Minutes of the Trades Council meeting held on
19 November 2010 at 7:30pm.
Location:CVS Offices, Guild Hall Precinct, Preston.
Delegates present:Lynne Wallace (LW), Andy Birchall (AB) Andy O’Donnell (AO) Dave Rochester (DR) Derek Barton (DB) Gavin Hartley (GH) Glyne Greenidge (GG) Ian Leeming (IL), Jim Leigh (JL) Matthew Brown (MB), Phil Crowe (PC) Sarah Robinson (SR) Terry Bayes (TB), Steve Flynn (SF)
Guests/observers present:Mick Mulcahy (MM), Micheal Lavalette (ML).
Apologies for absence given: Andrew Wheatley, (AW) Darryl Fryer (DF), Dave Wilson (DW), David Savage (DS), John Pearson (JP) Patrick Coyne (PC) Philip Thomas (PT) Janet Newsham (JN) Ian Mcgill (IM) Michael Parkinson (MP) Shaun Cairns (SC), Amjad Ismail (AI) Helen Mamwell Holmes, (HH), Stephen Smith (SS), Heather Park (HP)Carl Crompton(CC ), Paddy Magill (PM) Steve Radcliffe (SR) Polly Haigh (PH)
Presidents Remarks TB opened the meeting with his observations. He commented on the success of the latest public meeting Preston Against Cuts. He also make some comments regarding the Tithebarn Projects and raised concern that there may not be the financial backing available in the current climate of recession and cut backs. He also commented on a potential skill shortage that could also affect the future development prospects of the Tithebarn project with the decline of apprenticeship schemes.
Minutes of the last meetingThe minutes of the last meeting were agreed.
Matters arisingPA system (megaphone)
It was agreed to purchase the megaphone recommended by AO fro £70.00 + £10.00 pp
Petition against EDL
ML explained that once a 100 signatures were acquired for the petition it was decided to release in the press.
Treasures ReportPC gave a verbal treasures report which showed we still had a healthy balance despite recent expenditure.
Secretaries ReportAction Point Log
LW went through the action point log and gave an up date on outstaying items. All agreed on the current status of the action point contained in the log. PC informed he had some information regarding banner details.
LW reminded everyone of asking other branches to affiliate ASAP.
AP1 PC to provide Banner Details
Organising Committee Report WEB site activity
AO gave an update on the activities he had been involved in redesigning the web site for the trade council. The site now had a Page for the Preston and South Ribble Trade Council, Preston against Cuts, Trade Union Education, and Workers Memorial Day. The site was being linked to the main TUC site. AO had also produced some business cards with details of the P&SRTC for delegates to use. Terry thanked him on behalf of the P&SRTC for his efforts. LW reminded everyone on the Preston and South Ribble Trades council face book page.
AP 2 AO to link P&SRTC web sit to TUC site.
Preston Against Cuts
It was agreed that P&SRTC would sponsor the Preston Against Cuts (PAC). It was also agreed that the same bank account used for the trade council would also be used for PAC It was suggested that all Branches were contacted to requesting donations for Preston Against Cuts. All cheques for Preston Against Cuts (PAC) need to be made out to Preston and South Ribble Trades Council with a note informing the donation is for Preston Against Cuts. It was noted with thanks that a cheque for £200 had been received from UNITE Bamber Bridge Branch for Preston Against Cuts.
AP3 All delegates to request donations for Preston Against Cuts.
P&SR Organising Committee
Delegates were reminded who was on the P&SRTC organizing committee. DS, LW, AB, ML, MM TB SR, DB sit on the organizing committee. It was agreed that the P&SRTC organizing committee would meet with members from PAC at a pre meeting to organise logistics and ensure there was a n agenda fro the next PAC meeting.
TU Education
AB advised that further courses were now available into the new year. All delegates were reminded the importance of supporting the Preston TU education program .
Workers Memorial Day
AB gave an update. The flag market had been booked for 30 April 2011. Meadow Street Labour club was also booked for after the event. Donation were being sought from branches.
AP 4 All delegates to request donations for WMD
There was no further information regarding preparations for the Guild.
EDL meeting in Preston 27 November
ML reminded everyone of the need to resist the EDL and remind delegates of the celebrating multi culture event being held on the Preston fish market which was being supported by P&SRTC and Unite against Fasism. This was in response to the EDL rally being held on the flag market on the same day.
Workplace ReportsReports received sent out electronically.
Correspondence Sent via email or made available at the meeting.
Any other businessUNITE Branch restructuring
GG reported that UNITE were restructuring branches and moving to work place branch structures.
The P&SRTC accepted a motion that was also being put forward to Preston city council on the 16 Dec relating to no cuts in jobs or services and no to privatisation. This was to coincide with the cuts budget being implemented by the council. It was noted that a further motion was being raised on the same date against the cuts in housing benefit.
Picket 16 Dec Preston Council Chambers
It was proposed that a picket was mounted by the P&SRTC outside the council chambers on the 16 Dec showing support for the anti cut motions being raised and to protest about the cuts in jobs and services. Protesters should meet outside the council chambers on Lancaster Road Preston at 9.00am. The council session starts at 10.00.
Datesand times of next meetings7.30pmWed15 December
Venue of meetingsCVS office, Guild Hall, Preston
Lynne Wallace
c/o PCS Office | Floor 10 | The Unicentre | Lords Walk | Preston | PR1 1DH
Telephone: 01772 234944 | Email: