UNABU disability inclusion scorecard steps
- Preliminary Meetings with Local leaders, gender and GBV stakeholders, and community members explain what is disability inclusion score card for disabled women and its objectives through regularly public community meetings organized in villages – by Community mobilizers supported by UNABU representatives
- Introductorymeeting with disabled womenself-help groups to explain what is disability inclusion score card, how it works and choosing the service domain, brainstorming issues that affect mostly disabled women.
-Explain what is disability inclusion score card for disabled women
-Disabled womenchoose the service domain of scoring and discuss general service delivery issuesin their self-help groups
- Meeting with disabled women self-help groups members to develop the indicators from the issues described ahead
-Explore deeply the disabled women issues described from the last meeting
-They categories issues to form one long list.
-Rank issues and select the most important 3-4 issues.
-Introduce concept of indicators, by asking ‘What would it be like if the situation had improved?’
-Develop 2-3 indicators for each issue.
-Tidy up indicators to make them as clear and measurable as possible.
-Indicators used to select inputs to track.
-Construct disability inclusion Scorecard matrix using the indicators.
- Stakeholders Meeting to validate indicators and Self- assessment
-Meet with targeted Stakeholders to discuss their ‘supply-side’ issues/constraints in relation to the selected service area.
-They generate indicators from the issues
-Indicators are used to construct stakeholders’ disability inclusion score card and also provide their scores on the service chosen by disabled women.
- Disabled women and Stakeholders interface meeting
-Disabled womenscores, issues and recommendations are presented and discussed.
-Disabled women self-help group members share points of interest/ particular concerns from their scorecards and discussions.
-Stakeholders present their scores and issues.
-Facilitated dialogue and discussion of issues from both sides.
-Action planning to agree realistic actions that can be taken to address identified issues.
-After the meeting, community mobilizers produce short report summarising process and results.
- Follow-up and monitoring of the Joint Action Plan established during the interface meeting
-Ongoing monitoring of progress related to the action plan established during the interface meeting
-Periodic feedback to disabled womenon the achievements made from the action plan
- Meeting with disabled women to evaluate the progress versus the action plan established during the interface meeting and the second scoring
-Self-help group members discuss progress made on the action plan agreed during the interface meeting
-Disabled women and stakeholders meet to discuss action plan progress and disabled women every 3 months
-Issues for follow-up Interface between disabled women and stakeholders discussed and captured.
-Action plan is revised to reflect progress and any newly agree action should be added
-Self-help group members meet to evaluate the process and perception of their influence
-Afterwards mobilizers produce short follow up report.
- Institutionalisation
-Prepare the reports on the disability inclusion scorecard achievements and those reports should be submitted to gender and women empowerment stakeholders and local authorities ( Cell, Sector and District )
-Influencing and advocacy at local and national levels using the results gained from the disabled women disability inclusion score card conducted on the ground
-Ensure that the mechanism of disability inclusion score card is replicated by other disability stakeholders and disabled people organizations.