Article 1.The Nature and the Purpose of the Magazine.
1.1The magazine “legal Life”, is a scientific journal with a legal character. It s a body of the School of magistrates, which is published under the direction and care of this institution.
1.2 The magazine “Legal Life”, is a quarterly periodical magazine, published in Albanian language and a summary of articles in English.
1.3 The publication of the magazine aims to meet the legal literature with practical knowledge and the theory in support of judges and prosecutors, lawyers, jurists and students of the faculties of law in the country, be a forum discussion and legal debate, provide information on legislative updates, offer knowledge of the institutes of law under a comparative view, and give information on the ASM activities in the field of Continuous Training and Initial Training of judges and prosecutors.
1.4 All the lawyers that their activities have contributed to the justice system, judges, prosecutors, the candidates or magistrates in the School of magistrates and the authors from the professions in the service of justice, have the rightfor publication in the magazine “Legal Life”.
Article 2 The content and the structure of the journal.
2.1 The content of the journal should have in general the elements of a Specific journals, both in terms and form, as well as the content.Articles should be presented as articles of no more than 12 pages and no les than seven pages, except Legal Debate Thread which can be even shorter opinions.
An Annex of this Regulation shall make public the technical requirements pertaining writing and form of materials submitted for publications.
2.2 The magazine should have as a rule, the following structure:
Column. I – 2-3 Theoretical articles;
Column. II – Opinions and Legal Debate. -1-2 articles.
Column. III – Introduction to new legislation. 1-2 articles.
Column IV – Introduction to the judicial practice. – 1-2 articles.
Column V – Knowledge of international experience.1 item.
Column VI – Logs from young lawyers. – 1-2 items;
Column VII – The activities of the School of Magistrates.
Column VII – Summary of articles in English.
2.3 Any item must be accompanied by one page summary of the material up to half a page, which will be translated in English.
2.4 In publishing the journal should aim to follow the rule that 2/3 of the articles should be prepared by authors with titles of degrees.However this number should not drop below ½.
2.5Any article or material structure should instruct clearly: the introduction explaining the purpose of the topic, description / introduction divided by the sub topics addressed, conclusions and bibliography.
2.6 Any article published in the magazine, should be published earlier in the book, article, magazine or the other publication and should not be published in the future in any other organ.”
2.7 In order to create the possibility of publishing as many authors, must be applied the rule that an author can not write intwo sequential two numbers of the magazine.
Article 3. The operation and the governing bodies.
3.1 The magazine exercises its activity through meetings of the Editorial, which meet at least 1-2 times for each number published.
3.2 The Editorial is a decision making body consisting of seven members, who are proposed by the School Director and approved by the Board of the School of magistrates and technical editor.
3.3 The members of the team should be elected from among the persons of titles and degrees, with the exception of the Director of the school who is always the member of the editorial. The Chief Editorial must have the title Prof.
3.4 The members of the Editorial should be elected in such a way as to include all the branches of law: the disciplines of civil law, criminal law, public law, administrative law, constitutional law etc.
Article 4. Editorial competencies.
4.1 The members of the editorial Board of the Journal have the following rights and obligations:
- To make efforts to collect and order materials and articles for publication
- To regularly attend meetings of providing not only editorial participation but also full activation on giving opinions and reading materials to be selected for publication. More than two unjustified absentees in the meetings, brings as the result the substitution with another candidate.
- To discuss the items being given at least two reviewers for each article, depending on the legal field each of the memberand makes the scientific editing of the material, brought for publication.
- To prepare the articles for publication at least once a year.
- The addressand funding for publishing the magazine.
- To make efforts to increase subscription by institutionsof justice in cooperation with OAJB.(ZABGJ)
4.2 The technical editor of the editorial board is appointed by the Director of the School of magistrates, among the scientific secretary of the School of magistrates who are graduated as lawyers and have experience in scientific publications.
4.3 The technical editor has the following rights and duties:
- To collect the items and the materials.
- In collaboration with the School, he(she) has to fix the appointments and the meetings of the editorial of the magazine, making relevant announcement, at least three weeks before
- To send electronic and physical copies of all the items to each member of the editor, at least two weeks beforethe meeting.
- In collaboration with the chief editor of the magazine, and the directory, to appoint two reviewers for each article, in areas covering each member and for all things done, to announce all the members.
- To keep minutes in the Editorial meetings and to draw the acts and the decisions seen by it.
- To have a regular communication with each author to the editorial decisions by maintaining the confidentially of discussions and debates at the meetings. Violation of this rule if repeated, brings as a sanction, the removal from the office.
- To keep regular communication with publishing house, translator, editor language, layout specialist etc, respecting the rules and the procedures in cooperation with the Office of the Finance.
- To report about the exhausted themes of the previous journal numbers, to avoid the repetition of topics and issues addressed in subsequent numbers.
4.4 To send the latest version of the journal paged to all the staff before being published.
Article 5.The copyright.
5.1 The article should not be published and made public before in any form and can not be reissued later, after its publication in the Legal life magazine.
5.2 The magazine represents a collective work published under the direction of the School of Magistrates which respects the non-property moral rights of the authors.
5.3 After the publication of the articles in the “Legal Life”, any right entity that relates to it,goes permanently to the School of Magistratesbecause it is only the School of Magistrates that enjoys the right of the ownership over the magazine and the published materials.
5.4 Upon submission of the material for publication, the authors will sign a statement that they agree with the Regulation of the Journal, and if their articles are approved by the editorial for publication, they sign the contract of publication.
Article6. Funding of the Journal
6.1 The magazine “Legal Life”, published by the School with its funding emanating from the state budget, with revenues collected from sales and subscription , and donations provided by local and foreign donors.
6.2 The Board of editors of the magazine sets the number of magazines that will be provided free.
1. In the Journal “Legal Life” of the School of magistrates, may only published articles that treat legal issues closely related to judicial and legal practice, nationally and internationally. This means that items having a publicist, historic and totally theoretical character, not illustrated with judicial practices are not part of the publication of the magazine.
2. The article should present a work study, research, scientific and clearly identifying the elements of the originality.
3. Any writing should have a structure that must contain in an obligatory manner the following elements:
3.1 The title of the article must be a synthesis of issues that it treats, organized in a concise and brief manner. The title should not be longer than 35 characters.
3.2 The author’s name with the relevant scientific title is established and a reference (footnote), indicating the position and his (her) current position.
3.3 Below the title of the article, at the top of the writing, a separate paragraph is given: the article content, ranging all the subtitles.
3.4 The article should always be structured with some subtitles depending on the topic it arises.
3.5 The first subtitle of each item should be: “The introduction:, in which the given purpose and objectives that have prompted the author to write and the importance of the publication are given, seen them from the viewpoint of the interests of the School of Magistrates and the court practice.
3.6 All the titles should be written in “Bold”, in “Italic”, “Arial”.
12. The dates must be written according to the model: Date, Month, Year, and the headlines of the subtitles will be preceded by the numbers 1.1, 2.1, 3.1 etc.
3.7 At the end of the article should be placed a special subtitle, having the title” Suggestions or Conclusions
3.8 Each article should have identified the Bibliography. Each item must have at least 15 references, acts and judicial decisions..
4. The collection of materials is mad on the basis of top and should be oriented in two sources; theoretical source and practical source..
6.Any concrete material should be filed according to the problem arisen and in practical materials the legal solution is given, the opinion and the conclusion.
5. Each article must have a foot noteand reference to any content and the author,who has studied and referred, should be placed in quotation form, put into the exact expressions taken from the materials previously published. The Foot note should be written with “Tomes new Roman 10” and should contain: the work title, the author, the publishing house, the date and the place of publication, the page from which the quotation is taken. If the author has consulted with the web site he should note the date of the accessibility for example: May 10, 2008.At the and of the foot note is put a full stop and the Foot note is given by “Justify” command.
6. The article should be not less than 10 pages and not more than 15 pages in computer, which is converted in the same number of pages as the journal.
7. The writing should be “Arial 12”, and “Space 1”, and the entire text should be “Justified”.
8. The article should respect all the grammatical and linguistic elements and it should be written with “ë” and “ç “.
9.Each item must have no less than 7-10 cases of judicial practices illustration, followed by relevant references to the court
The treatment of the content should be generally in indirect speech and should be given the number, the date of the decision, the relevant court, the parties and the object of complain or trial.
It has to be careful on the names of the parties to be located with initials.
The contents of the court decision in power can be analyzed and discussed,by giving the opinion and legal analyses, but avoiding the conclusions with terms like…the decision is wrong, unfair, or illegal..
The author’s attitude and the opinion expressed by him may be different or opposite to that given by the decision, but it should be given from the doctrinal point of view, on the problem analyzed, and not related to the decision.
It is very important for the authors to follow the rules of respecting the ethic of the persons, institutions, and law and acts they have competencies to issue.
10. To promote debate on theoretical and practical issues, the quality of writing and legal reasoning , the journal of the School has a magazine column titled “Legal Debate” where can be given personal opinions on Legal issues from 3 to 8 pages. This field can be arranged with some opinions of some authors on the subject.
When the opinion is givenby one author only, it must be 8 pages.
Prof. Dr. Mariana Semini
Prof. dr. Mariana SEMINI