January 31, 2006


Location/Time: Cumberland Plateau Planning District Office, 12:00 p.m.

Present: Eugene Mullins (Dickenson County Litter Coordinator), Toby Edwards (Regional Litter Prevention and Recycling Coordinator), and Naomi Honaker (Russell County Litter Office)

Not Present: Pat Boardwine (Buchanan County Litter Officer), Lester Turner (Dickenson County Litter Officer), Odell Musick (Russell County Litter Control) and Terry Lowe (Russell County Litter Control).

Guest: Bonnie Mahl (Clinch Valley SWCD), Greg Gross (Wise County Litter Officer), Ray Crouch (Wise County Coordinator), Michelle Earl (VDOT) and Peggy Snead (MXI Environmental, Inc.).

Toby Edwards call the meeting to order at 12: 30 p.m.

Approval of the December 2005 minutes.

Naomi Honaker made a motion to approve the minutes for October 2005, Seconded by Eugene Mullins and the vote carried.

Electronics Recycling Event.

Toby introduced Ms. Peggy Snead with MXI Environmental based in Abingdon. Ms. Snead presented each participant with a packet of information on E-recycling. Ms. Snead indicated that their cost for accepting electronics was 25¢ per pound. She indicated that a set up fee would be additional if they were at the events. Toby pointed out that in prior discussions with Ms. Snead, MXI would not charge the counties if they do the collections and then transport the collected electronics to Abingdon. Ms. Snead agreed and confirmed that this would reduce the counties cost for hosting the events. Ms. Snead stated that she would look into Gaylord boxes that the counties could use during their events. She indicated that she would let Toby know of this information. Toby stated that the counties had the option of paying for their event or charging citizens 25¢ or they could pay for citizens and only charge businesses. Toby updated that last years event was paid by a DEQ grant and was no longer available. He indicated that based on the cost of last years number the cost could be estimated as follows:

Buchanan County collected 6 tons/12,000lbs last year-if they collect the same amount this year that would equal to $3,000 for the event.

Dickenson County, they collected 5 tons/10,000lbs last year-if they collected the same it would equal to $2,500 for the event.

And for Russell County, they collected 4 tons/8,000lbs last year-if they collected the same it would equal $2,000 for the event. Eugene Mullins made the motion that each county discuss these options with their county administrator and get back to Toby by February 10th. Naomi seconded the motion, vote carried. Toby also updated the group that our events could be a part of the state campaign to encourage electronic recycling. The Virginia Recycling Association is sponsoring a statewide campaign for the month of April 2006. Toby asked for a motion that our events be apart of this statewide campaign. Eugene made the motion that we be apart of the statewide campaign and seconded by Naomi Honaker. Vote carried.

Tri-County Illegal Dump Cleanup Events 2005-2006

With Mr. Boardwine’s absence, Toby updated everyone that Buchanan County’s event held last Friday (Jan 27th) was a huge success. Over 7 tons of materials were removed in the Rocklick section of the county. Toby informed the group that both Mr. Boardwine and Buchanan County appreciated the participation of Dickenson and Russell Counties staff and probationers.

The following is the remaining schedules of cleanups for the Tri County Illegal Dump Cleanup events. All three counties agreed to participate in these events.

·  Russell County is scheduled for February 10, 2006.

·  Dickenson County is scheduled for February 17, 2006.

·  Buchanan County second one is scheduled for February 24, 2006.

Toby reminded everyone that during the December meeting the counties agreed to provide lunch during the day of the event. Each County agreed to provide food for their event. Motion made by Eugene Mullins, seconded by Naomi Honaker. Vote carried.

Update on mapping progress

Eugene Mullins (Dickenson Co) updated the group that they have completed their mapping. At this point Mr. Mullins explained that they have 234 sites and 76 cleaned.

Naomi Honaker (Russell Co) stated that their counties were both about 90-95% complete. Ms. Honaker indicated that Russell should be completed in February 2006 with the assistance of the Clinch Valley SWCD’s OSM/VISTA-Ms. Bonnie Mahl. Ms. Mahl told the group that she had been out with volunteers finishing up those sections of the county left to be mapped. Ms. Honaker indicated they needed to get with the Clinch Valley SWCD to update the sites that have been cleaned. Ms. Honaker said she would be working on this.

Toby updated the group that Buchanan County has an intern working with the Big Sandy SWCD to complete the survey. He indicated that they would be completed in February as well.

Annual Plan(s) of Work

Toby asked to meet with each county’s office to discuss their progress for achieving their plan of work and to determine ways he could assist them. Dates that were agreed upon are as follows: Buchanan Co February 20th at 11:00 a.m., Dickenson Co February 16th at 10:00 a.m. and Russell Co February 15th at 3:00 p.m.

Overview of the CPRWMA’s website.

Toby presented the counties with a new website that was created to assist the counties and to provide citizens with information. Toby gave a tour of information that is listed at the site-calendar of events, documents, and the survey that citizens can complete. The CPRWMA’s website is

Next Meeting.

The next meeting is scheduled in the rotation for Dickenson County. Eugene Mullins (Dickenson Co) made the motion to host the Tri County Litter Coordinators and Officers meeting on February 28th starting at 11:00 a.m. at their Office Building in Clinchco, VA, seconded by Naomi Honaker. Vote carried.

Adjournment of the Meeting.

Eugene made the motion to adjourn, seconded by Naomi. Vote carried.