Embargoed until: 11.30am on Wednesday 20 May

Ornamental Horticulture Sector Unveils Plan to Grow £10Billion Sector

Lord Heseltine backs move to boost undervalued industry at RHS Chelsea Flower Show

• Action plan to stimulate growth unveiled at RHS Chelsea Flower Show

•Leading national organisations back initiative

• Expertise from within sector and beyond will guide development

On Wednesday 20 May leaders from across the £10 billion a year ornamental horticulture sector will launch a 12 point action plan designed to help secure the future of the industry.

The plan, which is the result of six months of meetings between industry experts facilitated by Defra, identifiesa dozen priority areas where government and industry could work together to encourage and aid long-term growth.

Among the changes the sector would like to see over the next five years arefor:

  • Gardening considered as a treatment on the NHS
  • Public bodies and publicly funded works and projects to use UK plants
  • International garden expo to be created to showcase UK horticulture
  • Modernisation of the supply chain to improve relationships and competitiveness and reduce dependence on imports
  • Introduction of a higher level of horticultural apprenticeship to addresses skills shortages
  • Garden centres and retailers should be exempted from the Sunday Trading Act

Speaking about the plan, ornamental roundtable meeting chair and Royal Horticultural Society(RHS) Director General Sue Biggs says: “This is a truly historic day for the ornamental horticulture sector because it marks the beginning of the next phase of growth for the industry we all love.

“Annually horticulture contributes £10.4 billion to the UK economy and employs around 300,000 people. It is a major economic force that has the potential to contribute even more, and we hope this plan will be a major step in our journey to overcoming the barriers that are holding the sector back.

“If we hadn’t come together to develop this plan,” Sue Biggs said, “the likelihood is that we would be fighting on many different fronts, with varying degrees of success, to highlight our relevance and justify our existence. Now we are united, focused and more determined than ever to ensure that the 12-point action plan is adopted, and that the benefits of a growing ornamental horticulture sector are enjoyed by generations to come.”

RHS Vice President Lord Heseltine said: “Horticulture has an important role to play, not just at the community level, but also across education, training, housing, health, business and employment. By drawing these areas together in a coherent strategy we can harness the great potential of the ornamental horticultural sector.”

The 12 asks of industry and government will focus on:

  1. Horticulture careers: apprenticeships, GrowCareers and Ambassadors
  2. Horticulture and the National Curriculum in England
  3. Commercial and promotion: promoting garden tourism through VisitBritain, GREAT Britain campaign, Heritage Lottery Fund
  4. Sunday Trading: to make the case for garden retailers to be exempt from the Sunday Trading Act
  5. Garden Expo: to support an international garden exposition
  6. Modernisation of the supply chain: improve the sector’s competitiveness and encourage sustainable trading relationships through the development of a best practice hub and new mechanisms to buy UK grown plants
  7. Financial incentives: identify and harness the financial mechanism, including VAT regimes, that could help level the playing field between UK sector and its European competitors
  8. Science R&D: to harness government revenue streams to drive innovation, conserve, identify and harness the potential of plants
  9. Sustainable resourcing of the horticulture sector: watering, growing media, pesticides, land for development, energy and waste management. Secure access to essential resources for growers to support long-term planning by the sector
  10. Plant health and the National Pollinator Strategy: Plant health: develop an integrated and robust response to the threat from pests by developing joined-up rapid reaction. Encourage environmental and pollinator-friendly behaviours
  11. Human health and horticulture: building the case for horticulture’s role supporting well-being and as a treatment for specific physical and mental conditions
  12. Society and horticulture: more and better-quality green infrastructure in towns and cities, with planners given the tools to incorporate theseinto new and existing developments

The organisations behind the development of the first-ever cross-sector action plan include the Chartered Institute of Horticulture, Grow Careers, the Horticultural Development Company, the Horticulture Innovations Partnership, the Horticultural Trades Association,Landex, Lantra, the National Farmers’ Union, the RHSand YoungHort. These organisationswill continue to guide its development over the next five years.

A representative from the horticultural sector will lead and drive each of the 12 challenge areas and will feed intelligence into a steering group. To ensure rigour, each group will be encouraged to draw on expertise from both within the sector and beyond, including from across government, to inform their work.

Project Group / Lead Organisation / Chair
  1. Horticulture careers (apprenticeships, ambassadors and Grow Careers)
/ HDC / Martin Emmett
  1. Horticulture and the National Curriculum
/ RHS / Sarah Cathcart
  1. Garden tourism
/ Garden Industry Marketing Board / David Arnold - Garden Industry Marketing Board
  1. Sunday trading
/ HTA / Raoul Curtis-Machin
  1. Garden Expo
/ Garden Industry Marketing Board / David Arnold - Garden Industry Marketing Board
  1. Modernisation, efficiency, effectiveness and sustainability of the supply chain
/ Set up a supply chain industry board / David Denny
  1. Financial incentives
/ NFU / Michael Parker
  1. Science, research and development
/ HIP (Horticulture Innovation Partnership) / Mark Tatchell
  1. Sustainable resourcing of the horticultural industry
/ NFU / Chris Hartfield
  1. Plant health and the National Pollinator Strategy
/ HTA – Secretariat / Raoul Curtis-Machin
  1. Human health and horticulture
/ Health Forum / Dr William Bird (TBC)
  1. Society and horticulture
/ RHS / Dr Alistair Griffiths

- Ends -

For more information, please contact Garfield Myrie in the RHS Press Office on 0207821 3060 or email

Notes to Editors:

Please use the following links to learn more about the organisations behind the plan:

Chartered Institute of Horticulture,


Horticultural Development Company

Horticulture Innovation Partnership:

Horticultural Trades Association:



National Farmers Union:
The NFU champions British farming and growing and provides professional representation and services to its Farmer and Grower members.

Royal Horticultural Society:


About the RHS

The Royal Horticultural Society was founded in 1804 by Sir Joseph Banks and John Wedgwood for the encouragement and improvement of the science, art and practice of horticulture. We held our first flower shows in 1820, were granted a Royal Charter in 1861 and acquired RHS Garden Wisley, our flagship garden, in 1903. From our first meetings in a small room off London’s Piccadilly, we have grown to become the world’s largest gardening charity.

Today the RHS is committed to providing a voice for all gardeners. We are driven by a simple love of plants and a belief that gardeners make the world a better place. 211 years on we continue to safeguard and advance the science, art and practice of horticulture, creating displays that inspire people to garden. In all aspects of our work we help gardeners develop by sharing our knowledge of plants, gardens and the environment.

RHS Registered Charity No. 222879/SC038262