Reason of Twitter Picture Comes Up Blurry
Whether you use Twitter for business or recreation, you want your photos to be clear and stand out. Communication through social media is highly visual and photos often help you make your point. Those images define you through every conversation you have on Twitter, but blurry, indistinct photos can leave people with a negative impression of your photography or technical abilities. Checking that your image is optimized to meet Twitter's requirements can help you overcome these obstacles.
Optimizing Header Images
The header photo is the graphic appearing behind your profile photo and bio and is visible only when a user clicks on your profile. A blurry header is usually caused by the unusual dimensions of the frame or using a low-resolution image. Twitter can support header pictures up to 5MB in size, and the dimensions of the displayed frame are 1252 by 626 pixels. Uploading a photo smaller than this causes the image to be stretched and distorted. Your header photo also has a gray layer applied to it once it's uploaded. If your header is still blurry after you’ve sized it properly, try another image with darker background tones.
Profile Picture Troubleshooting
A common cause of blurry profile shots is the original size. If you upload a tiny photo, Twitter will stretch it to fit the display size, resulting in the picture appearing blurry. If you use a low-resolution photo, it may look fine as the small profile picture beside each tweet but end up a fuzzy mess when someone clicks on your profile and the picture enlarges. Profile photos up to 2MB in size are allowed on Twitter, so choose a larger, high-resolution file and make sure it’s in a format that Twitter supports.
Troubleshooting Tweeted Pictures
You’ve just uploaded a photo to Twitter from your phone, and when you check it out in the timeline, it’s blurry. You may not be giving the photo enough time to properly upload. One of the main reasons a picture appears blurred is because it’s not fully loaded yet. Give the process a few more minutes and check it again. If it happens consistently, you may have a conflict between the size of your photos and your bandwidth. If your bandwidth is slow and the file is big, the photo may be timing out before it’s loaded. Resize the photo to a smaller size and try again.
Accounting for Profile Changes
Whenever you upload a new picture to your Twitter profile, remember to save your changes. If you don’t, you’ll just see the old blurry photo and perhaps mistake it for the new, corrected photo. If your upload times out and never finishes, try the upload on a different device or use a different browser. Sometimes software conflicts can be at the root of the problem. Your photos should always be in JPEG, GIF or PNG formats to work on Twitter. New animated GIF files will be rejected from the system.