What Is It?

  1. This document stated that the U.S. would not tolerate any new European colonies in the New World.
  2. This resulted from American efforts to secure the access to New Orleans and the Mississippi River.
  3. This allowed Confederate states to be readmitted to the Union if a small fraction of the 1860 voters in the state took an oath of loyalty to the Union.
  4. This major transportation accomplishment strengthened ties between eastern manufacturing and western agricultural regions by linking the Hudson River to the Great Lakes.
  5. This was passed when Andrew Jackson was president and stipulated that paper money should not be accepted in payment for federal government lands.
  6. This prohibited colonial settlement west of the Appalachian Mountains.
  7. This court case claimed for the first time that the Supreme Court could declare an act of Congress to be unconstitutional.
  8. This resulted in Rutherford B. Hayes becoming president in return for the ending of Reconstruction by withdrawing all federal troops from the South.
  9. Religious revival of the mid-18th century that challenged the control of traditional clerics over their congregations.
  10. This was issued by President George Washington in response to French diplomatic requests that the United States honor the Franco-American Alliance signed during the Revolutionary War.
  11. The system of using interchangeable parts to allow for mass production of high-quality items was called this term.
  12. This allowed the baptism of the children of baptized but unconverted Puritans and allowed greater political participation.
  13. This concept suggested that women would be responsible for raising their children, especially their sons, to be virtuous citizens of the young republic.
  14. This theory states that a country should export more than it imports.
  15. After this war Americans felt free to take a more independent stand toward Britain because the threat from the French was gone.
  16. Because of the large amount of territory gained after this war, the controversy over slavery in the territories was reignited.
  17. The first successful English colony in North America
  18. The French ministers demand a bribe before meeting with the American envoys.
  19. This election is seen by many historians to represent the rise of individualism and popular democracy in America.
  20. This stipulated that no antislavery petitions would be formally received by Congress.
  21. The greatest achievement of the Articles of Confederation.
  22. Britain’s colonies took advantage of this policy to work out trade arrangements to acquire needed products from other countries rather than purchasing all goods from Britain.
  23. This would have prevented slavery in the lands acquired as a result of the Mexican War if it had passed.
  24. This religious belief stated that God created a universe governed by natural laws. It attracted followers such as Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin.
  25. This allowed poor British people to seek opportunity in colonial America.
  26. Stephen Douglas set forth this doctrine in his debates with Abraham Lincoln that held that any territory could exclude slavery simply by declining to pass laws protecting it.
  27. The phrase that came into popular use after the Stamp Act was passed.
  28. This treaty with Spain was considered a major success of Washington’s presidency because it allowed the U.S. to use the port of New Orleans.
  29. The most controversial part of Alexander Hamilton’s economic program.
  30. This treaty divided the non-European world between Spain and Portugal.
  31. This plan proposed by Henry Clay advocated a national bank, high protective tariffs and federal funding for the building of roads and canals.
  32. This provided large amounts of federal government land to states that would establish agricultural and mechanical colleges.
  33. The law Andrew Jackson broke that got him impeached and nearly removed from office.
  34. The response to the Alien & Sedition Acts passed by John Adams. Written by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison.
  35. This military success guaranteed Lincoln’s reelection in 1864.
  36. These essays written to garner support for the Constitution challenged the conventional political wisdom by asserting that a large republic offered the best protection of minority rights.
  37. What the supporters of Andrew Jackson accused John Quincy Adams & Henry Clay of making during the disputed election of 1824.