2017 - 2018
Rockingham County High School
Letter to the Students
On behalf of the faculty and staff of Rockingham County High School, I would like to welcome you to the 2017-2018 school year. The school has experienced several changes in staff over the summer, but the expectations will remain high.
As Principal of Rockingham County High School, I will expect and demand your best. I will not settle for excuses because your future and your success depend on it.
For our 10th-12th grade students, you are the veterans and thus student leaders. I expect you to model that example to the freshmen who have come from the middle school.
For our new freshmen-welcome to high school! Although you may be overwhelmed at first, it will not take you long to become familiar and comfortable with us. You will find these years will be some of the best of your life.
The purpose of this handbook is to help you understand your responsibilities as well as the general policies and procedures of Rockingham County High School. Please take time to review it with your parents and refer to it for answers about academic and behavioral expectations.
To be successful at Rockingham County High School, follow these basic guidelines:
**Be where you are supposed to be when you are supposed to be there,
**Do what you are supposed to do when you are supposed to do it,
**Say what you are supposed to say when you are supposed to say it,
**Respect yourself and the rights and properties of others,
**Always do your best.
Best wishes for a great 2017- 18 school year!
Cecil Kemp, Principal
Rockingham County High School
Rockingham County High School
180 High School Rd.
Reidsville, NC 27320
(336) 634-3220
Welcome to Rockingham County High School!
The policies and procedures contained in this handbook are designed to help the school run smoothly so that you will have a successful year at Rockingham County High School. This information has been carefully prepared so that it will help you adjust to our school and become an integral part of it. Your teachers are eager to help you prepare for a successful adult life. You are encouraged to study hard and get involved in extracurricular activities. The activities are designed to help you enjoy school life. Remember that your success is directly related to your efforts.
Cecil Kemp, Principal
Joan Tatum, Assistant Principal
Lori Beth Davis, Assistant Principal
Courtney Paschal, Athletic Director
All students will be successful learners.
Our school's mission is to teach all students to become life-long learners and empower them to compete in a global community.
In keeping with the mission of Rockingham County High School, it is the function of the school to assist each student
1)to prepare to enter the world of work or to further his/her education
2)to acquire fundamental skills and concepts
3)to develop the ability to use critical thinking skills
4)to develop meaningful human experiences
5)to develop skills for responsible decision-making
6)to acquire and maintain good physical and mental health
7)to provide experiences for building character and leadership
8)to develop respect for himself/herself and others
9)to work toward his/her full potential by providing for his/her individual differences
10)to provide experiences using computers and other appropriate technology
Announcements will be made each day at the beginning of 2nd period and at the end of 4th period. They are an important source of information. No other announcements will be made except in emergencies.
All students are welcomed and encouraged to participate in school athletics. Athletic programs are offered for boys and girls, including varsity and junior varsity levels of most sports. Athletes are expected to be leaders and role models both on the fields and in the classroom. Academics, attendance, sportsmanship, and character must be a first priority of all athletes. In order to gain eligibility to participate in any sport, a student must have passed 75% of classes taken and have been in attendance 85% of the time during the previous semester. In order to participate in a sporting event or practice, the athlete should be in attendance at school for at least ½ day. In additions, if a student is assigned a day of ISS, the student may not practice or participate on the given day. Any incident of out-of-school suspension would likely jeopardize the student’s further participation in athletics. Parents of athletes must attend required meetings with coaches and the Athletic Director and sign the Parent/Student Code of Conduct. Athletes must also have a physical examination, and be responsible for making up all work missed due to early dismissal for games or matches. Students may not sign out of school early on game days, unless a doctor's note or administrative permission is provided.
Rockingham County Board of Education believes that regular school attendance is of crucial importance to the educational achievement of each student. Further, the board affirms that the primary responsibility for regular attendance reside with the parents/guardians and the individual student. It is the responsibility of all school personnel to promote and encourage regular school attendance and to create and maintain an atmosphere conductive to learning.
To be considered in attendance, a student must be present for at least one half of the school day, or at a place other than the school with the approval of the appropriate school official for the purpose of attending an authorized school activity. At the high school, a student must be in attendance 51% of the class period to be considered present for that class.
The following are considered “excused” absences when evidence for the excuse is provided to school personnel.
- Illness or injury: An absence is excused when the absence results from illness or injury, which prevents the student from being physically able to attend school.
- Quarantine: An absence is excused when isolation of the student is ordered by the local health officer or by the State Board of Health.
- Death in the Immediate Family: An absence is excused when it results from the death of a member of the immediate family of the student. For purposes of this regulation, the immediate family of a student includes, but is not necessarily limited to, grandparents, parents, brothers, and sisters.
- Medical and Dental appointments: An absence is excused when it results from a medical or dental appointment of a student and when approval of the appropriate school official is gained prior to the absence, except in the case of an emergency.
- Court or Administrative Proceedings: An absence is excused when it results from the attendance of a student at the proceedings of a court or an administrative tribunal if the student is a party to the action or under subpoena as a witness.
- Religious Observations: An absence may be excused if the tenets of a religion to which a student or his/her parent adheres require or suggest the observance of a religious event not to exceed five days. Approval must be granted prior to the absence by the school.
- Educational Opportunity: An absence may be excused when it is demonstrated that the purpose of the absence is to take advantage of a valid educational opportunity, such as travel. Approval for such an absence must be granted prior to the absence by the school principal.
For students who are subject to the provisions of the NC Compulsory Attendance Laws and for all students who have enrolled in a public school, unlawful absence is defined as:
- A student’s willful absence from school with or without the knowledge of the parent.
- A student’s absence from school for any reasons other that those listed under “Lawful Absences.”
- A failing grade may be issued to students who are absent 11 or more days per semester. This and other losses of credit could lead to the student not being promoted to the next grade level. Students should submit reasons and documentation for their absences as they occur during the semester. All excessive absences will be appealed. DOCUMENTATION SUBMITTED AT THE END OF THE SEMESTER FOR APPEALS PURPOSES ONLY WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED.
- In extreme cases of absences or hardships, the principal has discretion to set the procedure aside.
- A student’s parent shall furnish written verification of absences upon the student’s return to school.
- The principal may require a note from the student’s physician after five (5) consecutive or ten (10) accumulated absences in a semester for any additional absences.
- A student who has a passing grade in a course but receives no credit because of attendance, for averaging purposes, the grade will be regarded as a 69 for that semester.
You must bring a note to the main office BEFORE SCHOOL. This note, written and signed by your parent/guardian, should show the student’s full name, reason for absence, the dates(s) absent, and telephone number where your parent/guardian can be reached for verification. You will be given an “absent slip” to show your teachers. Students who return to school without proper documentation will be counted as an unexcused absence. ALL NOTES MUST BE BROUGHT IN WITHIN 3 DAYS FOLLOWING THE ABSENCE(S). If a student has excessive absences, a doctor’s note will be required.
At all levels, students will be permitted to make up all class-work missed. Students are responsible to initiate make-up arrangements. Generally, work must be completed within ten days of the last day absent from class but is up to the discretion of the teacher.
Students desiring an excused absence in order to travel (business, college visits, etc.) must have their parents make a request in writing to the Principal prior to the intended absence. These days, although they may be excused, will still count toward your attendance for exam exemption and the Rockingham County Schools Attendance Policy.
Students who have excessive absences which cause retention or loss of credit will have their absences appealed to the principal and the Attendance committee. The committee will act on the appeal after reviewing the attendance documentation. Should parents or students believe the principal has made an unjust decision, the appeals procedure may continue within the framework Board Policy JII-Student Grievances.
Any student at Rockingham County High School who drives a vehicle to school must register his/her vehicle, and purchase a parking permit. Permits must be properly displayed. No permit will be sold once all parking spaces are filled. Early graduates should see Ms. Tatum once their requirements are complete.
Since bus transportation is provided, driving is a special privilege, which is allowed to responsible, mature students. The school reserves the right to suspend this privilege to anyone who willfully disobeys any traffic law, misuses the vehicle, endangers the safety of others, or fails to comply with school parking lot regulations or school rules. Students granted early releases are expected to leave campus immediately and not return to the campus. Students are not permitted to go to the parking lot during the school day, unless permission is given by an administrator. The parking lots near the swimming pool are reserved for faculty and visitors. The school reserves the right under reasonable suspicion to search any vehicle for illegal substances, weapons, or contraband.
All parking spaces are numbered and can only be used by the student who purchased the parking permit for that space. Seniors will be allowed to select the area in which they wish to park. Underclassmen will purchase permits by availability by sequential number. A valid NC driver’s license, the automobile license plate number and the parking contract must be presented before a parking permit will be sold.
8:20 – 9:50
9:55 – 11:25
11:25 – 11:5512:15 – 12:401:05 – 1:30
12:00 – 1:3011:30 – 12:1511:30 – 1:00
12:45 – 1:30
1:35 – 1:55
2:00 – 3:30
8:20 – 9:25
9:30 – 10:35
10:40 – 11:45
11:45 – 12:1512:20 – 12:451:00 – 1:30
12:20 – 1:3011:50 – 12:2011:50 – 1:00
12:50 – 1:30
*All 3rd & 4th Period early release students leave at 10:35.
*RCC Students follow regular RCC schedules.
*1st Period RCC students should report to 2nd Period by 9:30
Two Hour Delay Bell Schedule
1st Period10:20 – 11:25
3rd Period
1st Lunch
Lunch 11:25 – 11:55
Class 12:00 – 1:10
2nd Lunch
Class 11:30 – 12:00
Lunch12:00 – 12:25
Class 12:30 – 1:10
3rd Lunch
Class11:30 – 12:40
Lunch 12:05 – 1:10
2nd Period1:15 – 2:20
4th Period 2:25 – 3:30
State laws are clear concerning the operation and supervision of school buses. Students are to ride the same bus morning and afternoon each day, getting on and off at the same stop. Buses may stop only at official, designated stops. Because of insurance requirements, we must ask your cooperation regarding this matter.
Discipline on a bus obviously must be excellent at all times if the bus driver is to concentrate fully on what he is doing. The principal and assistant principals are charged with the responsibility of ensuring the safety and good conduct at all times. The conduct on a bus is the same as that expected in the classroom. Students are never permitted to leave campus after arriving to school by bus or vehicle.
A calendar of events is maintained in the general office. All events involving school groups must be entered on the calendar in order to use the school facilities. It is the responsibility of the sponsoring faculty member to clear the event with Mr. Weaver and have it entered on the school calendar. The athletic director and the coaching staff schedule athletic events.
Office telephones are only to be used by students for emergency reasons. Office staff will assist in this area. Students are not allowed to use cell phones or to send or receive phone calls or text messages during class time. Should a teacher note that a student is in any way making use of a cell phone during class time, the phone will be confiscated and returned to a parent/legal guardian after 3:30 PM. Cell phones must be turned in to teachers before a student leaves the room for bathroom use.
All students will be photographed so that their pictures will appear in the yearbook. However, packages will be printed only for the student bringing the total cost of his/her package to the photographer on the day that pictures are taken.
In order to maintain a safe school environment, we rely on our student’s sense of citizenship and responsibility. Any student that has knowledge of criminal behavior or behavior that would threaten the safety of students should report the information to the school principal. You may also report safety concerns to Crime Stoppers at 349-9683 or to the WAVE Tip Line at 1-888-960-9600.
The NC General Assembly enacted the Dropout Prevention/Driver’s License legislation effective on August 1, 1998. This new legislation is directed to all North Carolina students under the age of 18 who are eligible for driving learner’s permit or driver’s license. Students who received a driving learner’s permit or driving learner’s permit or driver’s license prior to December 1, 1997 are not affected by this legislation.
Effective August 1, 1998, a student must receive a Driving Eligibility Certificate signed by the principal or designee, to obtain a permit or license. To receive a Driving Eligibility Certificate, a parent must give consent: a student must pass 3 of 4 subjects (75%) at the end of the semester and not be a dropout. For a student to keep the permit or license, he/she must not drop out of school and must pass 3 of 4 subjects each semester.
Additional legislation effective 7/1/2000, “Lose Control, Lose Your License”, mandates that the NC Division of Motor Vehicles will suspend a student’s license for one year if he/she receives a alternative setting for alcohol, controlled substance, assault of school personnel, or possession of a weapon while on school property, Unlike the “Dropout Prevention/Driver’s License” law that stops when a student turns 18 years old, the “Lose Control” law does not stop at age 18.
In the case of an extreme hardship caused by a revocation of the driver’s license, a parent may apply for a Driving Eligibility Certificate for the student based on the hardship. This is done through an appeals process.
For additional information, contact the Office of Student Accounting, Rockingham County Schools, at 627-2622.
This event provides juniors and seniors and their parents the opportunity to talk with representative from about eighty colleges and universities (primarily in North Carolina), specialized schools, and the Armed Services. This opportunity enables students and parents to learn about offerings available at these post-secondary institutions and the military. Details will be given through group guidance sessions.
Exams in all subjects will be given at the end of each semester. Students are required to take all EOC exams, NC Final Exams and VOCATS.
Students who meet the criteria below may exempt the exam for other classes, provided it is not a Core Academic or CTE exam.
●A student with an average of at least a 90 and no more than 3 class absences
●A student with an average of at least an 80 and no more than 2 class absences
●A student with an average of at least a 70 and no more than 1 class absence
There will be no “excused” or “unexcused” designations for exam exemptions. The only exceptions will be when students are absent while attending school-related and approved functions under the supervision of school personnel or attending college scholarship interviews with prior approval from their counselor. Seniors will receive (1) college visit that will not count toward the exam exemption.