Name(s) ______
Lab Safety Video Assignment
Develop and produce a 30 second to 2 minute long video that demonstrates your understanding of science lab safety rules and procedures.
Five Phases of the Video Project:
- Development = Defining goals, creating groups, idea development, and script development
- Pre-production = Storyboarding, setting up locations, and development and gathering of necessary items (equipment, props, costumes, etc.)
- Production = the process of filming
- Post-Production = Editing, screening, and exporting the product to the distribution medium
- Distribution = Setting up a premiere and evaluating the project
- Get into groups of no more than six and brainstorm video ideas. (Keep record of these ideas on a sheet of paper to be turned in at the end of the project.)
- As you begin to narrow ideas down, begin to plan and write a script. Scripts are an essential part of any moviemaking process. Scripts should set the background for the scene as well as provide guidance for the director, but their main purpose is to establish the actor’s lines. Grammar and voice inflections can be used to add meaning to words. Use the script template provided by your teacher.
- Once your script is created, “pitch” your idea to the teacher for approval for pre-production and production. You must convince the teacher that you have a well thought out movie in order to produce it.
- Once your teacher has signed off on your idea and offered feedback, begin pre-production which includes storyboarding and planning the shoot. A storyboard is simply a series of drawings that represent what each scene should look like. A storyboard should denote the angle of the shot, how close the camera will be to the actors, and how the scene will be cropped and they should also include text that further specifies what is to go on in each scene. While the script is important to provide content, the visual aspect of a movie is also key in providing the viewer with a better understanding. View this YouTube video about the storyboard process used to make the movie Toy Story.
YouTube Video – Toy Story Storyboarding (8:51)
- When your storyboards are developed, plan the shoot. Taking time to plan out the shoot will make the filming go much smoother. The purpose is to work out details and potential problems before actually carrying out the filming. Some of the tasks that should be done in this step are:
- Verify that you have all of the props and costumes called for in the script
- Make sure that the filming locations are available
- Collect and inventory all available equipment (cameras, microphones, etc.)
- The next step is production or the actual process of filming. You will be using the equipment (iPad or laptop) to film the movie. During production, try to stick with initial concepts, but don’t be afraid to make the necessary changes in order to make the film a success. During filming it is very helpful to log or keep track of footage as it is being recorded so you have record of what scenes have been filmed.
Post Production
- Next is post-production where the movie is actually created using Windows Movie Maker software. You will put together the pieces of the movie puzzle. To access Movie Maker, click on the Windows icon, then ‘All Programs’, then ‘Accessories’, and finally ‘Movie Maker’. Start by sequentially laying out your story using the available film clips. Do this by clicking on ‘Add videos and photos’ in the menu bar and then locating your video clips.
- The editing process comes next beginning with the visual aspects of the film. Edit your video clips by ordering them, clipping and trimming them, etc.
- There are three main components of a movie soundtrack – dialogue, sound effects, and music. The idea of sound editing is to blend the three aspects of the soundtrack with the visual aspects of the movie:
- The dialogue soundtrack is the actual talking taking place in the film. It is captured with microphones in the production process but also may be modifies or even rerecorded during the sound editing phase.
- Sound effects are the sounds that make the audio of the movie come together with the storyline. Adding sound effects during the production or post-production stage will provide the final product with a more professional feel. Sound effects can be recorded and added during editing.
- Although music is not essential for every scene, the use of music provides a powerful way to convey an idea or set the mood for a scene. Be careful to not let music overpower the other aspects of sound or the film itself.
- After the visuals and sound are edited it is time to add the title and credit sequences. Some important points to remember when creating titles and credits:
- The text should remain on the screen long enough for the audience to read it.
- The text should stand out from the background enough so that it is easy to read.
- The title should be short, clear, and to the point.
- The credits should include everyone involved in making the movie.
- Once editing is complete, share the film with an audience. The screening is like having someone proof-read your written work. During the screening observe the audience’s reaction to the film. After the screening get feedback from the audience by asking questions about your movie and after receiving their feedback, make the needed adjustments.
- After the final cuts and edits are made it is time to finalize the movie and export it to the proper media for distribution. Exporting condenses your draft movie to a smaller file that can be saved to the appropriate medium. Once exported, it is difficult if not impossible to edit the movie. Therefore, be sure to save the original file as well as the exported movie.
- Congratulations! You have completed your movie. It is now time to take the final step and distribute the movie to your audience, as well as evaluate the project’s success. Your movie will be shown to the class in a movie premiere and the teacher will evaluate it using the grading rubric.