Notification of WithdrawalForm
Please return this form to the student Hub when complete.
For further information and guidance, please refer online to Manchester Met’s Withdrawal, Suspension & Exclusion Guidelines at
Students considering Withdrawing should be aware that there could be implications in pursuing this option. Therefore, you are strongly advised to seek advice and support (as appropriate) from the following MMU support services and personnel:
-Current Programme Leader - Student Financial Support Team
-Students’ Union Advice Centre - MMU International
-Student Support Officer - Student Hub
-Accommodation - Other sponsors
Please complete all of Page 1 (Student)
- Student details
Full Name (block capitals) : / Student Number :
Email :
Telephone numbers
Mobile : / Other contact number :
Do you have a Personal Learning Plan [PLP] Yes No
If Yes - please contact the Disability Service on 0161 247 3491 or email
- Course details
Course : / Year :
- Withdrawal notification
Reason for Withdrawal:
- Engagement
The University considers engagement to comprise: attending timetabled teaching sessions, which include lectures, seminars and academic and personal tutorials; other forms of contact with academic and professional services staff that relate to academic study; attending examinations, tests and other assessment activities; submitting work for assessment; accessing University facilities, including the Virtual Learning Environment (Moodle), the University Library, and course materials; and participating in field trips and other activities that are a compulsory part of a course.
What date do you wish to withdraw from your studies?:
What was your last type of engagement with the University?(please tick):
Attending timetabled sessions / field trip
Meeting with academic or professional services staff Brief reason for meeting
Attending examinations, tests or other assessment activities
Submitting work for assessment
Accessing Moodle Brief reason for access
I confirm that I have sought advice from appropriate sources both within MMU and externally and as a result of advice provided I am aware of the possible financial/academic implications of undertaking this withdrawal.
STUDENT Signature: Date: