Summarized Strategic Plan for Research Teams Attached to the Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales – Template
Institute: IH
Research Team: Spain and the Vatican in Interwar Europe: A Comparative Perspective (1920-1939)
Team Leader: Cristóbal Robles Muñoz
Keywords:Spain, Europe, the Vatican, Comparative History
RT Definition
Research Line:
1. International relations
2. The projection of Catholics in society and its political institutions
Secondary Research Lines
1. Spain´s international positioning
2. The Vatican and constitutional regimes
3. Catholics, liberalism and social issues
Brief description of scientific objectivesIn the next five years and during 2007-2012, the RT plans: studying the “crisis of democracy” (H. Kelsen) and the rise of social and cultural movements responding to its different dimensions. The Catholic Church was involved in this crisis and the subsequent mobilizations.
We have chosen those countries where the crisis and Catholic intervention were more significant:
-in Portugal, the resumption of relations with the Vatican, the Republic´s crisis and the new corporate state (Estado Novo corporativo);
-in Mexico, the triumph of Carranza´s revolution with the disappearance of the National Action Party (Partido de Acción Nacional), identified with Catholics, the new constitution, the first confrontation with Catholics and their armed response since 1926 against anti-religious laws until the agreements of June 1929.
-in Spain: the Monarchy´s crisis, Primo de Rivera´s dictatorship, transition and the coming of the Second Republic and the civil war; the attitude of Catholics towards society, education, the press, the Republican religious policyand the uprising against the Republic.
Our purpose is to analyze in the international context and in two stages
a. during the first stage(2007-2009): Spanish relations with the Vatican and those of Catholics with political institutions from a comparative historical perspective and
b. during the second stage(2010-2011): the creation of working groups and publication of monographs.
RT Make-up
Official Scientific Staff:
Cristóbal Robles Muñoz, T.S.
José J. Hernández Palomo, T.S.
Scientific Staff Attached to Other Centers
Andrés Martínez Esteban, professor of History of the Church at San Dámaso´s School of Theology, Madrid
Carlos Miguel García Nieto, professor of History of the Church at the Instituto de Estudios Superiores San Ildefonso. Toledo
Research Support Staff:Concepción Murillo Ballesteros yElisa Gil Domínguez
Current Research Projects
-Until December 2006: Stabilization of Spanish Foreign Policy, 1899-1914
-Domestic: One project has been requested for the 2006 announcement.Consolidating a project for the RT. If the project was finally awarded to this RT, we will include it in the plans by CSIC´s School of Archeology and History in Rome
-International: We are planning to coordinate the project with researchers from Italy, France, Portugal and Mexico during the third year
Current RT Contracts and Agreements with Public or Private Institutions
RT’s External Relations
a).- Research Networks:
b).- Associated Units:
c).- Participación en proyectos, contratos o convenios externos al CSIC
Previsión y justificación del crecimiento del GI en el período 2006-2009:
Hemos solicitado dos becas de formación y esperamos incorporar a investigadores de algunos centros de los cuatro países citados más arriba
Proyectos de investigación previstos
-Nacionales: El ya mencionado.
Contratos y convenios con organismos públicos o privados previstos por parte del GI
Relaciones externas previstas por parte del GI
a).- Redes de Investigación:
-Nacionales: Escuela Española de Arqueología e Historia en Roma,
b).- Unidades Asociadas:
c).- Participation in projects, contracts or agreements outside the CSIC
Scientific Production Planned by the RT
Total scientific production for 2006-09. Figures belong to the 2004-2006 period. / Forecast No.:Books (monographs, editor or coordinator):
- Domestic
- Internacional / 1
Book Chapters:
- Domestic
- Internacional
- Domestic magazines
- International magazines / 7
Participation in editorial scientific committees:
- Domestic
- International
Scientific meetings (1):
- Domestic
- International / 5
- Exhibitions
- Scientific dissemination (textbooks or high dissemination papers, internet portals)
San Dámaso School Website
( 1: only organization and guest seminars / communications)
Teaching and Postgraduate Activities Planned by the RT
Forecast No.:Doctorate Courses
Postgraduate and Specialization Courses
Conducted and read doctoral theses