Settlements & Billing / Version: 5.25.3
Configuration Guide for: Intermittent Resources Net Deviation Settlement / Date: 1/22/145/293/14/14

Settlements & Billing

BPM Configuration Guide: Intermittent Resources Net Deviation Settlement

CC 711

Version 5.25.3

ÓCAISO 2014 / Page 2 of 12
Settlements & Billing / Version: 5.25.3
Configuration Guide for: Intermittent Resources Net Deviation Settlement / Date: 1/22/145/293/14/14

Table of Contents

1. Purpose of Document 3

2. Introduction 3

2.1 Background 3

2.2 Description 3

3. Charge Code Requirements 4

3.1 Business Rules 4

3.2 Predecessor Charge Codes 4

3.3 Successor Charge Codes 5

3.4 Input –External Systems 5

3.5 Inputs – Predecessor Charge Codes or Pre-calculations 5

3.6 CAISO Formula 6

3.7 Outputs 9

4. Charge Code Effective Dates 11

ÓCAISO 2014 / Page 2 of 12
Settlements & Billing / Version: 5.25.3
Configuration Guide for: Intermittent Resources Net Deviation Settlement / Date: 1/22/145/293/14/14

1.  Purpose of Document

The purpose of this document is to capture the requirements and design specification for a SaMC Charge Code in one document.

2.  Introduction

2.1  Background

The Participating Intermittent Resource Program (PIRP) protective measures give certified PIRP resources utilizing older technology a three-year transition period for preparing for and adapting to the functionality of FERC Order 764. The transition period for these resources will run three years from the implementation of the market design changes for FERC Order 764, or until a new bilateral agreement for power purchases is executed for the resource, whichever comes first. If a resource is certified as a PIRP resource and qualifies for the protective measures after the three-year transition period starts to run, the resource will be subject to the protective measures for the remainder of the transition period or until a new bilateral agreement for power purchases is executed, whichever comes first.

The Participating Intermittent Resources will be charged/paid daily in Charge Code 6460 (FMM Instructed Imbalance Energy), Charge Code 6470 (Real Time Instructed Imbalance Energy), Charge Code 6475 (Real-Time Uninstructed Imbalance Energy Settlement) and Charge Code 6486 (Real Time Excess Cost for Instructed Energy Allocation). The prior mentioned settlement amounts will be reversed at the end of the month in Charge Code 722 (PIR Net Deviation Reversal Settlement Amount) for all Business Associates with Net Negative Uninstructed Deviations in the corresponding Trading Month. Then, the PIRP resources will be re-settled in Charge Code 711 (Intermittent Resources Net Deviation Settlement) based on the monthly net uninstructed imbalance energy (UIE) and the weighted-average RTD price over The Trading Month. Net amounts from the sum of the reversal amounts in CC 722 and the resettled amounts in CC 711 is then allocated to net negative deviators for the Trading Month under CC 721 (PIRP Net Deviation Allocation).

2.2  Description

CC 711 implements the resettlement of IIE and UIE of resources qualified under PIRP Protective Measures, following the business rules provided in the next section.

3.  Charge Code Requirements

3.1  Business Rules

Bus Req ID / Business Rule /
1.0 / Qualified resources under PIRP Protective Measures shall have their IIE and UIE for the month, resettled at the end of each Trading Month.
2.0 / The hourly IIE of a resource under PIRP Protective Measures shall be its hourly schedule excluding any Day-ahead schedule. The hourly schedule is provided as a 90-minute-in-advance hourly forecast.
2.1 / This hourly IIE shall be settled at the simple average of the five-minute (RTD) locational marginal prices.
2.2 / This hourly IIE resettlement amounts shall be accumulated at the end of the Trading Month to come up with the monthly value.
3.0 / Deviations between the resource’s actual energy output and the hourly schedule will be netted over each month. This quantity represents the monthly UIE of the resource.
3.1 / The monthly UIE will be settled at the weighted average of five-minute (RTD) locational marginal prices over the month, with weights based on the actual energy output (metered output) of the resource every five-minute over the month.
3.2 / The monthly UIE quantity is also known as the Monthly PIR Net Deviation Quantity, and is calculated daily but settled as a Monthly amount.
4.0 / For adjustments to the Charge Code that cannot be accomplished by correction of upstream data inputs or operator over-ride, Pass Through Bill Charge logic will apply.

3.2  Predecessor Charge Codes

Charge Code/ Pre-calc Name /
Real Time Energy Quantity Pre-calculation
MSS Netting Pre-Calculation

3.3  Successor Charge Codes

Charge Code/ Pre-calc Name /
CC 721 – Intermittent Resources Net Deviation Allocation

3.4  Input –External Systems

Row # / Variable Name / Description
1 / PIRProtectiveMeasuresFlag Brtmd / PIR Protective Measures Flag for PIRP Resource r.
‘Y’ (or a value of 1) identifies a PIR unit has applied for and grant PIR Protective Measure Treatment and receive separate Settlement calculation of FMM IIE, RTD IIE and UIE.
2 / PIRProtectiveMeasureHourlyForecastQuantity Brtmdh / Hourly forecast for a unit under PIR Protective Measures, with the quantity provided at 90-minute ahead of the Trading Hour. (MWh)
3 / PTBChargeAdjustmentPIRNetDeviationSettlementAmount BJm / PTB Charge Adjustment for PIR Net Deviation Settlement Amount.

3.5  Inputs – Predecessor Charge Codes or Pre-calculations

Row # / Variable Name / Predecessor Charge Code/
Pre-calc Configuration /
1 / BAResDispatchIntervalMeteredGenerationQuantity BrtuT’I’Q’M’AA’R’pPW’Qd’Nz’VvHn’L’mdhcif / MSS Netting Pre-calculation
1 / BASettlementIntervalResCAISOMeteredGenerationQuantity BrtuT’I’Q’M’AA’R’pPW’Qd’Nz’VvHn’L’mdhcif / MSS Netting Prec calculation
2 / SettlementIntervalRealTimeLMP BrtuM’mdhcif / Real Time Price
Resource-Specific Settlement Real Time LMP
3 / HourlyDASchedule Brtmdh / CC 6011 Day Ahead Energy, Congestion, Loss Settlement

3.6  CAISO Formula

3.6.1  BAMonthlyResourcePIRNetDeviationSettlementAmount Brtm =

BAMonthlyResourcePIRProtectiveMeasuresUIEAmount Brtm + BAMonthlyResourcePIRProtectiveMeasuresIIEAmount Brtm

3.6.2  Where

BAMonthlyResourcePIRProtectiveMeasuresUIEAmount Brtm = (-1) * BAMonthlyPIRNetDeviationQuantity Brtm * PIRPSettlementPrice Brtm

3.6.3  Where

BAMonthlyPIRNetDeviationQuantity Brtm = BADailyPIRNetDeviationQuantity Brtmd

3.6.4  Where

BADailyPIRNetDeviationQuantity Brtmd = BAHourlyResourcePIRNetDeviationQuantity Brtmdh

3.6.5  Where

PIRPSettlementPrice Brtm =

(PIREligibleSettlementIntervalMeteredGenerationAmount Brtmdhcif / BAMonthlyPIREligibleMeteredGenerationQuantity Brtm)

3.6.6  Where

PIREligibleSettlementIntervalMeteredGenerationAmount Brtmdhcif = (PIREligibleSettlementIntervalMeteredGenerationQuantity Brtmdhcif * SettlementIntervalRealTimeLMP BrtuM’mdhcif)

3.6.7  Where

BAMonthlyPIREligibleMeteredGenerationQuantity Brtm = PIREligibleSettlementIntervalMeteredGenerationQuantity Brtmdhcif

3.6.8  Where

Balancing Authority Area (Q’) = ‘CISO’

IF PIRProtectiveMeasuresFlag Brtmd = 1


PIREligibleSettlementIntervalMeteredGenerationQuantity Brtmdhcif =

BASettlementIntervalResCAISOMeteredGenerationQuantity BrtuT’I’Q’M’AA’R’pPW’Qd’Nz’VvHn’L’mdhcif

BAResDispatchIntervalMeteredGenerationQuantity BrtuT’I’Q’M’AA’R’pPW’Qd’Nz’VvHn’L’mdhcif


PIREligibleSettlementIntervalMeteredGenerationQuantity Brtmdhcif = 0


3.6.9  Where

BAHourlyResourcePIRNetDeviationQuantity Brtmdh =

(PIREligibleSettlementIntervalMeteredGenerationQuantity Brtmdhcif ) - PIRProtectiveMeasureHourlyForecastQuantity Brtmdh

3.6.10  Where

BAMonthlyResourcePIRProtectiveMeasuresIIEAmount Brtm =

BAHourlyResourcePIRProtectiveMeasuresIIEAmount Brtmdh

3.6.11  Where

BAHourlyResourcePIRProtectiveMeasuresIIEAmount Brtmdh =

((-1) * PIRProtectiveMeasuresHourlyIIEQuantity Brtmdh * PIRHourlyAverageRealTimeLMP Brtmdh )

3.6.12  Where

IF PIRProtectiveMeasuresFlag Brtmd = 1


PIRProtectiveMeasuresHourlyIIEQuantity Brtmdh =

PIRProtectiveMeasureHourlyForecastQuantity Brtmdh - HourlyDASchedule Brtmdh


PIRProtectiveMeasuresHourlyIIEQuantity Brtmdh = 0


3.6.13  Where

(IF PIRProtectiveMeasuresFlag Brtmd = 1


PIRHourlyAverageRealTimeLMP Brtmdh =

Interval Average for hour h of (SettlementIntervalRealTimeLMP BrtuM’mdhcif)


PIRHourlyAverageRealTimeLMP Brtmdh = 0


3.6.14  CAISOTotalPIRNetDeviationSettlementAmount m = BAMonthlyPIRNetDeviationSettlementAmount Bm

Note: This charge type is part of reporting hierarchy and is not configured separately.

3.6.15  Where BAMonthlyPIRNetDeviationSettlementAmount Bm = BAMonthlyResourcePIRNetDeviationSettlementAmount Brtm

Note: This charge type is part of reporting hierarchy and is not configured separately.

3.7  Outputs

Output ID / Name / Description /
- / All Inputs are also outputs
1 / BAMonthlyResourcePIRNetDeviationSettlementAmount Brtm / PIR Net Deviation Settlement Amount This is the combined IIE and UIE settlement for a resource under PIRP protective measures.
2 / BAMonthlyResourcePIRProtectiveMeasuresUIEAmount Brtm / The UIE component of the monthly settlement for a resource under PIRP protective measures.
3 / BAMonthlyPIRNetDeviationQuantity Brtm / Monthly PIR Net Deviation Quantity, or UIE MWh for a resource under PIRP protective measures. (MWh)
4 / BADailyPIRNetDeviationQuantity Brtmd / Daily PIR Net Deviation Quantity, or UIE MWh for a resource under PIRP protective measures. (MWh)
5 / PIRPSettlementPrice Brtm / Monthly PIR Price by Business Associate per Resource r for Trading Month m.
6 / PIREligibleSettlementIntervalMeteredGenerationAmount Brtmdhcif / The PIR Eligible Metered Generation Amount a resource under PIRP protective measures.
7 / BAMonthlyPIREligibleMeteredGenerationQuantity Brtm / The Total PIR Eligible Metered Generation Quantity for Business Associate B, resource r, resource type t, for Trade Month m.
8 / PIREligibleSettlementIntervalMeteredGenerationQuantity Brtmdhcif / The PIR Eligible Metered Generation Quantity for a resource under PIRP protective measures.
9 / BAHourlyResourcePIRNetDeviationQuantity Brtmdh / Hourly PIR Net Deviation Quantity, or UIE MWh for a resource under PIRP protective measures. (MWh)
10 / BAMonthlyResourcePIRProtectiveMeasuresIIEAmount Brtm / The IIE component of the monthly settlement for a resource under PIRP protective measures.
11 / BAHourlyResourcePIRProtectiveMeasuresIIEAmount Brtm / The hourly assessment of IIE for a resource under PIRP protective measures.
12 / PIRProtectiveMeasuresHourlyIIEQuantity Brtmdh / The hourly difference between 90-minute-ahead forecast to DA Schedule for a resource under PIRP protective measures.
13 / PIRHourlyAverageRealTimeLMP Brtmdh / The hourly simple average of RTD LMP relevant for a resource under PIRP protective measures.
14 / BAMonthlyPIRNetDeviationSettlementAmount Bm / PIR Net Deviation Settlement Amount ($) for a given Business Associate and Trading Month.
This charge type is part of reporting hierarchy and is not configured separately.
15 / CAISOTotalPIRNetDeviationSettlementAmount m / CAISO PIR Net Deviation Settlement Amount ($) for a given Trading Month.
This charge type is part of reporting hierarchy and is not configured separately.

4.  Charge Code Effective Dates

Charge Code/
Pre-calc Name / Document
Version / Effective Start Date / Effective End Date / Version Update Type /
CC 711 – Intermittent Resources Net Deviation Settlement / 5.0 / 04/01/09 / 3/31/2009 / Documentation Edits Only
CC 711 – Intermittent Resources Net Deviation Settlement / 5.1 / 04/01/09 / 3/31/2009 / Configuration Impacted
CC 711 – Intermittent Resources Net Deviation Settlement / 5.1a / 04/01/09 / 4/30/14 / Documentation Edits Only
CC 711 – Intermittent Resources Net Deviation Settlement / 5.2 / 05/01/14 / Open9/30/14 / Configuration Impacted
CC 711 – Intermittent Resources Net Deviation Settlement / 5.3 / 10/1/14 / Open / Configuration Impacted
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