MINUTESof the Meeting of Chobham Parish Council Planning Committee

Parish Pavilion, Station Road, Chobham, Surrey GU24 8AJ

Tuesday 26th April2016at 8.00pm

Committee: Cllrs Mrs Barr,Mrs Beach (Chairman), Bentall, Coombs (Vice-Chairman),Mrs Head,Mrs Mancini,Taylor, Mrs Tedder, Wheeler.

Present:Mrs Beach (Chairman), Bentall, Coombs (Vice-Chairman), Mrs Head, Mrs Mancini, Mrs Tedder,Wheeler

Apologies:Mrs Barr, Taylor


Meeting commenced 8.00pm.

Response Guide:

i.Recommend – No Objection

ii.Recommend – No Objection be made subject to the following

iii.Recommend - Objection be made for the following reason(s)

Welcome to members of the public.

Members of the public present – none.

  1. Declarations of interest. Members are invited to declare any disclosable pecuniary interests or non-pecuniary interest to matters being considered at the meeting.
  1. Planning Applications Received:

16/0362 Longcross North, Chobham Lane, Chertsey KT16 0EE

Removal of condition 32 (requirement to improve junction at A30 London Road/Broomhall Road/Chobham Road) of planning permission RU. 13/0856 Hybrid planning permission for the demolition of existing buildings and redevelopment of the site including mixed uses, accesses, landscaping, infrastructure and utility works.

Deputy Clerk to write a letter of objection to SHBC and Runnymede Borough Council.

16/0346 Twixtholme, Clappers Lane, Chobham, Woking, GU24 8DD

Full Planning Application for the erection of a front porch and single storey rear extension.

CPC Recommendations: i.NO OBJECTION

16/0353 Land to the rear of 31 Windsor Road, Chobham, Woking, GU24 8LA

Full planning permission for the provision of gated access to field and gravel apron.

CPC Recommendations: OBJECTION be made for the following reason(s):

in a greenbelt area, detrimental to the area, not in character with the street scene, proposed gate is 1.5 times the width of the road, different material used- the existing road is in pavies and the proposed area is in tarmac.

16/0169 Grants Cottage, 1, High Street, Chobham, Woking, GU24 8AD

Full Planning application for the erection of out building to be as a gym/studio/garden room, following partial demolition of existing.

CPC Recommendations: i. NO OBJECTION

16/0252 5 Burr Hill Lane, Chobham, Woking, GU24 8QD

Full Planning Application for the erection of a single storey rear extension, following the demolition of the existing rear conservatory.

CPC Recommendations: ii.NO OBJECTIONbe made subject to the following: provided the extension does not exceed 30% of the originalfootprint.

16/0349 56 Little Heath Road, Chobham, Woking, GU24 8RJ

Relaxation/Modification - Variation to Conditions 2 and 4 of planning permission SU14/1103 dated 05/02/2015 so as to allow the installation of kitchen and bathroom facilities above the detached garage.

CPC Recommendations: iii.OBJECTION be made for the following reason(s): The additional dwelling is within the green belt. There are no change of circumstances and therefore no reason to relax variation to conditions 2 and 4 of planning permission application SU14/1103.

3.To consider any planning applications received after the agenda was published: None


Meeting closed at 9:30pm

  • Actions Update
  • Parish Clerk to e-mail Jenny Rickard, Jonathan Partington and Philip Partridge seeking information regarding the agricultural building next to the Kalima Traveller Site. EMAIL SENT, CONFIRMATION OF RECEIPT REC’D FROM SHBC, AWAITING FURTHER REPSONSE.Cllr Mrs Tedder to chase.
  • Deputy Clerk to write a letter of objection to SHBC and Runnymede Borough Council.
  • Deputy Clerk to write to SHBC enforcements re Apple Tree Farm.
  • Deputy Clerk to arrange “All of Us” to make a presentation at the next Planning Meeting on 10th May 2016 at 8.00pm.