{Insert School Logo}
PREPARED BY: {Insert Name}
REVIEWED: {Insert Date}
To provide guidance in all aspects of Workcover.
1. Staff are required to notify the Principal or Assistant Principal of any injury related to Workcare as soon as possible after the injury occurs.
2. The Occupational Health and Safety Coordinator is to be notified of all injuries to analyse for any consistent pattern.
3. A register of injuries shall be maintained by the Occupational Health and Safety Coordinator which shall be readily accessible to all staff members.
4. If a staff member lodges a WORKCOVER Claim an interview will take place to ascertain the needs of the employee and to discuss any issues relevant to the recommendation as regards liability for the claim.
5. Any claims must be lodged with THE DET’S AUTHORISED WORKCOVER PROVIDER Insurance within ten days of claim.
6. An initial certificate of work capacity must be completed with the claim for any time lost.
7. An ‘Attendance Certificate’ of an appointment with a treating practitioner must be filed where no time is lost from work. These must be made available to the Principal (Return to Work Coordinator) as soon as possible.
8. Decisions as to Liability may be made by Principal on minor claims i.e. up to $389.00 in medical expenses and up to ten days lost. All bills should be forwarded through the Principal with appropriate documentation to THE DET’S AUTHORISED WORKCOVER PROVIDER for payment. The DES will meet the costs of below threshold expenses and rehabilitation expenses of less than $1230.00.
9. Standard claims are for more than ten days of work lost and more than $389.00 in medical expenses. A recommendation as to the acceptance of liability only will be forwarded with such claims.
10. The Principal (Return to Work Coordinator) should endeavour to commence the return to work process as soon as possible after the occurrence of the injury or illness.
11. A return to work plan involving medical consultation will be considered for a staff member for more than 20 days absence and who is continuing to be absent.
12. In all WORKCOVER claims accounts will be checked against maximum payable in WORKCOVER Manual, photocopied and recorded on the medical accounts and certificates record form.
13. Photocopies of WORKCOVER Certificates or work capacity will be filed and details recorded on medical accounts and certificates form.
14. In claims of ‘Loss of Time’ for teaching staff this must be coded under program 61, Leave, Sick Leave, Leave Code 741 WORKCOVER Minor claim below threshold.
15. Claimant will be given a copy of claim form and notified in writing of decision to accept claim.
16. If claim is rejected copies of all documents will be sent to THE DET’S AUTHORISED WORKCOVER PROVIDER with details as to why it is believed claim should be rejected. Decisions will be made by THE DET’S AUTHORISED WORKCOVER PROVIDER and communicated within 28 days.
17. Procedures for standard claims are the same as minor claims.
18. Any claims for work experience students will be completed and forwarded to the school of the student for counter signature by Principal before being forwarded to THE DET’S AUTHORISED WORKCOVER PROVIDER.
19. Where the claim is for a volunteer worker this will be processed as standard claim, the documents all clearly marked ‘School Volunteer’ and forwarded to:
Volunteer Section, Victorian WORKCOVER Authority
PO Box 4017
Melbourne 3001
20. In all cases WORKCOVER files will be treated as strictly confidential, files accordingly and treated under the same provisions of the ‘Confidentiality Protocol’.
21. The School Bursar will be responsible for processing WORKCOVER Claims in terms of collecting certificates, receipts etc., and preparing all other relevant forms and records for consideration by the Principal.
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