Kindergarten Weekly Writing Prompts
Smart Start: We Are Special
Smart Start Week 1: Basal, Core: Science S4.2aNarrative
You can see many things. Think about one thing you can see. Draw to tell one thing you can see.
I can see…
Smart Start Week 2: BasalExplanatory/Informative
You can do many things that you couldn’t do as a baby. Think about the things you can do. Draw to explain one thing you can do that babies can’t do.
I can…
Smart Start Week 3: Basal, Core: Science S4.2aOpinion
We can hear music. Think about the instruments you like to hear. What is your favorite instrument to hear?
I like to hear…
Unit 1: Families
Unit 1 Week 1: BasalExplanatory/Informative
Families are different. Think about who is in your family. Draw to explain who is in your family.
My family has… (mom, dad, brother, sister, etc.)
Unit 1 Week 2: BasalOpinion
Families do different activities together. Think about an activity you like to do with your family. Write to explain your favoritefamily activity.
My favorite thing to do with my family is...
Unit 1 Week 3: Basal and Core: Social Studies S1.2e
Families are always changing. Think about some changes in your family. Draw to tell one way your familyhas changed.
My family changed when…
Unit 2: Friends
Unit 2 Week 1: BasalOpinion
Friends are everywhere. Think about one friend you have. Draw about your favorite friend.
My favorite friend is…
Unit 2 Week 2: Basal, Core: Social Studies S2.1bExplanatory/Informative
Friends play games together. Think about games you like to play with your friends. Draw to explain one game that you like to play with your friends.
I like to play… with my friends.
Unit 2 Week 3: Basal, Core: Social Studies S2.1bNarrative
Friends can help solve problems. Think about a time when a friend helped you solve a problem. Draw to tell how a friend helped you.
My friend… (friend’s name) helped me…
Unit 3: Transportation
Unit 3 Week 1: BasalOpinion
People use different types of transportation to get around town. Think about different ways people get around town. Draw your favorite way to get around town.
I like to get around town by…
Unit 3 Week 2: BasalNarrative
People travel to many places. Think about where you have traveled. Draw to tell one place you have traveled.
I traveled to…
Unit 3 Week 3: BasalExplanatory/Informative
Wheels are on many things. Think about things with wheels. Draw to explain one thing that has wheels.
A… has wheels.
Unit 4: Food
Unit 4 Week 1: BasalOpinion
Farmers grow many kinds of food. Think about the different foods farmers grow. If you were a farmer, what favorite foods would you grow?
I would like to grow…
Unit 4 Week 2: BasalExplanatory/Informative
It is fun to help make food to eat. Think about foods you help make. Draw to explain about a food you help to make.
I help to make…
Unit 4 Week 3: BasalNarrative
People eat different foods at different times of the year as part of their family traditions. Think about a food that is traditional in your family. Draw to tell about a traditional food your family eats.
We eat…
Unit 5: Animals
Unit 5 Week 1: Basal, Core: Science S4.2cOpinion
Animals can do different things. Think about your favorite animal. Tell about what your favorite animal can do.
My favorite animal is…
Unit 5 Week 2: Basal, Core: Science S4.2cNarrative
Animals change and grow just like people. Think about how baby animals change. Write to tell how a baby animal changes.
A… (animal) changes (as, by when)…
Unit 5 Week 3: BasalExplanatory/Informative
Animals have different habitats. Think about the different habitats that animals live in. Write to tell about an animal and its habitat.
A… (animal) lives in a…
Unit 6: Neighborhood
Unit 6 Week 1: Basal, Core: Social Studies S1.2a (Families)
Everyone lives in a neighborhood. Think about the things in your neighborhood. Write to tell about something in your neighborhood.
Unit 6 Week 2: Basal Explanatory/Informative
Your community has many workers. Think about workers in your community. Write to explain what one community worker does.
Unit 6 Week 3: Basal, Core: Social Studies S4.2b, c Opinion
There are different jobs in your neighborhood. Think about all the different jobs people have in your neighborhood. Write to tell what job you would like to have.
Unit 7: Weather
Unit 7 Week 1: Basal, Core: Social Studies S2.3cNarrative
There are different kinds of weather. Think about the weather today. Write to predict what the weather will be like tomorrow.
Unit 7 Week 2: Basal, Core: Social Studies S2.3aOpinion
There are four seasons. Think about what you know about each season. Write to explain what your favorite season is.
Unit 7 Week 3: Basal, Core: Social Studies S2.3bExplanatory/Informative
The weather affects you and me in different ways. Think about how the weather affects you. Write to explain how the weather affects you.
Unit 8: Plants
Unit 8 Week 1: Basal, Core: Science S4.1a, cNarrative
Trees grow in many places. Think about the different kinds of trees. Write to tell what you know about trees.
Unit 8 Week 2: BasalExplanatory/Informative
Seeds are in plants. Think about how a seed grows. Write to explain how a seed grows.
Unit 8 Week 3: BasalOpinion
Gardens have different thing in them. Think about what is in your garden. Write to tell your favorite thing that is grown in a garden.
Unit 9: Amazing Creatures
Unit 9 Week 1: BasalNarrative
Insects are interesting. Think about what you know about insects. Write to tell about one insect.
Unit 9 Week 2: BasalOpinion
Many animals live in the ocean. Think about animals that live in the ocean. Write to tell about your favorite ocean animal.
Unit 9 Week 3: Basal, Core: Social Studies S1.2a (Families)
Some animals, like dinosaurs, are extinct. Think about dinosaurs you have learned about. Write to explain what you know about one dinosaur.
Unit 10: I Know A Lot!
Unit 10 Week 1: BasalNarrative
You know how to do many things. Think about something you know how to do. Write to describe what you are good at doing.
Unit 10 Week 2: BasalExplanatory/Informative
Art is everywhere. You can create art in different ways. Write to explain your favorite way to create art.
Unit 10 Week 3: BasalOpinion
We have explored and learned a lot this year. Think about things you learned this year. Write to tell about the best thing you learned in Kindergarten.