DATE OF MEETING:November 12, 2015
KIND OF MEETING:Regular Board of Education Meeting
MEMBERS PRESENT:E. Hager, T. Fancher, M. Kane, D. Hartwell, J. Eklund
OTHERS PRESENT:G. Huot, R. Ehrets, D. Bright, L. Hatch, M. Meehan, E. Smith, L. Page, L. Chastaine, L. Stratigos, M. Teitelbaum, B. Link, G. Link, L. Banks, C. McKenzie, R. Steenland, C. Mattice
T. Fanchercalled the meeting to order at6:02p.m. / Call to OrderT. Fancher led with the Pledge of Allegiance.
E. Hagermoved, seconded by M. Kanemotion to adopt the Agenda.
Motion carried 5-0 / Adopt Agenda
J. Eklund moved, seconded by D. Hartwell motion to approvethe October 8, 2015 and the November 6, 2015 Board of Education Meeting Minutes.
Motion carried 5-0
R. Ehrets read the positive highlights for the month. / Positive
C. Mattice, Yearbook Club Advisor, and R. Steenland provided a brief presentation of the yearbook advertising, fundraising etc., and explained the cost of the yearbooks.
Ms. Ehrets, Building Principal/Assistant Superintendent provided information regarding the events of the month, and stated that the first quarter had ended, and report cards are on their way home to parents. She stated that there would be two half days of school on October 22 and 23 for professional development and parent teacher conferences. Upcoming events include several Arts in Education assemblies, the high school play, and the awards ceremonies. Events in the future include the Winter Concert on December 14 and Winter Field days on December 23. / Yearbook Report
Bldg. Principal/
Dr. Huot, Superintendentreviewed the Aim High NY survey, and encouraged all to participate in it. He also stated that the APPR Hardship waiver has been approved. The architects are continuing to work on the
5 Year Building Condition Survey, and it should be completed by December. The Science Lab needs to be re-arranged and updated. Dr. Huot stated that he has heard several positive comments about the Veteran’s Day Assembly, and thanked M. Eklund and H. Powell for their hard work on this great community event. / Superintendent’s
Conference Request Report and Building Use Reports were provided to the Board Members in their packets. / Building Use and
Conference Reports
E. Hager moved, seconded by M. Kane motion to accept the following Treasurer’s Reports:
Monthly Financial Report (September– sent electronically)
Treasurer’s Reports (September 2015)
Warrants with Claims Auditor Reports (September 2015)
Bank reconciliations (September 2015)
Budget Transfers
Motion carried 5-0
M. Kane moved, seconded by J. Eklund motion to approve the Delaware County Real Property Tax Services report of correctionof error by Assessor.
Motion carried 5-0
M. Kane moved, seconded by J. Eklund motion to accept Tax Collector’s Reports for the 2015-2016 school year.
Motion carried 5-0
E. Hager moved, seconded by M. Kane motion to accept donation and increase appropriations from Core Values Thrift Shop for Earth Day, $300.00.
Motion carried 5-0
M. Kane moved, seconded by J. Eklund motion to accept Extra Curricular Reports (September 2015).
Motion carried 5-0
E. Hager stated she was sorry to hear of the passing of Dorothy Friedmann, andexpressed that she would be deeply missed.
During Recognition of Visitors, L. Stratigos, V. President of the Stamford Village Libraryintroduced herself, along with Board Members L. Chastaine and M. Teitelbaum. She stated that the board would like to open the lines of communications with Stamford Central School. She explained that the library is eligible to receive some grants and the school’s support is greatly appreciated.
- M. Kane moved, seconded by J. Eklund BE IT RESOLVED, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent hereby approves the following appointments for the 2015-2016 school year:
Leaders at $17.00 per hour
-V. Powley, M. Tompkins as Peer Tutors at $8.75 per hour, then
$9.00 per hour 1/1/16
- G. Morsette as substitute teacher
- M. Caiazza as substitute coach for all girls Jr. Varsity, Varsity and
Modified Sports.
Motion carried 5-0
E. Hager moved seconded by M. Kane BE IT RESOLVED, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent hereby approves an increase in the hourly rate for tutor from $15.00 to $25.00 per hour effective 10-1-15.
Motion carried 5-0
M. Kane moved, seconded by J. Eklund BE IT RESOLVED, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent hereby approves agreement between Bassett Medical Center, Occupational Health Services and
Stamford Central School from January 1, 2016 through December 31, 2017.
Motion carried 5-0
M. Kane moved, seconded by J. Eklund BE IT RESOLVED, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent hereby approves permission to remove damaged/outdated band equipment from band room, and to donate and/or declare as surplus.
Motion carried 5-0
J. Eklund moved, seconded by M. Kane BE IT RESOLVED, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent herebyawards snow removal bid to Ted’s Grading and Landscaping for the 2015-2016 school year.
Motion carried 5-0
M. Kane moved, seconded by E. Hager BE IT RESOLVED, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent hereby approves purchase of Stamford Central School yearbook ad in the amount of $80.00.
Motion carried 5-0 / Accept
Treasurer’s Reports
Approve Del. Co. Real Property Tax Services Report of Correction
Accept Tax Collector’s Reports
Accept Donation from Core Values
Thrift Shop
Accept Extra
Recognition of Visitors
Various Appointments
Increase in hourly rate for Tutor
Approve Bassett Medical Center Agreement
Approve to declare band equipment surplus and/or donate
Award Snow Removal Bid
Approve purchase of yearbook ad
M. Kane moved, seconded by J. Eklund BE IT RESOLVED, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent hereby accepts with regret, the resignation letter from J. Frederick as AIS Teacher effective November 12, 2015.
Motion carried 5-0
J. Eklund moved, seconded by M. Kane BE IT RESOLVED, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent hereby appoints A. Mannina, M. Roselli, and M. Kennedy as substitute teachers for the 2015-2016 school year.
Motion carried 5-0
M. Kane moved, seconded by J. Eklund BE IT RESOLVED, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent hereby appoints A. Mannina as a .45 AIS Elementary Teacher at an annual salary of $14,985 pro-rated to the date of hire of 11-23-15 as per the STA contract.
Dr. Huot explained that he will be attending a Digital Learning and Technology site visit to the East Irondequoit Central School District in Irondequoit, NYalong with R. Ehrets, B. Voorhees, M. Staiber, and D. Bright where they will attend the Digital Conversion Symposium on February 24 and 25, 2016.
A discussion was held regarding the Interim Report cards, and whether or not they should be discontinued.
Dr. Huot explained that the Policy Committee met and reviewed the transportation policy for further revisions, and it will be on the agenda next month for possible approval. He stated that the Board of Education will be meeting with NYSSBA to review the policy services they offer. / Resignation of J. Frederick
Appoint Substitute Teachers
Appoint A. Mannina as Elementary Teacher
Digital Conversion Symposium
Interim Report Cards
Policy Committee update
M. Kane moved, seconded by D. Hartwell motion to move into Executive Session at 7:15 p.m. to discuss particular personnel issues and the CSE recommendations.
Motion carried 5-0
D. Hartwell moved, seconded by J. Eklund motion to move out of Executive Session at 9:02 p.m. No action was taken in Executive Session.
Motion carried 5-0
M. Kane moved, seconded byE. Hager motion to approve the CSE recommendations as presented.
Motion carried 5-0
E. Hager moved, second by J. Eklund motion to accept the Delaware County STOP DWI grant for the high school assembly in the amount of $1,500 and increase appropriations.
Motion carried 5-0
J. Eklund moved, seconded by D. Hartwell motion to adjourn the Regular Board of Education Meeting at 9:06p.m.
Motion carried 5-0
Respectfully submitted,
Laurel Hatch,
District Clerk / Move into Executive Session
Move out of Executive Session
Approve CSE Recommendations
Accept Delaware County STOP DWI Grant
Adjourn Regular Meeting