[Insert Council / Company Logo]
Stallholder Information & Requirements
Dear [Insert Name],
[Insert Organisation]
With the help of vendors, staff, volunteers and patrons the [Insert Event] has now become a leading waste-accountable event.
Last year, we recycled [Insert %]% of our waste materials and continue to host a clean, green event.
We are planning for waste minimisation by requiring that only reusable or recyclable packaging is used and that vendors
reduce packaging where possible. With stallholder cooperation we will continue to coordinate efforts to collect and sort
recyclables and prevent litter.
Your Role
Your role begins by sourcing only reusable or recyclable packaging from suppliers.
Please note that only plastic codes with the ID [Insert recyclable codes e.g. 1-7] are recyclable at this event.
Please try to:
· Use ceramic or cardboard cups for hot drinks and paper or recyclable plastic cups for cold drinks.
· Use paper or biodegradable (if recycling systems are available) based plates, bowls or reusable crockery instead of plastic disposable plates.
· Minimise packaging with your products, e.g. not offering lids for drinks, offering bulk condiments
(no single serve sugar or sauce sachets) and not offering straws or plastic bags.
· [Other requests]
Where can I get recyclable packaging?
- A list of providers is available on the SLF Event Planner Directory under food stalls and packaging: http://www.slf.org.au/eventplanner/ep-directory/food-stalls/packaging
- [List local supplier who will support waste management plan & their contact details]
- [List local supplier who will support waste management plan & their contact details]
What else do I need to do?
You are required to:
- fill in the Stallholder Application Form over the page and return it with the rest of your application
- [Other requirements]
Further Information
For further advice on selecting packaging or for other suppliers of recyclable packaging please visit the
Sustainable Events Planner at www.slf.org.au/eventplanner where you can search for suppliers, post questions on
the forum and find other useful information in reducing & recycling your waste.
Note: Stallholders are not permitted to bring polystyrene packaging [Insert other material(s) e.g. plastic bags] to the event. Thank You.
Kind Regards,
[Insert Stallholder Coordinator's Name]
[Insert Event]
[Insert Organisation]
This document has been created with the assistance of Sustainability Victoria’s former Waste Wise Program (2004-2009). Page 1