- To help the candidate realize that by their Baptism they have been called as members of the Christian community.
- To let them see the obstacles they face in following the Christian call and developing a plan for them to respond to the call.
Rational: A CALL is an INVITATION. A call and/or invitation require a response. At times we find excuses of obstacles to our Christian response.
Background: Today, our young people may not feel that CHURCH is for them. They feel this way because they do not become involved in any of the ministries or opportunities offered to them. It is not always their fault, as this maybe what they are seeing at home – a lack of respond9ing to God’s call in their brothers and/or sisters and in their parent’s life.
Nevertheless, it is not too early to nurture an appreciation for the parish and for the importance of gradually assuming active responsibility within it. A call requires a response.
Young people preparing for the Sacrament of Confirmation need to realize they are being once again called into Christian Service. In your reflection with them do not focus on one-time service to fill a requirement but on an attitude towards service which will be seen in their life in the months and years ahead.
Outline of Session:
1. Begin by reading from Scripture Jeremiah 1:4-19. Discuss what this passage means to you and have the candidate discuss what it means to him/her.
2.God invites, God calls (often very quietly), but sometimes directly. God’s invitation invites a response. Share how you have responded in your life.
3. Review and discuss Activity I – “Obstacles to Growth.”
4. Look at, discuss where youth can offer their service. Review and discuss Activity II – “Find a Need and Fill it.” Develop with them some type of program for his year and the years ahead.
A summary page is given for you to fill out and return to Teresa McClure.
ACTIVITY I: Obstacles to Growth
Below are listed some kinds of behavior which give most people some trouble in terms of needing more self-discipline. Put an “X” in front of each area in which you feel you could use more self-discipline. Put an “O” in front of each area in which you feel you are in pretty good control most of the time. Use the “Other” lines to write in any kinds of behavior not listed that are giving you some trouble right now.
_____alcohol or other drugs
_____physical exercise
_____school work/study
_____helping at home
_____relation to parents
_____relation to brothers/sisters
_____Other (list) ______
_____Other (list) ______
_____Other (list) ______
From those marked with an “X,” choose the one you feel would be the best place for you to start a program of personal asceticism. Begin to think of ways you could go about improving in that area.
Discuss your list and your choice with your sponsor at your next meeting and then work together on a plan of action.
ACTIVITY II: Find a Need and Fill It
Review the following list with your candidate. Together attempt to add to it. Then decide together on one or more areas in which the candidate can gain some practical experience by offering his or her services in those areas.
1. Helping within the family by assuming a greater responsibility for basic chores without first being ordered to do so (for example: laundry, meal preparation and clean-up, general housekeeping, yard work, maintenance, conservation of energy).
2. Assisting elderly relatives or neighbors with errands, chores, visits, and so forth.
3.Volunteering services as a babysitter to a parent or couple who normally could not afford to pay a sitter.
4. Assisting parents of a physically or mentally handicapped child; assisting in a program that serves their special needs and their families.
5. Assisting in programs that serve the disabled (for example: reading to a blind person, providing transportation).
6.Helping with some of the “workday” tasks in the parish as they occur: phone committees; envelope stuffing; cleaning/decorating church, school, rectory; yard and building maintenance and repair projects/ helping cook and/or clean up at parish socials; babysitting in the Church nursery on Sundays; serving as a teacher’s aide in the Religious Education Program.
7.Investigate possibilities of joining and/or participating in the work of various service organizations in your area: St. Vincent de Paul Society, Red Cross, Candy Stripers, Optimists, Kiwanis, 4-h, Scouts, Pro-Life, Alateen, Salvation Army, Local Food Pantry.
8. Investigate possibilities of “adopting” a missionary and sending some of one’s earnings to him or her (contact the Diocesan Mission Office for more information).
9. Add other suggestions of your own.
Name of Candidate:______
Name of Sponsor:______Date of Session:______
- Jot down your impressions of your candidate’s present state of faith development in relation to this topic. (How does candidate see what a call is, their own obstacles.)
- In your discussion and sharing on the topic, how was the information received from you by the candidate?
- How does the candidate see their Christian call?
- Now that you have completed two sessions, what is your overall impression of the candidate in their preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation:
- Your personal thoughts and suggestions on how you were able to present this session.