AASHTO’s National Transportation Product Evaluation Program (NTPEP)
Audit Report for Geotextiles
Physical Address:
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(if different from above)
Proprietary Ownership
Company Name:
Physical Address:
Primary Contact
QC Manager:
Plant Manager:
Auditor Contact
DOT Official Contact
Title / Organization:
DOT Official Contact
Title / Organization:
DOT Official Contact
Title / Organization:
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Auditor Name: ______
Audit Report Number: ______

REV 30– 2/11

AASHTO’s National Transportation Product Evaluation Program (NTPEP)
Audit Report

Evaluation Program for Geosynthetic Reinforcement

Summary Report For



The National Transportation Product Evaluation Program (NTPEP) is a program under the sponsorship of the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO). The NTPEP Evaluation Program for facilities producing geotextiles provides a comprehensive review of the production and testing of geotextiles and of the quality management system. The evaluation starts with a desktop review of the facility’s quality manual and concludes with an on-site review of the facility’s processes and their quality management system documentation.

The desktop review and the on-site review were conducted by lead auditor ______. Geosynthetic manufacturer ______was represented by ______(Plant Manager) and ______(Quality Assurance Manager), during the on-site audit which was completed on ______.

The evaluation findings follow. Deviations from program requirements are noted in red.

Summarize audit findings here.

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Auditor Name: ______
Audit Report Number: ______

REV 30– 2/11

AASHTO’s National Transportation Product Evaluation Program (NTPEP)
Audit Report

Table of Contents

Desk Audit Based on Manufacturer QMS Manual and other Documents 6

Section 1: Geotextile Product Line Summary and Production Line Overview 6

Section 2: Product Raw Materials Information 8

Section 3: QMS QC/QA Requirements 9

Section 4: QMS Requirements for Resolution of Non-Conforming Product or Test Results 13

Section 5: QMS Requirements for Manufacturer Testing Facilities and Associated Personnel 14

Section 6: QMS Requirements for Records Retention and Traceability 15

Section 7: QMS Requirements for Internal Audits 16

Section 8: QMS Requirements for Marking, Storage, Shipping, and Handling of Finished Geotextile 16

On-Site Manufacturing Plant Evaluation by Auditor 17

Section 1: Training and Competency Evaluation of Testing Personnel – Audit of Records 17

Section 2: Sample / Yard Inspection and Traceability of Product and Testing Records 20

Section 3: Sample Reports for Raw Materials and Geotextile Testing 24

Section 4: Manufacturing Process Walk-Through 24

Section 5: Geotextile Identification Markings 25

Section 6: Report Signature 25

Appendix A: Audit of QC Testing Procedures and Tester Competency 26

Melt Index (AASHTO M294, ASTM D1238) 26

Carbon BlackContent (ASTM D4218) 28

Mass per Unit Area (ASTM D 5261) 29

Permittivity (ASTM D 4491 – Falling Head Test) 29

Permittivity (ASTM D 4491 – Constant Head Test) 30

Apparent Opening Size (ASTM D 4751) 31

Grab Tensile Properties (ASTM D 4632) 32

Trapezoidal Tear Strength (ASTM D 4533) 33

CBR Puncture Strength (ASTM D 6241) 34

Appendix B: Equipment Calibration 36

Appendix C: Geotextile Sampling Report 37

Appendix D: Sample Manufacturer QC/QA Test Reports 39

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Auditor Name: ______
Audit Report Number: ______

REV 30– 2/11

AASHTO’s National Transportation Product Evaluation Program (NTPEP)
Audit Report

Desk Audit Based on Manufacturer QMS Manual and other Documents

Section 1: Geotextile Product Line Summary and Production Line Overview

Product Line / Product Designation

a)  Manufacturing Plants Used to Produce Product Line:

Does the company own plants at other locations that produce, or help to produce, one or more of the products within the product line under consideration? YES NO

If yes, does each plant have its own unique geotextile marking? YES NO

List other locations:

Auditor Note: Obtain information to identify the production lines used to produce products for the product line under consideration, and describe any differences between production lines that produce products for the same product line as defined in the NTPEP GTX work plan. If more than one production line used to produce a geotextile product (e.g., a different production line may be used to produce the yarn that is used to manufacture the final product), identify each production line used and what part of the product manufacturing process is conducted on each production line.

b)  Production Line Details:

Auditor Note: Auditor may need to supplement information and description provided in manufacturer supplied documents and input with observations from on-site review of manufacturing facility.

Manufacturing Plant / Production Line Identification/Description / Products Manufactured on the Production Line

Section 2: Product Raw Materials Information

YES / NO / N/A
1) Identify raw materials received at the plant to form the products in the product line:
Resin – describe resin used:
Additives – identify type of additives:
Coatings – identify type of coatings:
Fibers – Describe fibers used:
Yarns – identify types:
2) Describe Raw Material Lot definition and Numbering System:
Resin: ______
Additives: ______
Coatings: ______
Fibers: ______
Yarns: ______
3) Are Certificates of Analysis furnished by the raw materials manufacturers for each lot?
Resin: ______
Additives: ______
Fibers: ______
Yarns: ______
4) Is regrind (reworked material) used as a source of resin for the products produced?
If the answer to Question #4 is yes, what % of the product source is regrind? ______
If the answer to Question #4 is yes, how is the quality of the final product maintained with consideration to the possibility that some losses in the raw material properties due to the regrind process could occur? ______
5) Are post-consumer recycled materials used as a resin source for the raw materials used in the final products or to otherwise form the final products?
If the answer to Question #5 is yes, how are these products segregated from the products that meet AASHTO M288 and the NTPEP work plan? ______

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Auditor Name: ______
Audit Report Number: ______

REV 30– 2/11

AASHTO’s National Transportation Product Evaluation Program (NTPEP)
Evaluation of

Audit Report

Section 3: QMS QC/QA Requirements

A) QMS Manual Information and Organizational Policies / YES / NO / N/A
1) QMS Manual Identification:
2) Date of Latest Revision of Approved QMS:
3) Facility has this manual available?
4) Does the QMS cover page contain:
a)  The company name?
b)  The company logo?
c)  The date of latest revision?
5) Does the QMS include a document indicating the line of authority from the quality control testing technicians to the quality control manager?
6) Does the QMS indicate who in the quality organization has authority to reject produced materials or shut down production?
Identify Person: ______
7) Does the QMS include a quality mission statement endorsed by the company’s Chief Executive Officer?
B) Manufacturer QC/QA for Raw Materials / YES / NO / N/A /
1) Does the manufacturer have property specifications for raw materials used in their geotextile products:
d)  For resin?
e)  For fibers?
f)  For Yarns?
g)  For coatings?
h)  Other ______
2) Identify properties used in the manufacturer’s raw materials specifications:
a)  For resin:
a.  Melt index
b.  Carbon black content
c.  Other ______
d.  Are lot specific values for all these properties included in the COA? If not, which ones are not included? ______
b)  For fibers:
a.  Denier
b.  Tenacity
c.  Tensile strength
d.  Molecular weight
e.  CEG
f.  Other ______
g.  Are lot specific values for all these properties included in the COA? If not, which ones are not included? ______
c)  For yarns:
a.  Denier
b.  Tenacity
c.  Tensile strength
d.  Molecular weight
e.  CEG
f.  Other ______
g.  Are lot specific values for all these properties included in the COA? If not, which ones are not included? ______
d)  For coatings:
a.  Brookfield viscosity
b.  Density
c.  Gel temperature
d.  Durometer (Shore A) Initial
e.  Other: ______
f.  Are lot specific values for all these properties included in the COA? If not, which ones are not included? ______
e)  For other raw materials (e.g., additives such as carbon black, antioxidants, coloring, etc.):
a.  Properties used: ______
b.  Are lot specific values for all these properties included in the COA? If not, which ones are not included? ______
3) Do the manufacturer’s raw material specifications meet AASHTO M288 requirements?
4) Manufacturer raw material QC/QA approach used:
a)  Visual check of raw material supplier Certificate of Analysis (COA) in comparison to geosynthetic manufacturer raw material specifications
b)  QC/QA tests conducted by manufacturer or contracted outside lab
5) Do the raw material QC/QA procedures as described in the QMS:
a)  Specify the QC/QA process and procedures for the raw materials?
b)  The timing and frequency of random sampling, and sample size, considering lot size?
c)  Require raw materials QC/QA testing prior to using them in production?
If the answer to 5(c) is no, how is final product identified/traced that contains raw material(s) that did not meet specification requirements, and is this clearly described in the QMS manual?

Auditor Note – Verify that the QMS manual contains the information/requirements identified in the table below.

Summarize the raw materials QC/QA program, including sampling frequency relative to raw materials lot size/definition, sample size, when/where the material is sampled, QC/QA tests conducted on each raw material type, and corrective action taken when the QC/QA tests fail to meet one or more geosynthetic manufacturer raw material(s) property specifications:
a)  When/where sampling of raw materials is conducted:
b)  Raw materials sampling frequency and size:
c)  QC/QA tests conducted on (if not applicable, insert “N/A”):
1)  Resin:
2)  Fibers:
3)  Yarns:
4)  Coatings:
5)  Other raw materials (e.g., additives such as carbon black, antioxidants, coloring, etc.):
d)  Corrective action taken when QC/QA test results don’t meet property specifications:
e)  Other raw materials evaluation activities done by the geosynthetic manufacturer:

Auditor Note – Verify that the QMS manual contains the information/requirements identified in the table below.

C) Quality Control Inspection and Testing (Geotextile Product) / YES / NO / N/A
1) Does the QMS include procedures for the inspection and testing of geotextiles during and at the completion of the production of the geotextile products?
2) Do the procedures in the QMS:
a)  Require visual inspections of the final product?
b)  Specify the QC/QA process and procedures
c)  Describe a method for random sampling?
d)  Describe the timing and frequency of geosynthetic random sampling, and sample size, considering lot size?
e)  Specify the lot numbering system for the geosynthetic products?
Provide the definition of a lot used for the geotextile products:
3) Does the QMS include an example of a quality control test report form?
4) Does the QMS document procedures and measurements used to verify the consistency of the manufacturing process (e.g., processing temperatures, fiber forming processes, etc.) and condition of the manufacturing equipment?
5) Does the QMS describe quality control procedures for the coating used (PET geosynthetics only) and how it is applied to the polyester yarns to form the final product, considering both application rate and quality of the coating?
D) Statistical Analysis of Test Results / YES / NO / N/A
1) Does the QMS include a document describing the statistical process control plan?
2) Does the plan include methods such as control charts to monitor production facility quality control test results to identify trends and make production adjustments as necessary?
E) QC/QA Testing Plan and Procedures
Test Name / Testing Performed by: / Test Interval / No Testing Performed or N/A
In House / Outside lab
Tests for Raw Materials:
- Melt Index (ASTM D1238)
- Carbon black content
- Denier
- Tenacity
- Tensile strength
- Molecular weight
- Carboxyl end group content
- Brookfield viscosity (coatings only)
- Other tests ______
Geosynthetic Tests:
- Mass per Unit Weight (ASTM D 5261)
- Permittivity (ASTM D 4491)
- Apparent Opening Size, AOS (ASTM D 4751)
- Grab Tensile Properties (ASTM D 4632)
- Trapezoid Tearing Strength (ASTM D 4533)
- Puncture Resistance (ASTM D 6241)
- UV Degradation (ASTM D4355)
- Asphalt Retention of Paving Fabrics (ASTM D6140
- Melting Point (ASTM D276)
1Names, addresses, and contact information for outside laboratory facility(ies) used:
Other testing done on production geotextile products that is not lot specific:

Section 4: QMS Requirements for Resolution of Non-Conforming Product or Test Results

YES / NO / N/A
1) Does the QMS include provisions for resolving non-conforming product or test results?
2) Do the provisions require that a test report clearly identify the deficiencies?
3) Do the provisions require that product produced subsequent to the deficiency will be quarantined pending an investigation of the failure?
4) Do the provisions specify how to identify the finished product that is to be quarantined as a result of the non-conforming test result(s), e.g., specific roll numbers?
5) Does the investigation include:
a) Obtaining and testing check samples?
b) If check sample meets requirements, reasons for original failure documented?
c) After reasons are documented, is the quarantined material released?
d) If check sample fails requirements, corrective action taken?
e) Corrective action noted on test report?
f) A second sample taken to verify the deficiency has been corrected?
g) If second sample fails, is the process (a – f) repeated until the deficiency is corrected?
6) Does the QMS require that test reports indicate the action taken to resolve raw material or product failures?

Section 5: QMS Requirements for Manufacturer Testing Facilities and Associated Personnel

A) Quality Control Testing Facilities / YES / NO / N/A
1) Does the QMS include requirements for the quality control testing facilities?
2) Does the QMS require that the quality control testing facility maintain accreditation through GAI-LAP, and is that accreditation current?
3) Do the requirements indicate that:
a) There is a description of how QC responsibilities are covered at all times, including when the QC manager is away from the plant for any reason?