Lesson Plan: Daphnia Heart rate lab
Day 1:
1. Hand out Daphnia heart rate lab.
2. Read 1st page with students, and have them answer the pre-lab questions.
3. Set up a daphnia on the projection microscope, so the students can see it on the smart board. Read the directions, and demonstrate by modeling how to count the heart beats. Have a student be the timer.
4. Using the student timer, do the control data for one of the drugs. Add the drug to the slide, and collect the data for the drug.
5. Demonstrate using the dry erase board how to calculate the beats per minute, and the Average beats per minute.
6. Divide the students up into pairs. Have them get a daphnia, and try to count the heart beats using the microscope themselves.
Day 2:
1. Have students get out their daphnia lab, and get into their pairs
2. Students should decide who will be the timer, and who will be the counter
3. Have the timer go to a microscope and wait for the counter. The counter will go to the materials table, and get a slide with a daphnia on it.
4. Students should count the heart rate for the 2nd control group. They will then ask the teacher for the drug. The teacher will place 1 drop of the drug on the slide, and the students will count the new heart rate and record in data table.
5. The students should then get a new daphnia and complete each of the remaining data tables.
Day 3:
1. Students should have completed data collection, those who were unable to complete data collection will use the videos made by the teacher and the smart board to complete data collection.
2. Students should then complete all calculations, make a graph, and answer the conclusion questions.
3. When all is complete, show teacher, get signature, and hand in lab in appropriate folder.