Hillington Parish Council
Chair:Jane Hill
Councillors:Jonathan Worsley, Ben Wallace,
Terry Kivlin.
Parish Clerk:Kim Dunford
Tel: 07799363647 e-mail:
16th November 2016
Hillington Parish Councillors are summoned to attend a meeting of The Parish Council to be held in the Dining Room, Ffolkes Arms, Hillington at 7.30pm on Tuesday 22nd November 2016 to transact the following business.
Kim Dunford
1. Apologies for absence and approval of reasons for absence.
2. Declarations of Interest.
2.1 To receive and consider declarations of interest – Members should declare any interests they may
have in any of the items on the agenda. Declarations include the nature of the interest, and whether it
is a personal or prejudicial interest.
2.2 To receive and consider any written requests for dispensation for disclosable interests.
3. Planning Application Consultations: To consider any applications/determinations received.
Application 16/01838/BT Removal of public payphones throughout the Borough. Hillington: Nr.
Ffolkes Arms Lynn Road.
Application16/01870/F Conversion of first floor accommodation to form internal annex to cover both
family use and letting at 12 Wheatfields.
Application 16/01876/F Extension The Dairies, Warren Farm, Lynn Road
To consider any further applications/determinations received
4. Co-Option: To consider request from Mary Kenny, The Old Barn, Lynn Road, Hillingdon to be co-
opted onto Hillington Parish Council to fill a Casual Vacancy.
5. Crime Report based on Police Connect Reports
6. Norfolk County Council: To receive a report from Cllr. John Dobson.
7. Borough Council: To receive a report from Cllr.Tim Tilbrook
8. Confirmation of the Minutes – Copied to all Councillors
To resolve that the minutes of the Meeting of the Council held on 20th September 2016 be signed as a true and accurate record of the meeting.
To resolve that the minutes of the Meeting of the Council held on 24th October 2016 be signed as a true and accurate record of the meeting
9. Matters arising from the Minutes – for information only.
10.Highway Issues:
11.Christmas Party: To finalise plans for 6th December 2016
12. Christmas Quiz 12th December 2016: Update report
13. Meetings 2017: To schedule venue and dates for January and March meetings.
14. Tapping House: Update report
15. Public Forum
The meeting will be adjourned to allow a period, not exceeding 15 minutes, for public participation
16. Post Office: Update Report
17. Finance:
17a) To consider revised budget for 2016/2017 circulated to Councillors on 2nd October 2016
17b) To consider request of payment of grant for churchyard – Details circulated to all Councillors
17c) To note and approve any payments and receipts:
Mazars – Audit: Charge in connection with additional work undertaken as a result of errors in Annual Return £30.00
18. Correspondence: To consider the following correspondence (Circulated to Councillors)
a) BCKLWN – Details of Mayors Civic Awards for voluntary services – Nomination
b) Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal – Receipt for the donation of £22.00
c) BCKLWN: Call for Sites & Policy Suggestions Consultation. Consultation Period 17th October – 28th November 2016.
To consider any correspondence received after the compilation of this agenda