Bachelor of Engineering (B.E. 2003 Course) Transcript
Permanent Registration No.:
Degree Program: Bachelor of Engineering
Department: Computer Engineering
Date of Joining : Date of Graduation:
First Year : Semester 1 (July – December 20--)here mention Passing Month/YearCourse / Course Name / PP / PR / OR / TW
Max. Marks / 100 / - / - / 25
107001 / Engineering Mathematics – I / - / - / -
107002 / Applied Science – I / - / - / -
107003 / Basic Mechanical Engineering / - / - / -
103004 / Basic Electrical Engineering / - / - / -
101005 / Basic Civil Engineering / - / - / -
102006 / Engineering Graphics – I / - / - / - / -
102007 / Workshop Practice – I / - / - / - / -
First Year : Semester 2 (January – June 20--)here mention Passing Month/Year
Course / Course Name / PP / PR / OR / TW
Max. Marks / 100 / - / - / 25
107008 / Engineering Mathematics – II / - / - / -
107009 / Applied Science – II / - / - / -
101010 / Engineering Mechanics / - / - / -
104011 / Elements of Electronics Engineering / - / - / -
102012 / Engineering Graphics – II / - / - / -
110013 / Computer Fundamentals / - / - / - / -
102014 / Workshop Practice – II / - / - / - / -
Grand Total : Result :
Note : - PP : Theory exam., OR : Oral exam., PR : Practical exam., TW : Term-work (continuous assessment)
- No grading under this head; * Total marks 50; ** Total marks 100; xYet to Appear; @ Grace marks
Second Year : Semester 3 (July – December 20--)here mention Passing Month/YearCourse / Course Name / PP / PR / OR / TW
Max. Marks / 100 / 50 / 50 / 25
210241 / Discrete Structures / - / - / -
210242 / Electronic Devices and Circuits / - / - / -
210243 / Digital Electronics and Logic Design / - / - / -
210244 / Data Structures and Algorithms / - / - / -
207005 / Financial and Industrial Management / - / - / -
210246 / Programming Laboratory / - / -
210247 / Digital Electronics Laboratory / - / -
210248 / Soft Skills / - / - / - / *
Second Year : Semester 4 (January – June 20--)here mention Passing Month/Year
Course / Course Name / PP / PR / OR / TW
Max. Marks / 100 / 50 / 50 / 25
207003 / Engineering Mathematics III / - / - / -
210249 / Microprocessors and Interfacing Techniques / - / - / -
210250 / Data Structures / - / - / -
210251 / Computer Graphics / - / -
210252 / Computer Organization / - / - / -
210253 / Object Oriented Programming and Computer Graphics Laboratory / - / - / *
210254 / Microprocessors and Interfacing Laboratory / - / - / *
210255 / Data Structures Laboratory / - / - / *
Grand Total : /1500 Result :
Note : - PP : Theory exam., OR : Oral exam., PR : Practical exam., TW : Term-work (continuous assessment)
- No grading under this head; * Total marks 50; ** Total marks 100; xYet to Appear; @ Grace marks
Third Year : Semester 5 (July – December 20--)here mention Passing Month/YearCourse / Course Name / PP / PR / OR / TW
Max. Marks / 100 / 50 / 50 / 25
310241 / Database Management Systems / - / - / -
310242 / Data Communications / - / - / -
310243 / Microprocessors and Microcontrollers / - / - / -
310244 / Digital Signal Processing / - / - / -
310245 / Theory of Computation / - / - / -
310246 / RDBMS and Visual Programming Laboratory / - / - / *
310247 / Signal Processing Laboratory / - / - / *
310248 / Hardware Laboratory / - / -
Third Year : Semester 6 (January – June 20--)here mention Passing Month/Year
Course / Course Name / PP / PR / OR / TW
Max. Marks / 100 / 50 / 50 / 25
310249 / Principles of Programming Languages / - / - / -
310250 / Computer Networks / - / - / -
310251 / Management Information Systems / - / - / -
310252 / Systems Programming / - / - / -
310253 / Software Engineering / - / - / -
310254 / Software Laboratory / - / -
310255 / Computer Networks Laboratory / - / - / *
310256 / Software Development Tools Laboratory / - / - / - / *
310257 / Seminar and Technical Communication / - / - / - / *
Grand Total : /1500 Result :
Note : - PP : Theory exam., OR : Oral exam., PR : Practical exam., TW : Term-work (continuous assessment)- No grading under this head; * Total marks 50; ** Total marks 100; x Yet to Appear; @ Grace marks
Final Year : Semester 7 (July – December 20--) here mention Passing Month/YearCourse / Course Name / PP / PR / OR / TW
Max. Marks / 100 / 50 / 50 / 25
410441 / Design & Analysis of Algorithms / - / - / -
410442 / Operating Systems / - / - / -
410443 / Object Oriented Modeling & Design / -
410444 / Principles of Compiler Design / - / - / -
410445 / Elective I / -
410446 / Computer Laboratory I / - / - / *
410447 / Project Work / - / - / - / *
Final Year : Semester 8 (January – June 20--) here mention Passing Month/Year
Course / Course Name / PP / PR / OR / TW
Max. Marks / 100 / 50 / 50 / 25
410448 / Networks and Information Security / - / - / -
410449 / Advanced Computer Architecture and Computing / - / - / -
410450 / Software Testing and Quality Assurance / - / - / -
410451 / Elective II / - / *
410452 / Computer Laboratory II / - / -
410447 / Project Work / - / - / * / **
Grand Total : /1500 Result :
Note : - PP : Theory exam., OR : Oral exam., PR : Practical exam., TW : Term-work (continuous assessment)
- No grading under this head; * Total marks 50; ** Total marks 100; xYet to Appear; @ Grace marks
Prof. (Dr.) L.K. Kshirsagar
MIT, Pune - 411 038
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About the University
The University of Pune is a state-owned university located in Pune, Maharashtra, India. It conducts undergraduate as well as graduate programs in a variety of fields such as Arts, Science, Commerce, Engineering, Architecture, Pharmacology, Medicine, Law and Business Administration. Its 411-acre campus has only Graduate programs (Masters and Doctorate programs) in specialized fields of Science and Arts which are mainly concerned with research. It has over 118 recognized Institutes and 269 affiliated colleges offering Undergraduate and Graduate programs.
The University of Pune houses IUCAA (Inter University Center for Astronomy and Astrophysics), C-DAC (Center for Development of Advanced Computing), TIFR’sNCRA (National Center for Radio Astrophysics) and NCCS (National Centre for Cell Science), all the prestigious organizations of the Country. It also has various collaborative programs with several institutions in India as well as Abroad.
The Engineering programs of the University are available in 69 affiliated engineering colleges. Admissions to these colleges are centrally administered by the Directorate of Technical Education (DTE) of the Government of Maharashtra. The program structure is decided by representatives of the participating Colleges and Industry forming the Faculty of Engineering. Although courses are taught independently at the affiliated colleges, they all have a common syllabus and requirements. The 4-years Undergraduate programslead to a degree in Bachelor of Engineering (B.E.) while Graduate programs lead to either Master of Engineering (M.E.) or Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degrees. The University of Pune has widest range of engineering programs covering various branches like Mechanical, Civil, Electrical, Computer, Information Technology, Electronics and Telecommunications, Chemical, Polymer, Petrochemical, Petroleum, Biotechnology, Industrial, Production Engineering, etc. It is rated as one of the best engineering program in the country.
About the College
Maharashtra Institute of Technology (MIT), Pune is a private engineering college affiliated to the University of Pune and run by Maharashtra Academy of Engineering and Educational Research (MAEER). The college is recognized by the Govt. of Maharashtra and accredited by the All India Council of Technical Education (AICTE). The institute offers Undergraduate courses leading to Bachelor of Engineering in Civil, Electronics and Telecommunication, Computer, Information Technology, Mechanical, Mechanical (Sandwich pattern), Polymer, Petroleum and Petrochemical Engineering as well as Graduate courses leading to Master of Engineering in Civil (Structures & Construction Management), Electronics (Digital Systems), Computer, Information Technology, Polymer and Petroleum Engineering.
MIT has signed MOUs with the renowned companies like TCS Ltd., IBM Ltd., Global Service Ltd., Accenture Ltd.,Zensar Ltd., Microsoft Ltd., Wipro Ltd., Shell Ltd., Cognizant Ltd., Infosys Ltd., Emphasis Ltd., Sugar Technology Services Ltd., Amdocs Dot Ltd., KPIT Cummins Ltd., Honeywell Automation Ltd., Mahindra& Mahindra Ltd.
About the Department
The department has fully equipped laboratories. It has well qualified and experienced staff members. For students as well as staff, the department regularly arranges seminars, workshops by industry experts. It also organizes industrial visits for students. The department offers add-on courses to cope with the latest trends in technology. The track record of the result is excellent.
The institute has signed MOUs with leading IT industries such as Infosys, TCS, Microsoft, Zensar, Accenture, Cognizant, ThoughtWorks and National Entrepreneurship Network etc., to promote industry Institute Interaction. The department has good interaction with these industries.
About the B.E. (Computer) Program
The University of Pune has a four-year undergraduate programs leading to the degree of Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Engineering offered only by MIT, Pune. The details of the teaching and examination scheme are as follows:
· Duration: 4 years or 8 semesters. Each semester is of sixteen weeks. Each lecture is of 1 hour and each practical is of 2 hours or 4 hours depending on subjects.
· Structure: First year is common to all branches. Second year onwards Computer engineering specific subject are included in the structure.
· Courses: All courses are compulsory, except in the final year, where the student chooses electives in the seventh and eighth semester. The electives are as follows:
Semester 7 / · Image Processing· Advanced Databases
· Artificial Intelligence
· Multimedia Systems / Semester 8 / · Distributed Systems
· Software Architecture
· Embedded Systems
· High Performance Networks
· Project work: In the Final Year, students have to undertake one year’s project on the topic related to Computer field. At the end of 1stsemester of final year, it is mandatory for students to give a seminar presentation on the project work which is assessed by Internal as well as External examiners in terms of oral examinations. At the end of 2nd semester, students have to submit the final report of their project and then this work is assessed by Internal as well as External examiners in terms of oral and term work examinations.
· Examination: Students must appear for five theory papers as well as practical and oral examinations for various subjects in each semester as defined in the curriculum.
· Grace marks: A student can be awarded a maximum of 15 marks to the total marks of the year as grace either to clear a subject or obtain a higher class, as per Ordinance Numbers O.138(A), O.138(B), O.136, O.136(A). O.137, O.140a of the University of Pune.
· Grading: Grading is based on performance in written, practical and oral examinations and on the internal assessment of term work (laboratory/seminar/project work). The university does not employ the Grade Point Average (GPA) system but uses an aggregate percentage of the student in a year to award classes as follows:
Marks / Class / Marks / Class40 -- 49.99 / Pass Class / 60 -- 65.99 / First Class
50 -- 54.99 / Second Class / 66 – 100 / First Class with Distinction
55 -- 59.99 / Higher Second Class
Note:It should be noted that the students of the University of Pune face a particularly strict assessment so the number of students acquiring First Class with Distinction is few as compared to the other Universities and Institutes in India.
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