Meeting of the Directors General of the African Public Services
“Adoption and implementation by the PESs of the malabo Declaration”
concerning job creation with a view to accelerating the development and the establishment of the independence of the young.
Cotonou, Benin
November 15 - 17 2012
Interim version dated 08/10/2012
With support from:
On the occasion of the 17th session of the Conference of African Heads of State and Government, held in Malabo, Equatorial Guinea, on June 30 and July 1 2011 on the theme of the “acceleration of the establishment of the independent status of the young with a view to sustainable development” a declaration was adopted entitled “Declaration on job creation designed to accelerate the development and the establishment of the independence of the young”.
This declaration, made seven (7) years after the 2004 Ouagadougou Summit on the promotion of employment and poverty reduction, is a reaffirmation of the commitment of the African States to work tirelessly to combat youth unemployment in Africa and to contribute on a sustainable basis to the inclusion of young people in the world of employment via African development programmes.
In particular, it emphasises a certain number of goals to be achieved, all of which call for a high level of involvement on the part of the public employment services.
It was for this reason that a recommendation was made at the regional Workshop of the Africa Zone of the World Association of Public Employment Service (WAPES) held in Nairobi (Kenya), from April 18 to 20 2012, that a meeting of the Directors General of the African Public Employment be held in the framework of the organisational work undertaken in Cotonou (Benin) aimed at a satisfactory adoption and implementation of the Malabo Declaration by the PESs.
During the course of this meeting, and as an extension of the considerations already raised in Nairobi concerning the organisation of the PES and the services offered to the young, the participants feel duty bound to make significant changes to the issues covered by this Declaration, and the serious challenges facing them if they are to achieve the goals set by the African Union. They would also be called upon to consider the operational strategies to be implemented in respect of national and regional plans and to assess what resources would be needed to meet the requirements.
The objective of the meeting is to streamline exchanges on the responsibilities of the African PESs and to assess the resources needed to tackle the challenges arising from the Commitments of the Heads of State and Government as listed in the Malabo Declaration concerning the creation of jobs to accelerate the development and the establishment of the independence of young people.
Expected outcomes
-An action plan outlining the implementation of the Malabo Declaration by the PESs to be adopted;
-A memorandum on the responsibility of each State and of the Commission of the African Union to be drafted;
-A lobbying document on the need for the African PESs to be backed by the support and development institutions to be adopted.
The meeting is to be organised by the Benin National Employment Agency (Agence Nationale Pour l’Emploi - ANPE) with the support of the Government of the Republic of Benin and the World Association of Public Employment Services (WAPES).
WAPES: World Association of Public Employment Services
AASEP: Association Africaine des Services d’Emploi Publics (African Association of Public Employment Services)
CAU: Commission of the African Union
ILO: International Labour Office – ETD/BP - Dakar
Present at the meeting:
- the Directors General of the African PESs;
- the Directors General of the National Employment Funds and Observatories established outside of the PESs;
- the PES officers responsible for strategic orientations;
- the representatives of the regional institutions (Commission of the AU, the Commissions of the CEDEAO/UEMOA, CEMAC, SADC, COMESA, etc.);
- the representatives of the financial institutions supporting development programmes in Africa (WB, UNDP, ADB, ACBF, BOAD, etc.);
- the representatives of the international organisations and/or specific projects in Africa (WAPES, IOM, ILO, APERP/BIT Project, CEJEDRAO/BIT, etc.);
- the representatives of the Benin organisations responsible for employment.
It is also open to the PESs of other WAPES regions.
Public and private players involved in the employment of the young in Benin will also be invited.
Provisional programme
- Experts’ meeting: informational preparation
In preparation for the assembly, a meeting of experts will be held in Cotonou from November 9 to 12 2012. This meeting of experts will prepare the various documents to be submitted for study by the Directors General. They will be:
-A draft action plan outlining the implementation of the Malabo Declaration by the PESs;
-A draft memorandum on the responsibility of each State and the Commission of the African Union;
-A draft lobbying document on the need for backing for the African PES by the support and development institutions.
The PESs wishing to offer competencies available in their countries should contact the Organisation Committee.
- Meeting of PES Directors General
Opening speech
This will be given at the opening of proceedings by Mrs Reckya MADOUGOU, Beninese Minister for Employment, on the theme: “The Malabo Declaration on the establishment of the independence of the young: directions, issues and opportunities”.
Introductory statements
By way of an introduction to the work, two initial communications will be presented. They will outline the global framework of the question and will tackle for following themes:
-Theme 1: “Conditions necessary for a genuine implementation of the Malabo declaration by the PESs”, by Mr Dramane HAÏDARA, Assistant Director and Employment Specialist with the Dakar ILO ETD/BP.
-Theme 2: “Financing job promotion and the establishment of the independence of young people in Africa: current situation and prospects”, by Oumar DIOP, Commission of the African Union.
-Moderator: Camille MOUTE à BIDIAS, Honorary President of WAPES, Director General of the Cameroon FNE (National Employment Fund).
Working Committees
Three working committees will then be set up, each consisting of representatives of the Public Employment Services, experts and PES partners tasked with studying the draft documents and instruments prepared by the Meeting of Experts and tabled for adoption by the Directors General.
Plenary validation session
The results of the working committees will be tabled at a plenary session during which the various documents will be validated.
- General Meeting of the African Association of Public Employment Services (AASEP)
The General Meeting of the African Association of Public Employment Services (AASEP) will be held at the same time as the work being undertaken by the meeting of the Directors General of the African Public Employment Services on Wednesday November 14 2012.
With this in mind, all members are invited to attend by the AASEP President with a note establishing the agenda.
For all information on the AASEP General Meeting, please contact the AASEP General Secretariat at the following address:
AASEP General Secretariat
Avenue Moussa Travélé, Quartier du Fleuve, PO Box 211
Bamako, Mali
Tel: +22320 232 624
Programme / Tuesday November 13 2012Whole day / Reception of arrivals and establishment in Cotonou
Programme / Wednesday November 14 2012
Whole day / Reception of arrivals and installation
8.30 to 9.00 am / AASEP members welcome
9.00 to 9.30 am / General Meeting of the African Association of Public Employment Services (AASEP)
-Official opening
9.30 t0 10.30 am / -Cocktail
10.30 to 12.30 / -Start work
12.30 to 2.00 pm / Lunch
2.00 to 5.00 pm / -Work continues.
-Work closes
7.30 pm / -Dinner provided by AASEP
The detailed programme of the General Meeting will be communicated to PES members by the AASEP Secretariat.
Programme / Thursday November 15 20127.30 to 9.00 am / Accreditation – Collection of participation kits - Installation of participants
9.00 to 9.30 am / Arrival and installation of guests and officials
9.30 to 11.00 am / Official Opening Ceremony Chaired by His Excellency the Prime Minister
Mr Didier Djeigo, Director General of ANPE-Benin (5’)
Mr André Nyanga Elenga, President of AASEP (5’)
Mrs Angeles Bermudez-Svankvist, President of WAPES (10’)
Representative of the Commission of the African Union (10)’
Opening lecture by Mrs Reckya Madougou, Beninese Minister for Employment: “The Malabo Declaration on the establishment of the independence of the young - directions, issues and opportunities”
Mr Pascal Irenée Koupaki,Prime Minister of Benin, Representative of the Head of State, President of the African Union
11.00 to 11.30 am / Coffee break
11.30 to 12.30 pm / - Examination and adoption of the agenda
- Establishment of the Praesidium
- General information
12.30 to 2.00 pm / Lunch
2.00 to 3.00 pm / Plenary session No. 1
Introductory speeches
Theme No. 1: “Conditions required for a genuine implementation of the Malabo declaration by the PESs” by MrDramane HAÏDARA, Assistant Director and Employment Specialist with the ILO ETD/BP Dakar.
Theme No. 2: “Financing the promotion of employment and the establishment of the independence of young people in Africa: current situation and prospects” by Oumar DIOP, Commission of the African Union.
3.00 to 3.30 pm / Division into 3 working committees:
Committee No. 1: “Study of the draft action plan outlining the implementation by the PES of the Malabo Declaration”
Committee No. 2:“Study of the memorandum on the responsibility of each State and of the Commission of the African Union”
Committee No. 3: “Study of the lobbying document regarding the need for backing by the support and develop institutions for the African PESs”.
3.30 to 4.30 pm / Committee work
4.30 to 4.45 pm / Coffee break
4.45 to 5.30 pm / Committee work continues
7.30 pm / Official dinner courtesy of the Minister in Charge of Microfinance, Youth and Women’s Employment
Programme / Friday November 16 2012
8.00 to 9.00 am / Arrival and installation
9.00 t0 10.30 am / Committee work continues
10.30 to 11.00 am / Coffee break
11.00 to 12.30 pm / Plenary session No. 2: Presentation of workshop results
12.30 t0 2.00 pm / Lunch
2.00 to 3.00 pm / Plenary session No. 2: Presentation of workshop results (continues)
4.00 to 4.30 pm / Coffee break
4.30 to 5.30 pm / Plenary session No. 3: Adoption of reports and resolutions
Closing ceremony
7.30 pm / Official dinner courtesy of WAPES
Programme / Saturday November 17 2012
8.00 to 8.30 am / Reception of participants
8.30 to 9.00 am / Departure for study visits in the field
9.00 to 10.00 am / Study visits
10.00 to 10.30 am / Departure of a delegation for the Presidency of the Republic
11.00 am to 1.00 pm / Tabling of the events concerned with the Meeting with the Head of State, Incumbent President of the African Union
1.00 to 2.00 pm / Lunch (unscheduled)
2.00 to 5.00 pm / Tourist visits – unrestricted
Departure of the first delegations
Working languages
Simultaneous French/English and English/French interpretation
Dates and venue
Dates / The workshop will take place between September 15 and 17 2012Venue / Benin Marina Hotel (ex-SHERATON)
Boulevard de la Marina
Tel: + 229 21 30 01 00
Fax: + 229 21 30 83 25
Delegates responsible for their own accommodation should choose a hotel from the following:
1- Benin Marina Hotel (ex- SHERATON) ****
Meeting venue. Located 800 m from the airport
Single room: 75,000 FCFA(*) ie $150 app.
Boulevard de la Marina
Tel: + 229 21 30 01 00
Fax: + 229 21 30 83 25
2- AZALAI Hôtel du Lac ****
Located in the city centre some 4 km (10 mins) from the airport.
Single room: 69,000 FCFA(*) ie $138 app.
Breakfast and tax included
Tel: +229 21 31 72 00
3- Hotel Novotel Orisha ***
Located 1 kilometre from the Benin Marina Hotel
Single room: 95,000 FCFA ie $ 190 app.
Breakfast: 8,500 FCFA
- Hotel IBIS Cotonou **
Located 1 kilometre from the Benin Marina Hotel
Single room: 59,500 FCFA ie $119 app.
Breakfast and tax included
(*) Special negotiated rates applicable only through the Organisation Committee.
Airport – Hotel transportation
On both arrival and departure shuttles are available. Should difficulties occur, speak to the airport reception team.
Participation charges
Participation in the event is free, but prior registration is required, as is compliance with the accreditation formalities.
Accreditation means participants are provided with a participation kit, are allowed to take part in all plenary sessions, committee works, coffee breaks, lunches and official dinners.
- PES delegates
Travel (international transportation) and accommodation expenses for PES Directors General are to be borne in full by the organisation with the support of the Government of Benin.
Conditions for free attendance, however, are shown in attachment No. 1.
All other expenses not included in the programme are to be borne by the participants, together with all extra expenses associated with the event.
- Other participants
International travel expenses will be borne by each participant or his/her institution of origin.
Accommodation for other participants may be supported on the basis of an application made by their institutions to the Organisation Committee.
To enjoy the rates allowed by the hotel, you should book by means of this link. You will receive confirmation of the reservation of your room.
We would be very grateful if you would book before October 24 2012.
Should any problems occur, contact us on or
To enter Benin participants must hold a valid passport and a visa. The visa requirement is waived in the case of certain nationalities. For more precise information, participants are invited to contact the Organisation Committee or Benin Embassies and Consulates General.
The health services will require each participant to produce a vaccination card on entering Benin showing that he/she has been vaccinated against yellow fever.
Organisation CommitteeNational Employment Agency / Assistance
Registration and Accreditation
Tel: +229 90 92 49 59 / WAPES
Christine MALECKA
Regional councillor
Tel: + 32 2235 72 52
Tel: +229 97 47 35 00 / AASEP
General Secretariat of AASEP
Attachment 1:
Special conditions for free attendance
In order to facilitate the participation of the African Public Employment Services in the Meeting, the National Employment (Agence Nationale Pour l’Emploi - ANPE-Benin) with the support of the Government of Benin, has set up a complete free attendance system for the Directors General of the Benin Public Employment Services under the following conditions.
Who is permitted to be beneficiary?:
-Only Public Employment Service Directors General who have been officially registered to take part personally in the meeting, to the exclusion of all other officials;
-The application should be lodged at the time when the on-line registration form is completed;
-Registration should be made at the latest by October 24 2012.
Beneficiaries – rules and regulations
International transportation
-International transportation is in economy class
-Tickets are issued in Cotonou
-Once air tickets have been issued they can neither be changed nor refunded
-If a beneficiary fails to attend the meeting, he or she shall undertake to repay the organisation.
Each beneficiary is given accommodation for three (3) or four (4) nights in the hotel as a maximum (14, 15, 16 up to 17) depending on the flight plan. Bar expenses and any other extra costs are to be borne entirely by the beneficiary.
Restaurant service
All accredited participants are welcome to all joint meals organised by the Organisation Committee.