Town Hall Court Room 7:00 p.m.
ITEM # 1 :
The meeting was called to order by Planning Board Chairman Lawrence J. Kelly, Jr., at 7:00 p.m.
ITEM #2 : Roll Call
Present: Also Present:
Lawrence J. Kelly, Jr., Chairman Darlene Schweikert
George Donhauser Clyde Drake, Councilman
Joseph Edbauer Colleen Mahoney, Springville Times
James Jozwiak
Julie Zybert Not Present:
Karl R. Lux Bruce Luno
ITEM #3 : Citizen Participation
Chairman Kelly welcomed Ms. Mahoney to the meeting. There was nothing else for Citizen Participation.
ITEM #4: Ap proval of Minutes
a) August 2, 2016 – J. Jozwiak made the motion, seconded by J. Edbauer
To approve the minutes as presented. All in favor. Carried.
ITEM #5 : Commercial Solar Panels
Chairman Kelly asked the Board for their input from their review of the other town’s laws on solar panels. K. Lux noted that since some of these examples were from cities and some towns, it was difficult to compare. It would be better to have a template that the Town thought would be suitable and then work on that example.
Councilman Drake advised that the Town of Evans has come up with a law and that Supervisor Eppolito would be contacting them (after budget time) to get a copy for our review. J. Edbauer heard that the Town of Webster also adopted a law.
J. Jozwiak had attended a training seminar held by Solar Liberty (contact 634-3780 if anyone interested in training) on August 22nd at the Fire Hall regarding solar panels. He found the seminar to be very informative. The seminar reviewed how the fire company would handle a fire if there are solar panels involved. It did not cover any cost savings; just technical aspects of the panels. J. Jozwiak gave a brief summary of the seminar:
· If power goes down, the solar panels won’t work either.
· Solar only works if it registers power going into the circuit.
· A building cannot be blanketed with these panels on the whole side of a structure-there would need to be 3 foot sides and top of roof left open to give access. Or if there were banks, walkways would need to be left open between them.
· If there is a fire in the structure, the power company would need to cut the power.
· The control box is located 5 to 10 feet away from panels.
· This company does not install articulate solar panels; that style is expensive.
· A 30° angle is used.
· Even on a rainy day the panels can generate electricity.
· The panels are self-sufficient.
· Maximum wind speed is 110 mph. The brackets are what would fail first.
· Before any installation, a structural engineer report would be required to make sure the structure could handle the load of the equipment and the snow load.
· There was general discussion about how solar companies are looking for land for solar panels. Leasing/buying/long term arrangements. Someone would have to sit down with the companies if they were interested.
· The companies do a satellite view to see if it is worth it for you to put these panels on your home.
· There was discussion about Tesla partnering and if this comes to fruition, how it may impact solar energy.
K. Lux had reviewed the example Laws and feels that a draft is needed for a base
law that the members could then work with and compare with the other example Laws. Chairman Kelly noted that since Supervisor Eppolito will be in contact with the Town of Evans to obtain their Law, the Planning Board will wait for that Law and then proceed.
ITEM #6: Business from the Floor
a) G. Donhauser reviewed the Agenda for the September Town Board
meeting and noted that the Town will be taking over the Mortons Corners Cemetery. Discussion about the Town’s responsibility for the digging of graves and costs associated with the cemetery. The Town already has taken over the East Concord Cemetery.
ITEM# 7 : Motion of Adjourn
K. Lux made the motion, seconded by J. Jozwiak, to adjourn the meeting at 7:24 p.m. All in favor. Carried.
Darlene G. Schweikert
Planning Board Secretary