The IBDP Summer Program will prepare incoming 11th and 12th grade students for the rigors of IB coursework by equipping them with all the necessary prerequisite skills to enter IB classes in the fall of 2015. Summer classes are available for the IBDP courses listed below. Please note the dates, time, and location for each session, as they vary.
IBDP Course: / Grade / Dates / Time / Location / Course DescriptionHistory & Theory of Knowledge / 11 & 12 / 6/11 – 6/24
Research Days: 6/15, 6/17, 6/19,
6/23 / 6/11 & 12
6/16, 18, 22, 24
6/15, 17, 19, 23
Research Days: 10am-1pm / 6/11 & 6/12: Pittsburgh Obama
6/16, 18, 22, 24
Carnegie Mellon University (WEAN HALL)
6/15, 17, 19, 23
Research Days: Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh (MAIN) / History: The purpose of this summer program is to prepare students for the senior IB History course and for writing the junior and senior level research papers. The first day will focus on what is required to pass the IB History exam. Research Days willbe held at the main branch of the Carnegie Library for specific help on your child's research papers. The remaining days at Carnegie Mellon University will focus on the topics needed to pass the exam: WWI, WWII, the Arab-Israeli Conflict, the Cold War and 20th Century Dictators.
Theory of Knowledge: How confident are you in applying your TOK skills toward writing a 1600 word essay and giving a 10 minute presentation on a real-life situation?The purpose of this summer program is to review the concepts and terminology necessary to successfully complete the required internal and external assessments for the IBDP Theory of Knowledge component of the IB program. Time will be spent reviewing the specific requirements of the TOK presentation and essay necessary for obtaining an IB Diploma.
Language A / 11 / 6/25 – 7/9
(NO 7/3) / 9am-12pm / Carnegie Mellon University
(WEAN HALL) / Be sure to be prepared to step into your first year of IBDP English! This course provides a snapshot of everything we will do during the school year in order to help you get prepared for what's ahead. Students will be guided through and receive instruction for the required summer reading.
Language A / 12 / 6/25 – 7/9
(NO 7/3) / 9am-12pm / Carnegie Mellon University
(WEAN HALL) / This course will focus on learning and practicing the Written and Oral Commentary. Students will be guided through and receive instruction for the required summer reading. Students will also examine and discuss issues relevant to novels of social criticism.
Math Studies 11 / 11 / 7/13-7/24 / 9am-10:30am / Carnegie Mellon University
(WEAN HALL) / This course will focus on prerequisite knowledgeforstudents who will be taking IBDP Math Studies 11 next year. We will work with solving and graphing linear equations, systems of equations, approximation, rounding, scientific notation, and using the graphing calculator. We will also take time to cover material that is on the Keystone exam for students who have not yet passed this graduation requirement, as it is also prerequisite knowledge for Math Studies 11. We will also be looking at real IB test questions on each of the topics previously listed, so that students will be more than prepared for Math Studies 11 the following school year.
Pre-Calculus / Varies / 7/13-7/24 / 10:30am-12pm / Carnegie Mellon University
(WEAN HALL) / This course will focus on prerequisite knowledge for student who will be taking IBDP Pre-Calculus. We will work with linear equations and inequalities, quadratic equations and their graphs, exponential functions and their graphs, and graphs of functions in general, as well as use of the graphing calculator. Students in this class will receive a summer packet on these topics, and lessons will be taught on each particular topic that is covered in the summer packet, to help students complete the packet. We will also be looking at real IB test questions on each of the topics previously listed, so that students will be more than prepared for Pre-Calculus the following school year.
Math Studies 12 / 12 / 7/13-7/24 / 9am-10:30am / Carnegie Mellon University
(WEAN HALL) / This course will focus on preparing studentsfor Math Studies 12 and the Math Studies Standard LevelIBDP examination. We will work on parts of the internal assessmentas well as review topics that were covered during Math Studies 11. Week 1 will focus on the Internal assessment, its rubric and the mathematics necessary for theexploration. Week 2 will focus on a review of topics from Math Studies 11 including previously used IB examination questions to prepare student for Math Studies 12 the following school year, and the IBDP examination.
Calculus / Varies / 7/13-7/24 / 10:30am-12pm / Carnegie Mellon University
(WEAN HALL) / This course will focus on preparing students to be successful in IBDP Calculus. The focus of each day will be a different topic from the summer work. Each day will have a focus including, exponents, domain, inequalities and absolute values, quadratics, transformations, factoring, even and odd functions, asymptotes, rational functions, composition of functions, complex fractions, andtrigonometric functions. Students that are enrolled in IBDP calculus will receive summer work, and this course will provide instruction and assistance in understanding and completing this work. Time will also be spent on helping to develop the students’ exploration for the internal assessmentwhichis a requiredpart of the IBDPmathematicsrequirements.
Student Information
Student Name:______Anticipated Grade for the 2015-16 School Year:______
Parent/Guardian Name:______Phone Number 1: ______Phone Number 2: ______
Parent Email:______Student Email: ______
I would like to enroll in the following IBDP Summer Program classes (check all that apply):
/ IBDP Summer Program Class / Dates / Time / LocationIBDP History & Theory of Knowledge, 11th & 12th Grade / 6/11 – 6/24
Research Days: 6/15, 6/17, 6/19, 6/23 / 9am-12pm
Research Days: 10am-1pm / Carnegie Mellon University (WEAN HALL)
Research Days: Carnegie Library (MAIN)
IBDP Language A, 11th Grade / 6/25 – 7/9(NO 7/3) / 9am-12pm / Carnegie Mellon University
IBDP Language A, 12th Grade / 6/25 – 7/9 (NO 7/3) / 9am-12pm / Carnegie Mellon University
IBDP Math Studies, 11th Grade / 7/13-7/24 / 9am-10:30am / Carnegie Mellon University
IBDP Math Studies, 12th Grade / 7/13-7/24 / 9am-10:30am / Carnegie Mellon University
IBDP Pre-Calculus / 7/13-7/24 / 10:30am-12pm / Carnegie Mellon University
IBDP Calculus / 7/13-7/24 / 10:30am-12pm / Carnegie Mellon University
Parent/Guardian Permission to Attend
I give permission for my student______to attend the 2015 IBDP Summer Program.
Parent/Guardian Name:______Parent/Guardian Signature:______
Please send this completed enrollment form to the Gifted and Talented Office by June 5th.
341 S. Bellefield Avenue, Room 462, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 (412)529-3082
You may also fax or email your completed enrollment form to Jaclyn Castma:Fax: 412-928-0576 or Email: