Questionnaire: Global Pet Ownership and Responsible Care; International Veterinary Departments

Name of Organisation; SPAY/PANAMA

Country; PANAMA

Telephone; +507-6671-0246


We will keep all contact information and individual replies confidential.

Section APet Ownership Statistics and Population figures

If possible please complete the following table providing approximate figures for your country.

Dogs / Cats
Approx number in country / 9,000,000 / 12,000,000
% kept as pets / 2% / 1%
% feral/stray / 98% / 99%
Average % households owning a dog/cat / Urban: 50%
Rural: 75% / Urban: 60^
Rural: 75%
Average number of dogs/cats per household / Urban: 1
Rural: 3 / Urban: 3
Rural: 5

Section B Veterinary Profession Statistics

  1. How many Universities / colleges contain veterinary departments training veterinary qualifications in your country? ___1____
  2. How many students graduate with veterinary qualifications each year in your country?___20____
  3. How many qualified veterinarians are working in your country at present ? _700______

4. How long is the training period for a veterinary qualification? ___six years______

5. What % of the total course is dedicated to companion animal (dog and cat) medicine / surgery? ______50%______

6. Does the course provide options for students to learn about practical companion animal medicine / surgery – e.g. Is spending time in dog/cat vet or neutering clinics recommended / are practical sessions related to companion animal surgery part of the course ?
__Not much currently, but in the near future the VeterinarySchool of the University of Panama will sign an agreement with Spay/Panama for the students to practice the small incision, early sterilization and use of stainless steel suture______

Area of work vets employed in / % of vets working in this area / Comments
Working for government / state departments / 50% / Paper shufflers
Working in farm animal only jobs / 10%
Working in companion animals / 10%
Working in mixed (farm and pet animals jobs) / 10%
Retired or in unrelated careers / 3%
Working in other areas (state if possible) / 17% / Vendors for pharmaceutical and veterinary products
What % of all qualified veterinarians working in your country have undertaken their training in other countries but now practice permanently in your country? / 50%

5. What are the most common nationalities of previously qualified vets who arrive in your country to work?___Mexicans______

6. Does your country have a regulating board that oversees veterinary standards? No / Yes

If so, is registration of vets with regulating boards compulsory or voluntary ? _voluntary______

What % of working vets are registered with a regulating board? _____60______%

Section CPet health and husbandry

1. Is there a commercial breeding trade of dogs/cats in your country? What outlets do they use to sell the animals? Are there regulations for such a breeding trade? Are such places inspected by vets?

__Private breeders, animals are sold through ads. No inspections take place______

2. What is the common age at purchase of dogs and cats in your country?

Dogs __2 months______Cats___2 months______

3. What is the average life expectancy of dogs / cats in your country?

DogsAverage age _____15______Range from ______to___

CatsAverage age _____15______Range from ______to___

4. What % of the dog / cat population are regularly seen / registered at a local veterinarypractice


5. In your experience, what % of pets are routinely vaccinated in your country?

Dogs ___45______%Cats ___1______%

6.Are there any government organised or national vaccination programmes in place to assist with vaccination of feral / wild animal populations or to assist owners of cats / dogs with vaccination costs?

No / Yes (please provide details below)

____Health Ministry______

7.Please list diseases that pets could be vaccinated against in your country

Dogs / Cats
Parvo / Feline Panleukopenia Virus
Distempher / Calicivirus/Herpesvirus
Rabies / Chlamydia, Feline Infectious Peritonitis, and Ringworm

If vaccines are rarely available please note below providing reasons if possible

__Canine vaccines are readily available. Feline vaccines are a bit more difficult to purchase______


8.Please list the most common zoonotic conditions carried within the dog / cat population

Dogs / Cats

9.What % of pets are routinely neutered (spay / castration)?

Dogs male __5______%female ___45______%


10.Are there any government funded/ national programmes carrying out neutering of feral or wild cat / dog populations within your country?No / Yes – please give details

____Spay/Panama is the only organization carrying out sterilization campaigns of feral cats and dogs______

11.Are there any government or privately funded neutering clinics offering free / low cost neutering to assist pet owners in your country?No / Yes – please give details ____Spay/Panama______

12.Is it common to neuter at less than 6 months?SPAYPANAMA STERILIZES DOGS AND CATS FROM 6 WEEKS OLD

Dogs __YES______Cats____YES______

13.What are the most common methods of neutering / sterilising pets used in your country? E.g. surgical removal of reproductive organs / Fallopian tube tying / vasectomy / chemical sterilisation / hormonal control through drugs


14.Is pain relief / analgesia routinely provided during neutering procedures?

Dogs No / Yes Details ____Flumixine or dipirone______

Cats No / Yes Details ___Flumixine or dipirone______

15.Who regularly carries out neutering procedures (e.g. vet surgeons / technicians / lay people) in your country?Where do people train in order to undertake this procedure?


16.What are the risks of anaesthetic or post operative deaths following neutering in your country? FOR SPAY/PANAMA:

Dogs ______.0025______% dying during / following neutering procedure

Cats______.0025______% dying during / following neutering procedure

Common reasons / comments


17.Are there any national / regional taboos or cultural reasons why neutering is considered inappropriate by either the veterinary professionals or animal owners?

No / Yes – please comment

____Only to ignorant people that do not understand the benefits of sterilizations and some veterinarians that insist that female dogs must have 1 litter before being sterilized______

18. How common is it for owners/vets to routinely give anti-worming (anti endoparasite) medication?

___Very common______

19. How common is it for owners/vets to routinely give anti-flea preparations?

___Quite common______

Please list any other commonly provided preventative preparations and state reason for treatment


20.In your opinion, what are the most common reasons for owners not undertaking preventative health treatments e.g. low incomes of owners, medications unavailable, lack of available information?

____1. Low incomes of owners 2. lack of available information______

21.How common are nutritional related illnesses within the pet population?

___Quite common______

22.How common is it for veterinary professionals / practices to recommend commercially produced complete diets for pets?


Rare (less than 5% vets recommend)------

Uncommon (less than 20 % vets recommend)------

Relatively Common (more than 20% vets recommend)------X------X------

23.Please list the 5 most common causes of pet death in your country for each species

e.g. rabies/leismaniasis/cancer/accidents/euthanasia for non illness related problems

Dogs / Cats
Cancer / Accidents
Parvo or distempher / FIV or LeFV
Accidents / Cancer
Euthanasia / Euthanasia

24.What are the most usual reasons why people no longer want their pets?

___1. Got bored after the puppy or kitten grew 2. lack of money to buy food or kitty litter 3. behavioral problems______

How do people give up their pets?

(Please rate the following from 1 to 5, where 1 is the most common and 5 is the least common)

Dogs / Cats
Euthanasia by vet / 2 / 2
Euthanasia by owner (please state most common methods used by owner)
Giving to rescue centre / shelter
Abandonment / 1 / 1
Other (please state) Give to a friend or family member / 3 / 3

25.What are the most common methods of pet euthanasia used within the veterinary profession?

Please list including name of any drugs regularly used.


Any other comments that would help us to better understand pet care and trade in your country?


Thank you for filling in this questionnaire, your help is much appreciated.