Secondary Science Showcase
August 23- Wakefield HS
All of the sessions (unless otherwise indicated) will be presented during both the 1st and 2nd rotation. If the session you want is full during the 1st rotation, please come back for the 2nd rotation. You will have 10 minutes of passing time between each rotation. The last half hour is set aside for your department to get together and debrief as a team. We have assigned a location for each school.
Time / Session / Presenter / Location1:00-1:30 / General Session / Mike Tally / Auditorium
1:30-1:40 / Passing time
2:35-3:20 / Britannica Online / Jennifer Keating / 2100 (comp. lab)
Learn about the wonderful resources available on NCWise Owl! These are great to use when designing research projects for your students!
*Building and Using a Class Website (*1st session only) / Laura Collins / 2212
Learn how to build a website with programs like wikispaces, weebly and pbworks, that can be used with your students for projects, discussion forums and student-created pages.
**Using Case Studies to Teach Science (**2nd session only) / Laura Collins / 2212
With so many real world applications of science, case studies can be an effective way to teach science. From problem-based examples to interactive clicker case studies, learn how to incorporate these into your lesson plans to create a deeper understanding of content.
*Case 21 Benchmark Assessments for Biology (*1st session only) / Janet Scott / 2106
One Biology teacher per school must attend this session. You will learn about the new Benchmark assessments that will be implemented this year.
**New Science Teachers (**2nd session only) / Mike Tally / 2106
This session is for teachers that are new to teaching science in Wake County. We will discuss the best resources available to new science teachers.
SAS Curriculum Pathways / Ada Lopez / 2306 (comp. lab)
How can you offer online opportunities for investigation and learning through experimentation? By incorporating digital resources that facilitate inquiry and active learning—like those found in SAS(R) Curriculum Pathways(R).Winner of numerous national awards, SAS Curriculum Pathways provides online content at no cost to U.S. teachers. These standards-based resources map to the NC Science Essential Standards for grades 6-12. Come investigate engaging science resources that support scientific inquiry and develop students' critical-thinking skills. And learn how to register for a free subscription!
*Science Olympiad (*1st session only) / Kelly Fair / 2308
North Carolina Science Olympiad provides rigorous academic interscholastic competitions that consist of a series of different hands-on, interactive, challenging and inquiry-based events that are well balanced between the various disciplines of biology, earth science, environmental science, chemistry, physics, engineering and technology. Come learn more about the Olympiad and how to start a team at your school!
Creating a Virtual Lab / Christopher Waluk
Tad Berube / 3224 (comp. lab)
Geared for middle and high school teachers in all areas of science, this session will focus on creating a virtual science lab as well as a virtual classroom. We will explore ways in which virtual labs can be used to improve student understanding of science topics and how web based tutorials and assessments can offer significant advantages to traditional teaching methods. Going far beyond using the internet to organize and post conventional content, simulation software is a “game changer” in how laboratory science will be taught in the future.
The Constructivist Classroom / Casey Clements / 2206
How to take a Constructivist Approach to teaching where the students learn to teach themselves and the classroom is flipped to allow students more one on one time with you as you facilitate with less lecture and more individualized learning. This design implements technology, student driven assignments and evaluations, student accountability and transforms the teacher from a lecturer to a “hands on” facilitator.
The Guskey Method / Stephanie Toney / 2312
We have all dealt with the frustration of students who do not perform well on a unit test and the time impossibility of re-teaching the material to those who did not "get it" the first time. Dr. Thomas Guskey has addressed this problem with his method of Teach - Assess – Re-Teach – Re-Assess. Four teachers in the eighth grade have been using his methods since March of 2011 and have experienced success. Spend an hour with us and talk about how it can work for you.
Making Groups Work / Sarah Lancaster / 2204
The key to successful labs and working in groups is setting the norms and roles at the beginning of the year. What are your expectations? What lab skills do they need for success? How will you ensure everyone participates and is successful? Teaching kids how to work in groups is all about expectations and setting up roles and responsibilities first.
The Flipped Science Classroom / Josh Corbat / Auditorium
Many educators have heard the buzz about "Flipped" classrooms, but does it really work? And HOW does it work? This session will provide real, usable strategies that you can use to enhance student learning by utilizing technologies that they know and love. From the prospective of a high school classroom, this strategy is broken down and explained so you can bring it back to your school and get started immediately.
iPads in the Classroom / Samantha Wilson / 3210
This course will instruct teachers in multiple ways to use the Ipads in their classrooms. A packet of lessons, which will include several differentiation and extension activities, will be provided.
Using VoiceThread in the Classroom / Kristy Meyrick / Media Center
Educators learn to integrate asynchronous discussions using the cloud-based tool, VoiceThread, to engage learners by posing questions, assessing prior knowledge, and revealing discrepancies in order to engage learners. Educators will also learn to facilitate students using the tool to explore, make predictions, plan, and design and build models, allowing teachers and peers to provide feedback and probing questions that deepen the student's understanding during the inquiry process. .
Using Web 2.0 Tools to Encourage Literacy / Audra Hawley / 3218
I'll highlight some quick web 2.0 tools that can be used to engage students in thinking, reading, and writing. I'll highlight some low-prep tools like voki and wallwisher, some medium prep tools like and, and some high-prep tools like animoto, toondoo, and storybird.
Foldables and Fun Notes / Melissa Brown / 3214
Explore ways to incorporate Foldables and Fun Notes into your science class in this interactive workshop. Almost any science topic can be applied to these hands-on graphic organizers. Come with your subject in mind and find out ways you can get your students "fired-up" about organizing science into this proven kinesthetic learning technique.
Using iTouch Technology and Paperless lab Reports / Molly Bostic / 3216
Smart Phone and iTouch technology is everywhere! We can really maximize our use of these devices during labs. Students can use the technology for collecting and sharing data. Then, using the technology to create electronic lab reports allows for collaboration and dynamic presentations of content. Join us for a session that will teach you how you can get students to create paperless lab reports using the latest, easy-to-use (mostly free) technology.
How to Make Jing Tutorials / Denise Laycock / 3208
How to make Jing tutorials and how to post on blackboard. ***Each participant will need a microphone or have one on their laptop. Laptops are also needed.
Updating old research assignments without having to be technologically savvy. / Rachel Woods
Dena Blevin / 3206
Walk through the collaboration process between a classroom teacher and media specialist turning a research paper into an engaging case study. Bring your computer for exploration of student examples. Learn how to incorporate 21st century skills into your classroom with the help of your media specialist.
Instructional Strategies for Teaching on the Block Schedule / Carrie Jones / 3204
Have you gotten stuck in a rut and need some different ideas for teaching on the block schedule? If so, this session is for you! Explore interdisciplinary strategies, ideas for warm-ups/closing the lesson, formative assessments, and other techniques that go beyond lectures, labs, and worksheets. Hand-outs will be provided.
*NSTA Resources (* 1st session only) / Joe Price / 2304 (comp. lab)
The National Science teachers Association is a great organization. Come and find out all of the resources available from NSTA. Many are free!
**NASA and Other National Resources (**2nd session only) / Joe Price / 2304 (comp. lab)
NASA provides many resources for students and teachers. Come find out many of the resources available from NASA and other agencies.
Using the Smart Board in your Classroom / Becky Subat / 2314
This presentation will highlight the differences between document cameras and Smart Boards for new users. Participants will learn ways the technology devices can be used both separately and together.
Tiered Lessons / Jackaline Teel / 3200
Are youoverwhelmed by tryingto differentiate and scaffold your lessons to meet the many needs and learning styles of thestudents in you classroom. Well, stress-out no more. Teacher created tiered lessons allow students to work on lessons andactivities at varying levels of difficulty whileworking toward the same standard. Tiered lessons are designed to allow teachers to create lessons that help motivate students because the lesson is built on students’ readiness levels.In this session we will discuss: What are tiered lessons? Why we should use them? We will also work in teams to create a tiered lesson you can take to use in your classroom.
3:30-4:00 / Department Debrief
Apex- 2212 / Athens Dr.-2312 / Southeast Raleigh- 3218
Broughton- 2212 / Cary- Media Center / Sanderson- 3214
East Wake- 2106 / Enloe- Media Center / Wake Early College- 3214
Green Hope-2106 / Garner- 2314 / Wake Forest-Rolesville- 3216
Fuquay-2308 / Heritage- 2314 / Wake NCSU STEM- 3216
Holly Springs-2206 / Middle Creek- 3210 / Wakefield- 3204
Knightdale-2206 / Millbrook- 3210 / Other- Auditorium
Leesville-2312 / Panther Creek- 3218