intoxicating agents.
Keywords youth work, preventive care for the alcohol and drug abusers, primary, secondary, tertiary, co-operation with experts of different occupations