March 25, 2013
The County Commissioners’ meeting was called to order in their meeting room at 9:00am. All members were present.
Conference call from Lobbyist Jim Potts for a legislative update.
Items discussed were Title I and Title II funding; wolf bill, covered load bill and the transportation package.
Public Works Director Sam Castro discussed RAC funding and the anticipated reduction in those funds. He noted these are funds made available for projects that are based on project priority. The funds do require a match.
K. Skoog reported on the Legislative Steering Committee and the status of bills.
Consent Agenda - Motion was made by K. Skoog to approve the Consent Agenda. Motion was seconded by S. Kiss and passed unanimously. The Consent Agenda includes today’s Agenda, the minutes of the Board’s March 18, 2013 meeting and the following items:
Investment Earnings: $1,997.98
Agreement Between Board of County Commissioners and Teamsters Union, Local 690, Pend Oreille County ITS Department
Counseling Services Agreement Youth Task Force regarding 2013 Silverwood Theme Park
The Board recessed for lunch.
Public Works Update – Present: S. Castro, County Engineer Don Ramsey, Senior Design Construction Engineer George Luft, and Administrative Assistant to the Director Teresa Brooks
S. Castro discussed Title I and Title II. T. Brooks provided an explanation, noting Title I is Payment In Lieu of Taxes (PILT), basically referring to timber tax. The dollar amount has decreased over the years and are split 50/50 between road and schools. Title II is a percentage contribution from Title I. The percentage portion is generally 15% that goes into RAC funds.
Crescent Lake and Eagles Nest enhancement projects were discussed and Board action was requested. Motion was made by S. Kiss to stop these projects. Motion was seconded by K. Skoog and passed unanimously.
S. Castro discussed the following items:
Roads: General HPA Maintenance Agreement that does cover Moon Creek Culvert has been approved; McCloud Creek Road failure mitigated with 4 truckloads of 2” rock; CRAB Reports are due April 1, 2013; Pavement & Compaction Training was offered to our Roads Department; and the WSDOT Illumination meeting will be in Spokane on April 4th.
G. Luft discussed Ibbestson Drive and noted it is under review and will be inspected the first week of April.
Capital Projects: Nearly 20 Capital Projects have been submitted by Public Works.
Solid Waste: Coordinated Prevention Grant (CPG Grant) is due March 29, 2013. The request is for $129,754.00 from Ecology with a $43,251.33 Local Budget Match for the funding cycle of 2013-2015. A Capital Project Request for paving part of the Transfer Station at Deer Valley has been eliminated as funding was approved by Department of Ecology of over $20,000.00. S. Castro discussed litter control and the pursuit of funds for litter control along the county roads, noting that up to $50,000.00 requires no match. He also discussed the increased amount of garbage at Sweet Creek. D. Ramsey stated the Board may consider an ordinance prohibiting the dumping of household waste. The Board directed D. Ramsey to pursue preparation of an ordinance.
Building & Grounds: Discussed were: Repair of the battery back-up for the Hall of Justice; Capital Facilities projects submitted exceed $580,000.00; and notice has been sent terminating the elevator contract.
Prosecutor Tom Metzger provided legal updates and discussed public records, stock restricted areas, and open public meetings.
Public Comment Period – No members of the public were present.
Motion was made by S. Kiss to continue the meeting to March 26, 2013. Motion was seconded by K. Skoog. Motion carried.
March 26, 2013
The Commissioners’ meeting was continued in their meeting room. All members were present.
Elected Officials and Department Heads - Present were: Sheriff Alan Botzheim, Detective Jon Carmen, Data Processing Coordinator Jill Shacklett, ITS Director Chad Goodhue, Counseling Services Director Annabelle Payne, Community Development Director Mike Lithgow, Assessor James McCroskey, Deputy Court Clerk Jennifer Seger, District Court Judge Philip Van De Veer, Juvenile Probation Counselor/Diversion Coordinator Cindy Delay, Assistant Treasurer/Financial Supervisor Lisa Vallieres, County Engineer D. Ramsey, Treasurer Terri Miller, Prosecutor T. Metzger, WSU Extension Interim Director Wendy Leach Drum, Weed Control Sharon Sorby and Human Resources Coordinator Shelly Stafford.
M. Lithgow stated he has received twenty-one or twenty-two Capital Project proposals, noting there is a meeting scheduled next week to review the projects.
K. Skoog discussed the Volunteer Appreciation Day and noted it is being scheduled for June 1st at the County Fairgrounds. She discussed the formation of a steering committee to handle the planning and organizational details.
M. Manus discussed a retreat and tentative dates the end of May or first week of June. He discussed the Board being a facilitator regarding Diamond Lake water level matters, noting a meeting has been scheduled for April 5th. Also discussed was making the County off-road vehicle friendly.
M. Lithgow discussed a Trails meeting held on March 23rd and noted there was good community input.
K. Skoog discussed recent quad-county meetings and provided a legislative update, including a discussion on the wolf bills.
T. Miller provided a legislative update on Treasurer’s bills regarding foreclosure and partial payment of taxes.
M. Manus discussed sequestration regarding Title I and Title II funding. T. Miller discussed - Secure Rural Schools funds, which are Title I, II and III funds.
A. Bozheim introduced Detective Carman who discussed active killer scenarios, statistics and facts seen on a nationwide basis. He provided an overview, introduction, history of active shooter events, changes in law enforcement, rapid deployment, contact and rescue teams, local procedures and conclusions. The US Department of Homeland Security has available for download a brochure on the active shooter and how to respond.
T. Metzger discussed public records. C. Goodhue discussed electronic fund transfers, e-mails, and spam.
Counseling Services Update - Annabelle Payne provided following update: Sequestration impacts and estimated deficit; Legislative issues, availability of psychiatric beds, high risk patients, limited system resources, Designated Mental Health Professional burnout; evidence-based practices, fidelity measures, prohibitive training costs with geographic access and attrition issues, cultural dissonance, staffing and IS capacity limitations.
Health care: The State is implementing a state-supported, privately run New Health Benefit Exchange. The State is seeking applicants to be the Lead Organization. Empire Health Foundation is a member of the Eastern Washington Regional Health Improvement Collaborative (as is Pend Oreille County). Applicants are expected to implement an In-Person Assistant system of navigators effective October 2013. There are concerns the Health Plans are not contacting providers although they are reportedly required to have adequate network coverage.
Developmental Disability: The Division of Developmental Administration has directed that all providers must move to an hourly rate versus tier rate for individual employment services. In the short term, this may be helpful for Counseling’s DD program, but sustainability is questionable for the long term picture. The Advisory Board met on March 25th. Board education and membership were the primary focus of the meeting.
Substance Abuse Funding: Criminal Justice Treatment Act funds in the amount of $42,000 had to be returned due to underutilization. Substance Abuse Prevention Treatment funds have been reduced by $30,000.
WSU Extension Update - Wendy Leach-Drum discussed the following: the search for an Extension Director is on-going; Office Manager Carla Pogson will be attending food preservation specialist training in Pullman; Ag Program Coordinator Carol Mack is providing Master Gardener’s training; and discussed the Food Sense Program which is a nutrition education program for school children. The Food Sense Program is a federally funded program (USDA Food Stamp program and USDA Cooperative State Research Education and Extension Service). Food Sense teaches youth and adults skills and behaviors to eat healthfully and maximize the value of their food dollars and food assistance benefits. In Pend Oreille County, all school children qualify for Food Sense Nutrition Education due to the school percentages for Free and Reduced lunch, which is an indicator of poverty status within the county. The Kalispel Tribe of Indians qualifies as an entire population group due to census data from the Kalispel Reservation.
Also noted were the programs operated within the WSU Extension including the Food Sense Program, Lavender Festival, Leadership Training Master Gardeners, Firewise Outreach, Fuels Reduction Program, Sense of Place Stewardship, River Trail Development, Forest Stewardship, 4-H and Youth, and there is a Federally-recognized tribal extension office at Usk.
The Board recessed for lunch.
Steve Butler, from Butler, Thompson & Lee Tax and Financial Services, presented Long Term Care Insurance regarding LEOFF I. Also present were T. Metzger, S. Stafford. Discussed reimbursement plans and cash benefit plans, policies and rated.
Payroll Change Notices:
District Court
Jennifer Seger, Deputy Court Clerk, Step 1 $2563.14, effective March 25, 2013
Cory Rosen, Unpaid Administrative Leave February 28, 2013 through March 13, 2013
Jan Rice, Weed Specialist III, $22.30/hr., part-time/temporary, effective March 22, 2013
Correspondence Sent
State Department of Fish and Wildlife, Real Estate Serviced-2013 In-Lieu of Real Property Taxes Based on 2012 Ownership
03.11 Rural Resources-Governing Board Meeting Agenda, March 26, Colville; January 29, 2013 Minutes; Central Colville Apartments LP Audit Report by Aiken & Sanders, Inc.
03.12 Aging and Long Term Care of Eastern Washington –Schedule for Community Planning Forums
03.13 R. Koenig, WSU Extension-Support of WSU Extension Program in 2013 budget
03.14 E. O’Neal, SEPA Center of Department of Natural Resources-Addendum To A Mitigated Determination Of Nonsignificance (SEPA File #13-021402)
03.15 B. Thew, Spokane Regional Labor Council AFL-CIO-Request to proclaim April 28,2013 as Workers Memorial Day
As of this date the Board approved for payment the following vouchers as listed and made available by the Auditor's Office:
Salary and Claim
Fund Fund Amount
Current Expense $28,058.01
Counseling Services $ 1,005.28
Fair $ 557.13
Road $ 3,266.52
Auditor’s O&M $ 301.20
Extension Education $ 42.39
Solid Waste $ 1,501.34
Risk Management $ 7,284.96
Equipment R&R $ 8,191.72
IT Services $ 2,228.25
Sheriff’s Trust $ 396.00
TOTAL: $52,833.30
Motion to adjourn was made by S. Kiss. Motion was seconded by M. Manus. Motion carried.
ATTEST: s/______APPROVED: s/ ______Clerk of the Board Chair of the Board
Commissioners’ Minutes, March 25, 2013. Initial _____ Page 4 of 4