Topics for presentation of the projects 21.01, 28.01 and 4.01

The presentation should include the following topics:

1. A brief (very) overview of the background of the project and the research problem (so the other students can understand the project)

2. Methods of collecting data and a discussion of the quality of them

3. Plan for the data analyses – how and why?

4. Other significant topics that pays (or can pay) an impact of your data, analyses or other parts of your thesis

End up with 2-3 questions that you want to discuss with the group

Chairman of the discussions:

An appointed student (see the list under) will lead the discussion.

Each project/student will have a limitation of 50 minutes for use. Maximum 30 minutes for the presentation and 20 minutes for discussion.

We will have a ten minutes break between each project presentation.

List of presentations and chair of the discussion:

Date: 21.01.

Presentation Chair

Sarah Nadiya

Stefan Yared

Huong Sisay

Tamar Nitsuh

Patrick Jianhua

Ethilda Prossy

Date: 28.01.

Presentation Chair

Aida Mary

Rhesas Sarah

Mary Aida

Prossy Ethilda

Jianhua Patrick

Nitsuh Tamar

Date: 21.01.

Presentation Chair

Sisay Huong

Yared Stefan

Nadiya Sarah

NB! Please remember to invite your advisor!