Minutes TPFS Executive 24/06/15 London DDF


Tony Dixon

Mark Mercer-Jones

Ken Campbell

Andy Williams

Andy Clarke

Charlie Knowles

Mark Chapman

Jane Dixon

Steve Brown

Karen Telford

Ian Lindsey


Kath Gill

Mike Lamparelli

Jon Randall

Minutes from last Exec meeting were recorded as correct

  • The Exec welcomed Jane Dixon as the new affiliate member representative, and Steve Brown as representative of ACP Exec


1)Forthcoming programs

Manchester 2015

The initial discussion surrounded TPFS annual meeting which was scheduled to take place in Manchester (8/9th October 2015). It was concluded that this did not give TPFS enough time to deliver a sufficient program. It was concluded that the meeting would now be scheduled for 5/6th November 2015 in Manchester.

As to content: Ian Lindsey had forwarded the program from the 2014 Oxford Masterclass (attached Doc 1), which had never taken place. TPFS Exec will digest. Charlie Knowles discussed the systematic review of intention to treat constipation/ODS. The results of levels of evidence for colectomy/STARR/SNS/rectocele repair/rectopexy should be available by November and the individual leads for each procedure could present the results at our annual meeting. This could be an hour-long session.

Mark Chapman suggested that we have a session for interested physiologists and radiologists. Perhaps an update from the international Working Group on Physiology?

Regarding potential speakers on pelvic floor ultrasound, the Southampton group and Andy Williams research fellow – Alison Hainsworth were mentioned.

Other suggestions were Caroline Vaizey – Standardisation of nomenclature which had been delivered for ESCP, pain management, a holistic approach to IBS/pelvic floor, and the use of social media in pelvic floor problems. The last suggestion was associated with the name Gerard Green, a university lecturer in Birmingham.

Charlie Knowles suggested that a revised protocol for Delivar could be discussed.

Finally a keynote speech by a retired/retiring expert could be given e.g. some form of historical perspective on pelvic floor surgery. Ian Lindsey suggested Neil Mortenson.

Action – can members contact Ian Lindsey with ideas. Karen Telford to secure Manchester Thistle hotel for new dates and to advise Webmaster for update on TPFS website and change deadline for abstracts.

Edinburgh 2016

The involvement of TPFS at ACP annual meeting in Edinburgh next year was discussed. Ken Campbell had forwarded via Mark Mercer-Jones, the proposed program for this event (attached Doc 2). This had been devised by Bob Steele. TPFS is scheduled to contribute 2 hours in the morning and 3 hours in the afternoon. A medicolegal section covers a large part of the afternoon.

Ian Lindsey and others voiced their concern over the numbers of meetings TPFS was contributing towards.

It was agreed that 3 UK meetings per annum was too many.

We shall contribute towards the annual ACP meeting and towards our own annual meeting which shall rotate around the regions – North/South/Midlands ? Scotland/Wales.

Action – can members again contact Ian Lindsey with suggestions. In particular Tony Dixon to forward the name of the lawyer who delivered talk in Bristol earlier this year.

Mark Mercer-Jones will contact Bob Steele to confirm our attendance.


We agreed that we should contact UKCS and suggest combining our annual meetings in 2017 and 2018.

The 2017 meeting will be in Newcastle and 2018 meeting in Birmingham. Perhaps what we need is a summit meeting with leaders of all the different societies devoted to some aspect of pelvic floor medicine/surgery.

Action – Tony Dixon will contact his counterpart in UKCS


Andy Williams informed us that we have 18k in our account.

Discussion took place around sponsors for TPFS Manchester meeting. Karen Telford mentioned that there was space for 15 stalls for sponsors. She will sell these spaces and all money to be forwarded to Andy Williams.

Andy Williams and Mark Mercer-Jones told the Exec that prospectus emails had been sent to interested companies and that some had contacted Andy Williams. However, a standard covering letter had not been included (MMJ’s omission). Formal letters, with this letter, and the prospectus would be worked on between Mark Mercer-Jones, Andy Williams and Ruth Hodgkinson.

Action– Andy Williams and Mark Mercer-Jones to meet with Ruth.


Karen Telford informed us that we had 137 members. She had forwarded a spreadsheet (attached Doc 3).


Tony Dixon was congratulated on the website. The Exec discussed who could access what on the website. In particular the notion that anyone could access the Exec minutes was worrying. Either an abridged version could be on there and access to full minutes restricted to members only.

The Exec asked who was leading on the website. Tony Dixon said that at the moment it was himself. Moving forward, Jon Randall could take this over with help from Tony.

Regarding content on the website, the systematic review (Charlie Knowles), curriculum (Jon Randall/Tony Dixon), and videos could be suitable. Andy Williams asked about formatting for uploading videos, powerpoint slides etc.

Action – TD to discuss with Jon regarding becoming the webmaster. Andy Williams to submit powerpoint US training programme to TD for uploading to website


Charlie Knowles informed us that he has now given up with Dendrite. Their database was antiquated and really did not work. TPFS has not paid Dendrite for work to date.

Moving forwards – what do we actually require? Surgical registry and basic surgical procedures database for each surgeon?

Charlie will screenshot what he and Kath Gill came up with regarding minimum dataset and send to the Exec.

Regarding designing a further database TPFS Exec should consider contacting Kath Gills partner and get a quote.

Action–CK to forward to Exec members minimum dataset he has.

TD & CK to discuss with Kath Gill regarding a quote on new database. TD to discuss with Formedia re costs for a password protected individual members database

6)Quality & Assurance, Governance

Mark Chapman informed us that he had held a multidisciplinary Q&A meeting. He will forward the Exec the minutes from this meeting when they are ready. He suggested that we copy/follow what BSUG are doing regarding governance. Before TPFS standard set we need to understand how many organizations in Europe are involved in standard setting around pelvic floor medicine.

TPFS resources document produced for ACP, was being collated by Steve Brown. This document in a nutshell defined what a pelvic floor surgeon is. In summary this is around having access to an MDM. Three tiers – units with access to MDM, those without, and units that have put themselves forwards to deal with complications etc.

All agreed that to make us future proof we need MDM’s and outcome data.

Quality standards regarding the treatment of constipation are lacking. Once the results of WP4 (Charlie Knowles) are known then we should approach NICE to discuss a standard and statements. Then a commissioning guide could be developed.

Action – Mark Chapman to forward minutes to the Exec


Andy Clarke discussed core curriculum which is on the website. Training courses etc are to be updated on the website. Regarding future courses, the Exec decided that if we badge the course we can pay for it. Ken Campbell gave the group feedback on his pelvic floor course in Dundee which has been very well received (attached Doc 4). Andy Clarke had been invited but was unable to go.

Regarding PBAs, there was some concern over who was signing these off before trainees used them at consultant interviews. The Exec felt that as long as they had been signed off by a credible trainer and member of TPFS, then all was well.

Mark Mercer-Jones and Andy Williams discussed the recent LVMR training day that took place in Gateshead. sponsored by Covidien (Medtronic). It has been proposed that 2 centers initially will run LVMR courses (Guy’s and Gateshead). The operation must be standardized. Andy Clarke has a 3 stage modular training for LVMR that he will share with them. Tony Dixon stated that we must invite other companies (e.g. J&J, Cooke, PFM) in to sponsor these courses and they should not omit the use of synthetic mesh or surgeons associated with synthetics. Mark Mercer-Jones and Andy Williams subsequently met Ruth Hodgkinson (Covidien) to debrief following the recent Gateshead course. Further information will be disseminated when available.

Action – Andy Clarke to update website and forward 3 stage training re:LVMR to Mark Mercer-Jones. Andy Williams and Mark Mercer-Jones are to formalize immersion/mentoring courses for LVMR after discussion.

8) AOB

Jane Dixon has been charged with getting her committee together and get clinicians involved.

Date and time of next meeting – Manchester, Nov 5th & 6th, .