Created by CH on 3/21/08
Career Education
Each school district shall implement plans for career education for Grades K through 12, as part of its comprehensive guidance and counseling program, based on the Oregon Department of Education’s “Framework for Comprehensive Guidance and Counseling Programs for Pre-Kindergarten through Twelfth Grade.” Career education curriculum is part of the overall comprehensive guidance and counseling curriculum, written to address Essential Skills, Education Plan and Education Profile and the four interrelated student developmental domains: academic, career, personal/social, and community involvement.
Stat. Auth.: ORS 326.051 and 329.275
Stats. Implemented: ORS 326.051
Hist.: 1EB 19-1980, f. 6-17-80, ef. 9-1-81; EB 4-1989, f. & cert. ef. 1-23-89
Comprehensive Guidance and Counseling
(1) District Comprehensive Guidance and Counseling. Each school district shall provide a coordinated comprehensive guidance and counseling program to support the academic, career, personal/social, and community involvement development of each and every student. The district shall:
(a) Adopt comprehensive guidance and counseling program goals that assist students to:
(A) Understand and utilize the educational opportunities and alternatives available to them;
(B) Meet academic standards;
(C) Establish tentative career and educational goals;
(D) Create and maintain an education plan and education portfolio;
(E) Demonstrate the ability to utilize personal qualities, education and training, in the world of work;
(F) Develop decision-making skills;
(G) Obtain information about self;
(H) Accept increasing responsibility for their own actions, including the development of self-advocacy skills;
(I) Develop skills in interpersonal relations, including the use of affective and receptive communication;
(J) Utilize school and community resources.
(K) Demonstrate and discuss personal contributions to the larger community; and
(L) Know where and how to utilize personal skills in making contributions to the community.
(2) School Comprehensive Guidance and Counseling. Each school shall provide a comprehensive guidance and counseling program that serves students K through 12, based upon the Oregon Department of Education’s “Framework for Comprehensive Guidance and Counseling Programs for Pre-Kindergarten through Twelfth Grade” which:
(a) Identifies staff responsibilities to plan, design and deliver a comprehensive guidance and counseling program that meets the unique needs of their students and community;
(b) Aligns with the district’s school improvement plans;
(c) Assigns guidance and counseling responsibilities to the appropriate personnel;
(d) Expects all school staff to participate in implementing the comprehensive guidance and counseling program;
(e) Assists each student to develop, and annually review, an educational plan (a formalized plan and process in which students establish their education, career and life goals, identify learning goals and connect them to activities that will help them achieve their goals) in grades 7-12. and
(3) Guidance Staff Assignments. Each school district shall maintain a licensed staff and promote effective guidance practices consistent with the district's expected comprehensive guidance and counseling program outcomes. In determining staffing for the program, the following shall be considered:
(a) Alignment with the American School Counselor Association recommended student to counselor ratio of 250:1;
(b) The number of aides or clerical staff assigned to support the implementation of the comprehensive guidance and counseling program.
Stat. Auth.: ORS 326.051 and 329.275
Stats. Implemented: ORS 326.051
Hist.: EB 18-1996, f. & cert. ef. 11-1-96
581-023-0050 is amended and renumbered to 581-022-1512
Child Development Specialist Programs
(1) A Child Development Specialist program is an optional elementary (grades K-8 or any configuration thereof) component of a district’s comprehensive guidance and counseling program for grades K-12, based on the Oregon Department of Education’s “Framework for Comprehensive Guidance and Counseling Programs for Pre-Kindergarten through Twelfth Grade” under OAR 581-022-1510.
(2) The district school board of every school district operating elementary schools may make the services of a Child Development Specialist available to the children and their families residing in attendance areas of the schools. A Child Development Specialist may serve as guidance staff to help implement the comprehensive guidance and counseling program.
(3) If a district school board chooses to establish a child development specialist program, the school district must meet the following requirements:
- The school district shall submit a written plan describing the program to the Department of Education and the program must be approved by the department.
- Upon department approval of a district’s plan, a school district may submit a child development specialist candidate application for department approval.
- The school district shall conduct an annual review of the program and submit an updated plan to the department for reauthorization of the program.
- Each Child Development Specialist employed by a school district shall complete an annual evaluation of the specialist’s child development plan to be included with the school district’s updated plan.
(4) The department will:
- Conduct an annual program review of any district that has established or chooses to establish a Child Development Specialist Program as an elementary, grades K-8, component of the district’s K-12 comprehensive guidance and counseling program.
- Conduct an annual review of each Child Development Specialist’s Summary of Activities as part of the reauthorization process.
- Up-date and post all child development specialist forms needed for program approval and CDS authorization/reauthorization on the Oregon Department of Education web page annually.
- Maintain a Child Development Specialist Advisory Committee to hear appeals by districts or Child Development Specialist, or to serve when requested by the department for input.
Stat. Auth.: ORS 326.051 and 329.275
Stats. Implemented: ORS 329.255, 329.265 and 329.385
Hist.: 1EB 199, f. 7-1-75, ef. 9-1-75; 1EB 18-1981, f. & ef. 12-23-81; EB 11-1992, f. & cert. ef. 4-7-92