Green Schools – Session Plan

Details about the Session

Title of the Session: Waste & recycling: the 3 R’s
Aims of the Session:
Help the children to understand the different effects of materials we use, different ways of waste management, using the 3 R’s (reduce, reuse and recycle) and how recycling is important to our environment. At the end create a Koi fish out of recyclable materials.
Objectives: Please complete the following
  • Participatein talking about recycling and how it effects the planet
  • Discuss different effects of materials on the environment and what you can do with recycled material
  • Namea range of recyclable objects and materials and the waste management process.
  • Recognisethe difference between items you can and cannot recycle and the benefits of recycling
  • Design decorate a koi fish with recycled materials
  • Contributeyour ideas and present your designed items to the rest of the class.

Age Group you’d like to work with: Please highlight the boxes below to indicate which
Primary / Year 3 – Ages 7/8 / Year 4 – Ages 8/9 / Year 5 – Ages 9/10 / Year 6 – Ages 10/11
Secondary / Year 7 – Ages 11/12 / Year 8 – Ages 12/13 / Year 9 – Ages 13/14 / Year 10 – Ages 14/15
Other: Please give details
How many volunteers will be needed to deliver the session: 2-3
What will you need to host the session?
-Scissors -Projector & computer (for slides)
-Pencils -Paper
-Colouring pencils -Recyclable materials
-Glue -Worksheet printout
Do you have any requirements for the room you will be hosting the session in? Classroom.
How much will your session cost to deliver? You do not need to include travel in this budget
Recyclable materials could be bought from home or supplied by the university - £10 for materials?
/ Liverpool Guild of StudentsCharity Number: 1137398
160 Mount Pleasant, L3 5TRCompany Number: 07324992
+44 (0) 151 794 6868


Session Plan

Timings / Trainer Activity / Pupil Activity / Learning Outcome
How long will the activity take? / What will be happening? / What will the pupils be doing? / What will they have learnt?
5 mins / Section 1:
Introduce yourself & Introduce volunteers
Advantages & disadvantages of materials
  • Social & Environmental impact
  • Waste management
  • Worksheet & Design task
/ To meet and greet all volunteers and students.
Listen and understand the objectives of the lesson and the plan of action for the rest of the lesson. / Who the volunteers are and where they have come from.
What the rest of the session will entail.
15 mins / Section 2:
Waste awareness
Does the world have a waste problem? Get the children involved.
What is recycling? The 3 Rs and management solution / Put hands up and be involved with ideas.
Name sustainable resources, what is recycling?
Ask questions of what we can do to reduce/ fix waster problems.
Learn about the 3 Rs and different management solutions for materials. / Be able to name sustainable resources and understand that there is a waste problem.
Learn about the 3 R’s and what they mean. Combine this with an understanding of the waste management system.
15 mins / Section 3: Tasks
Recycling word search
Complete the recycling worksheet
Go through the answers / Complete word search and go through what the words in the word search mean.
Complete the recycling worksheet and put hands up when going through the answers. / Reiteration of what we have learnt through the completion of the workbook and wordsearch.
20 mins
5 mins / Section 4: Final Task and thank yous
Get the children to make a Koi fish out of recycled materials and discuss with partners why to recycle and how to get people to recycle
Quick Q+A about what they have learnt
Lastly, say thank yous to the children and hope they have had a good time / Make a koi fish out of the recycled materials and discuss about recycling and different ways of recycling within your partner.
Present their koi fishes and help to answer questions in the Q+A session about what they have learnt.
Thank the volunteers and finish session. / Discuss in groups about recycling. Be able to teach and tell friends and family about what you can and cannot recycle and the recycle process.
/ Liverpool Guild of StudentsCharity Number: 1137398
160 Mount Pleasant, L3 5TRCompany Number: 07324992
+44 (0) 151 794 6868