(For Internal Use Only)
Ref. No. ERP(A)/030/2006 Date : 15.02.2006
Sub : Implementation of ERP in OIL – Project `Aarohan’
It is now two and half months since the SAP – ERP system has gone live w.e.f 01/12/05 under Phase- I of Project `Aarohan’. In the meantime, training of around 1550 end users on various modules of the package has also been completed.
On a review of the usage of the package, it has been observed that quite a sizeable numbers of users are carrying out various business transactions through the system. However, there is yet a long way to go for full exploitation of the ERP system. There have been initial teething problems faced by the end users, which are bound to happen in any new ERP implementation project of such magnitude. A help desk manned by the Project core team members of different modules has been, therefore, set-up in the form of a `control room’ to look into all such issues so that the same can be addressed immediately. Most of the initial issues have already been resolved and the system is now on its way to get fully stabilized. There may be, however still some hesitation on part of few of the users to get into the new ERP environment because of the transition from the legacy system which they are familiar with, to a absolutely new ERP system.
Under the circumstances, we would request you to ensure and encourage the users in your department to use the system extensively so that we can achieve our objectives and derive the full benefits from the new system. On our part, our core team members would provide full support and assistance to the end users as and when required. A training server has also been set up for improving the skill and building the confidence of the end users by practicing the various transactions learnt during the training program.
We forward herewith a research article highlighting some of the post `Go live’ problems faced by most of the organizations while implementing anERP system. Few of these scenarios are similar to those faced by endusers in OIL also. The analysis would certainly help the users to understand the situation and overcome the initial difficulties associated with ERP implementation.
We solicit your full support and co-operation to make `Project Aarohan’ successful.
Copy: Chairman & Managing Director, OIL, New Delhi
All Directors, OIL, New Delhi
All GGMs and GMs
Heads of all other spheres