NAPMW Board of Directors Meeting April 11, 2012
General Session Minutes Page 5 of 6
April 11, 2012 Conference Call Meeting
National Board Members Present
Ken Perry, CMI Northwestern Region Parliamentarian for
Nita Cook, GML-CME-CMI Vice President–Northwestern Region
Anna Mackovska Western Region Secretary for
Lyman King, CME-CMI Vice President–Western Region until 2:41 p.m.
Lisa Puckett CME ……………………..…….Vice President-Central Region
Christine Pollard Vice President-Eastern Region
Jeanne Evans, CME .National Treasurer
Katheryn Farrell .National Secretary
Jill Kinsman .National Senior Vice President
Candace Smith, CME-CMI .National President-Elect
Laurie Abshier, GML-CME-CMI .National President
Parliamentarian Present
Hulene Bridgman-Works
Kathryn Hardeman, CME-CMI ……… ….………………..NAPMW Houston
Claire Davis, MML-CMI-CME ……………………………..NAPMW Raleigh Triangle
Lynne Sparks ……………………………..NAPMW Atlanta
Kelly Byers ………………………….….NAPMW Atlanta
Cle Newsom, MML-CME ……………………………..NAPMW Raleigh Triangle
Judy Alderson ……………………………..NAPMW Tulsa Green Country
Lucy Collier, Past National President………………………………..……NAPMW Seattle Puget Sound
A .Quorum Confirmation: Following roll call, a quorum was confirmed by President Abshier
B. Acknowledgement of Guests: President Abshier welcomed all participants and Past National Presidents Hulene Bridgman Works and Lucy Collier.
With notice of the meeting having been duly given, President Abshier called the meeting to order at
2:03 p.m. PDT, April 11, 2012. (All times are Pacific unless otherwise noted).
A. Agenda Approval: Agenda was approved as amended.
B. March 14, 2012 General Session Minutes: The minutes will be filed as presented.
C. Designation of Minutes Review Committee: President Abshier appointed Secretary Katheryn Farrell, National Senior Vice President Jill Kinsman and Northwestern Region Parliamentarian Ken Perry for both sessions.
D. Financial Status: Treasurer Evans reported the Balance Sheet of Assets and Liabilities is $132,363.28. Profit & Loss as of March 31, 2012 with income of $48, 213.62, expenses of $13,309.30 and a net profit of $34,904.32. The income and expenses are skewed by the un- cashed dues checks sent to the region and local treasurers. The amounts are then shown as income which is not accurate.
<ACTION ITEM> President Abshier asked the Vice Presidents to contact the region and local treasurers with name and current address as to where dues checks are to be sent.
Treasurer Evans believes that the locals may be holding the checks until they have additional deposits and may be making deposits only monthly. After 90 days Wells Fargo considers un-cashed checks a “stop pay”, which incurs bank charges. She is considering sending out dues checks quarterly next year to avoid the charges.
1. Audit: Treasurer Evans reported the following: Period Audited: Fiscal Year June 1, 2010 through May 31, 2011
Reviewed by 2011-2012 National Treasurer
· Year End Financial Summary – reviewed Quick Books On-Line Report
· Year End Balance Sheet – reviewed Quick Books On-Line Report
· 2010-2011 Budget – Comparison Report through 03/31/10 reported in National Board Report
· Monthly Treasurers Reports – Posted on NAPMW National Website
· 2010-2011 Bank Statements – Reviewed in office of NAPMW Administrator
· Check Requests, Expense Vouchers, Invoices – Reviewed by 2011-2012 National Treasurer. All were properly approved and paid.
· Deposits – Most deposits are made either on-line through Bill Pay or made by Administrator if received by mail. Deposits made by mail are received into the NAPMW post office box, opened by the Administrator and posted directly into checking account. Copies of deposits received through Pay Pal are maintained by the Administrator, as are copies of all manual deposits.
· 2010-2011 Signature Authority part of NAPMW National Operating Procedures stating who has signing authority on NAPMW accounts.
· Budget Definitions and Guidelines part of the National Operating Procedures.
· Form 990 – 2010 – No copy available from 2009-2010 National Treasurers’ file. CPA required a copy of this report and has requested from the IRS.
· Form 990 – 2011 – CPA has requested additional documents in order to complete this filing and per Hulene Bridgman-Works the CPA has filed an extension. This is an exception item to the audit report.
· A copy of the 2009-2010 audit report was not reviewed.
1) Going from a management company to a self-managed situation does mean that there is more need for some dual control and possibly the need to consider having someone to actually keep our financial books and records. The 2011-2012 Board did approve the use of a CPA to handle the 990 Reports to the IRS but we have found some difficulty putting together all of the information required for someone else to do our reports. If we hired a bookkeeper to review the monthly reports and to handle any IRS reporting, they would have access to all records that might be necessary. It is a recommendation that should be considered as a part of the 2013-2014 fiscal budget.
2) Most of the 2010-2011 finances were handled by the 2010-2011 National Treasurer who also served as our Administrator. For the 2011-2012 term, the Administrator served as the dual control person who reviews and approves Administrative costs and sends on to the National Treasurer for payment. This provides an additional pair of eyes to review payments while protecting the fiduciary responsibility of the Administrative Officer.
3) Budget Definitions and Guidelines have not been updated to match the current budget. As a part of the 2012-2013 process, updated Budget Definitions and Guidelines have been prepared and provided as a part of the 2012-2013 Budget Approval process.
4) Starting in 2010, the office of the Treasurer started using Quick Books On-Line which does not have a report available for an YTD comparison but does provide a Profit & Loss Report and a Balance Sheet Report for our monthly financial reporting. The monthly financial reports are posted on the website for members to review.
5) In reviewing 2010 Records and Bank Statements, it was apparent that the Locals were not making their dues deposits in a timely manner and that often the checks are lost or misplaced. Checks cut through bill-pay generally only have a 90 day window for payment otherwise they are re-deposited back into our business account. This problem has continued during the 2011-2012 term and needs to be addressed so the National Treasurer may more easily balance the bank statement and keep the budget and P & L in order.
Changes & Recommendations
· Hiring a Bookkeeper in addition to our CPA should be considered if we are going to continue to a self-managed organization. Filing a 990EZ report is entirely different than filing our 990 report and making sure we are in compliance. We need to have someone with experience in IRS rules and regulations on-board to keep us compliant as well as answer IRS questions concerning local returns, otherwise we will end up paying more legal fees and fines than a bookkeeper would cost.
· Continue dual control review procedures
· Consider changing the payment of membership dues to a quarterly basis unless checks are deposited within the operating procedure guidelines.
· Require that expense vouchers show in the subject line what is being requested. (We get so many emails and it is easy for payments to be missed. It would help if the subject line showed Expense Request for ______.) Then these could be sorted together and paid more efficiently.
· A copy of the previous year’s internal audit should be made a part of the Association’s Records.
· Wachovia Account should be closed.
· Consider having only 1 business account and making all deposits and payments, including NMLS payments from that account. Using an on-line system like Quick-Books makes having multiple accounts more difficult to balance and track.
2010-2011 Books & Records reviewed by M. Jeanne Evans, 2011-2012 National Treasurer for 2010-2011 National Treasurer, Hulene Bridgman-Works.
A. 2012 National Education Conference: President Abshier reported she had a conversation with Co-Chair Sparks and clarified a few items. The Board will be active participants in the
“6 in 60” Leadership Breakfast Session and the First Timers Orientation. She asked to have those members in the registration booths to invite all members to the First Timers Orientation.
1. Co-Chair Sparks reported they are putting the final touches on the conference. They are meeting with the hotel to check on final numbers and rooms for education. They will meet the last week of April with the hotel. She reminded the Region NVP’s to either bring the projectors or ship to Lynn at her office to cut down on some of the costs. Locals are asked to donate auction items and door prizes.
President Abshier also asked for company items for the registration bags, which items will probably need to be shipped.
If there is not a “war room”, Co-Chairs Sparks and Byers will donate their room.
Administrator Works reported we have 110 registered for the conference; 8 for the optional event; 3 trade show registrations; 35 conference pins; and 6 extra tickets.
Ken Perry said he had three projectors if they are needed.
B. 2013 National Education Conference: Committee Co-Chair Kathryn Hardeman reported they have a signed contract with Westin Hotel. The committee will be meeting next Saturday. They are working on speaker ideas, the budget, sponsors and on their presentation which
They will be making at the Annual Education Conference.
Administrator Works reported she was waiting for a call back from Heidi Grimms, the Westin Hotel contact person regarding the hotel deposit.
C. Choose to lead: Will carry over to 2012-2013 year as an agenda item.
D. 2014 Education Conference: Jill Kinsman she, Debbie Tofte and Lucy Collier have contacted 10 – 15 hotels in the downtown and outlying Seattle area. The number or room nights does not equal the meeting space required for a group our size. The hotels want a commitment of 125 room nights each night. The food and beverage minimums are pretty exorbitant as well, running anywhere from $50,000 to $90,000 for the full event. The Seattle Convention bureau has been very helpful in providing information. This site has been approved to be placed on “The Call” for the 2014 conference. Once approved the next step will be to contact hotels in the vicinity of the airport and Bellevue to see if we can find a location that is financially feasible to celebrate our NAPMW 50th Anniversary.
E. CE Database: Jill Kinsman reported she had completed the year long project which provides information on continuing education for all 50 states. There are links to websites from where the information was gathered. There is also a disclaimer included.
A. Leadership: No update.
B. Bylaws: No update.
C. Nominations: No update. .
D. NMLS: The course expiration dates are on the website. Any questions may be directed to
Liz Roberts Fajardo.
E. NMLS: Committee member Tim Courtney reported the committee met on Monday, March 12, 2012. They are working on adding a couple of new courses.
F. Membership: Chair Timothy Courtney reported the following as of April 3, 2012-
Renewal numbers from June 2011– April 2012
June had 55 expiring memberships with 32 renewals and a loss of 23 members.
July had 80 expiring memberships with 70 renewals and a loss of 10 members.
August had 69 expiring memberships with 42 renewals and a loss of 27 members.
September has 58 expiring memberships with 33 renewals and a loss of 25 members
October has 63 expiring memberships with 40 renewals and a loss of 23 members
November has 42expiring memberships w/ 22 renewals and a loss of 20 members.
December has 34 expiring memberships w/ 21 renewals & a loss of 13 members
January has 48 expiring memberships w/ 22 renewals & a loss of 27 members.
February has 49 expiring memberships w/ 36 renewals & a loss of 18 members.
March has 76 expiring memberships w/ 16 renewals & a loss of 39 members
April has 67 expiring memberships w/9 renewals so far.
Since August 15, 2011 we have added 203 new members.
770 members (June 1, 2011; 780 members (April 4, 2012).
NAPMW Magic Hat contest update: At this time there are 49 names entered into the Hat Contest which ends April 30, 2012.
Works in progress:
●. We are working on a Tri-fold brochure; well let’s call it the Men of NAPWM, which is being reviewed by a marketing person.
● The NAPMW exit survey is being sent out every month to those members not renewing. If you would like to look at all of the survey results please ask Technology Chair Candace Smith for the login and password.
G. Technology: Chair Smith reported she talked with New Scribe, our content manager yesterday and they will be doing two videos that they can load onto the frontend of the website One video will be how to re-create your password. The other video is for the calendar and the local pages so members can learn how to do their own uploads.
President Abshier reported there would be some hands on instruction on how to use the website at the National conference.
H. Education: President Elect Smith reported the committee was working on some additional webinars to finish out the remainder of the year.
I. Extension: - Long Island -Eastern Region NVP Pollard reported a start up conference call is scheduled for Monday April 16th at 5:15 p.m. There are so far 11 folks interested in joining and the response regarding the call has been good. She has formed a team of Eastern Region members to assist with this association start up. The ‘future’ president of this ‘future’ association may be attending the National Education Conference in Atlanta this year.
J. Partners in Progress marketing update: Co-chair Claire Davis reported they have received $5750.00 in sponsorship funds. Freddie Mac may be purchasing registrations as they cannot be a sponsor if there is not a job fair associated with the conference. Co-Chair Heathcote is in contact with Bank of America, who asked how many hits we have posted on the website through March. They are interested in employment opportunities. Sponsors will be listed on the website.
President Abshier reiterated that we need more sponsors, trade show participants and we need at least 20 to sign up for the optional event or it will have to be canceled.