Linn County Agricultural Extension Council
Meeting Minutes of May 8, 2017
@ Linn County Extension Office
Chairperson Vicki Keegan called the meeting to order at 5:33 pm. Council members present included Dan Abel, Mike Anderson, Alan Beach, Vicki Keegan, David McDonald, Sara Mentzer, Claire Smith, Patty Webster. Guests were Rae Ann Barnhart, Jim Harken, Johanna Rahbusch.
There were no public comments.
County Director RaeAnn Barnhart commented on items in the Council packet with emphasis on the 4-H Impact Statement, the 4-H Summer Camp brochure and the popular Farmland Leasing meetings.
Minutes of the April 10, 2017 meeting were approved via a motion by Mike Anderson, seconded by Alan Beach. Motion carried.
A Council Orientation video was viewed. RaeAnn suggested we will continue establishing our roles and responsibilities. RaeAnn mentioned a partnering opportunity with United Way and conversation expanded to donations to non-profits and engaging the farming community's donations and a greater relationship with Extension.
Regional Director Harken presented the required Civil Rights Reporting process to the Council members with a video and question/answer session.
RaeAnn reviewed her monthly report. She said there are often so many activities that it's difficult to include them all in her reports. Council complimented RaeAnn's communications through the newsletter she has developed. David McDonald requested receipt of a composite inventory of Extension programs and their locations.
There was no scheduled Fair Preparation program as staff was unavailable due to a previously scheduled event.
Treasurer Mike Anderson presented his report. Mike moved, Claire Smith seconded approving checks # 23131 to 23157 and 23158-23179 paid and accepting the balance sheet, summary revenue and expense report as presented. Motion carried.
Committee reports are as follows:
Personnel: meeting scheduled for May 25th @ 4:00 pm.
Strategic Planning: meeting to be scheduled
Facilities: (Information is combined from comments shared earlier in this meeting and the committee's written report) In reviewing the two meeting reports: existing building options note the Marion Home School building was originally considered inadequate but is a possibility if costs could be changed. The Esco building has costs yet to be determined and parking is limited. KTOS is no longer available. Mike compiled a buy vs. lease proposal with questions about property taxes, loans, and acquiring grants. We may not be able to afford a large increase in lease payments. Tours of other buildings are to be scheduled. The earlier discussion involved the availability of the lower level at our current location. We have 6800 sq. ft. now. With the addition of 4000 sq. ft. in the lower level, the anticipated need of 10,000 sq. ft. would be met. David mentioned building could be an option: currently space is available on the west end of Boyson Rd. Mike suggested lack of required down payment funds may make building prohibitive. David suggested we could investigate expanding to downstairs now and look at building in 3-5 years. Alan said he had met with Iowa State alumni who would like to create a regional Iowa State University presence. Jim said he and RaeAnn also met with those individuals. At this time the University is not interested in pursuing this idea. And if the idea did come to fruition it would be years in the future and Linn County Extension would be the driving force.
Mike moved and Patty seconded approval of six volunteers. Motion carried.
The July Extension Council meeting has been canceled. Claire moved a motion for cancellation; Mike seconded. Motion carried.
Sara moved; Patty seconded meeting adjournment at 7:21. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Claire, Secretary