Appendix: Electronic supplementary information.

Fig. 1 Daily mean river heights at three gauges on the Mary River, Northern Territory: (A) 98 km upstream; (B) 1 km downstream; (C) 47 km downstream of the Mary River Park bamboo study area. Gaps in the river depth line indicate missing data due to gauge malfunction. Note the concurrent similarities in relative gauge measurements along the Mary River. Data supplied by the Dept. of Natural Resources, Environment and the Arts, Northern Territory.

Table 1 Weighted model-averaged coefficients, and associated standard errors, for

correlates of proportional annual survival of clump basal area in the bamboo Bambusa arnhemica. Note that Year 2001-02 and its interaction with Position have been aliased (i.e. the intercept is for Year 2001-02, with recruitment, previous recruitment, position and density = 0)


Variable Estimate Standard error


Intercept (proportion) 1.114 0.0837

Recruitment (proportion) -0.681 0.1383

Position (m) -0.0011 0.01116

Previous recruitment (proportion) 0.333 0.1493

Year 2002-03 0.270 0.0997

Year 2003-04 0.0775 0.10062

Year 2004-05 0.227 0.1027

Position x Year 2002-03 -0.0142 0.01584

Position x Year 2003-04 0.0330 0.01580

Position x Year 2004-05 0.00134 0.016704

Density (m2 m-2) 0 0


Table 2 Weighted model averaged coefficients, and associated standard errors, for

correlates of proportional annual recruitment of clump basal area in the bamboo Bambusa arnhemica. Note that Year 2001-02 and its interaction with Position have been aliased (i.e. the intercept is for Year 2001-02, with survival, previous recruitment, position and density = 0)


Variable Estimate Standard error


Intercept (proportion) 0.779 0.1054

Survival (proportion) -0.511 0.0893

Position (m) 0.0144 0.01638

Previous recruitment (proportion) 0.0587 0.04601

Year 2002-03 0.122 0.1118

Year 2003-04 -0.336 0.1111

Year 2004-05 0.267 0.1127

Position x Year 2002-03 -0.0220 0.02312

Position x Year 2003-04 0.0702 0.02325

Position x Year 2004-05 -0.0409 0.02376

Density (m2 m-2) -0.0251 0.11076


Table 3 Weighted model averaged coefficients, and associated standard errors, for

correlates of proportional change in the basal area of bamboo Bambusa arnhemica over the course of the study.


Variable Estimate Standard error


Intercept (proportion) -0.905 0.198

Survival in the fire year (proportion) 0.917 0.219

Position (m) 0.045 0.021

Initial basal area (m2) 0.000002 0.000006


Table 4 Weighted model averaged coefficients, and associated standard errors, for correlates of annual survival of culms in bamboo Bambusa arnhemica. Note that Culms recruited prior to 2000-01, Year 2001-02 and the interaction between Culm diameter and Year 2001-02 have been aliased. The value (V) calculated from these coefficients is on the logit scale; the back-transformed value = 1/(1 + 1/(exp(V)))


Variable Estimate Standard error


Intercept (likelihood of survival) -2.617 0.3710

Culm diameter (cm) 0.448 0.0512

Culms recruited 2000-01 1.559 0.1703

Culms recruited 2001-02 3.503 0.2931

Culms recruited 2002-03 4.289 0.5415

Culms recruited 2003-04 3.657 0.5234

Year 2002-03 2.355 0.5127

Year 2003-04 0.912 0.4665

Year 2004-05 0.398 0.4598

Culm diameter x Year 2002-03 -0.181 0.0671

Culm diameter x Year 2003-04 -0.0320 0.06176

Culm diameter x Year 2004-05 -0.0370 0.05993


Table 5 Weighted model averaged coefficients, and associated standard errors, for correlates of survival of bamboo (Bambusa arnhemica) culms in the year of the fire. The value (V) calculated from these coefficients is on the logit scale; the back-transformed value = 1/(1 + 1/(exp(V)))


Variable Estimate Standard error


Intercept -0.313 0.7309

Burn Index -2.481 0.6817

Culm diameter 0.318 0.1035

Burn Index x Culm diameter 0.174 0.0889
