ANALYTICAL METHODS PS 5015 – 01Dr. Charles Kelly
Thursday, 5:00 – 7:40 p.m.
In the event of misplacing your syllabus, and/or steps in social scientific research design handout, you can acquire an additional copy off my web page:
Analytical Methods is designed to introduce students to the main approaches to the study of political and social phenomenon. Students will study the nature and scope of social science and the logic of social inquiry. There will be a comprehensive examination and research design proposal and oral presentation. Each week students will discuss and review their research design proposal. Students will be asked to critique the proposal as it develops and submit feedback assignments monthly.
Earl Babbie – The Practice of Social Research (Latest Ed.)
Thurs. - September 4Introduction
“Research Methods for Social Sciences”, a video
Thurs. – September 11Human Inquiry and Science
Babbie, Chapter 1
Thurs. - September 18Theory and Research
Babbie, Chapter 2
Thurs. – September 25Ethics and Politics of Social Research
Babbie, Chapter 3
Feedback Quiz and Design Review
Thurs. – October 2Research Design
Babbie, Chapter 4
Thurs. – October 9Conceptualization/Operationalization
Babbie, Chapter 5
Thurs. – October 16Indexes, Scales and Typologies
Babbie, Chapter 6
Feedback Quiz and Design Review
Thurs. – October 23Logic of Sampling
Babbie, Chapter 7
Thurs. – October 30Experiments
Babbie, Chapter 8
Thurs. – November 6Survey Research
Babbie, Chapter 9
Feedback Quiz and Design Review
Thurs. November 13Qualitative Field Research
Babbie, Chapter 10
Thurs. – November 20Evaluation Research
Babbie, Chapter 11
Thurs. – November 27Thanksgiving (no class)
Thurs. – December 4Data Analysis
Babbie, Chapters 13 & 14
Feedback Quiz and Design Review
Thurs. - December 11Oral Reports
Thurs. – December 18Final Review and Exam
Research Designs Due
All students are required to take the exams and present proposals on dates specified. Please note that “INC” grades will not be given simply because a student fails to complete assignments on time due to illness or other severe problems beyond the student’s control for missing an exam or scheduled deadline. In such a case it is the RESPONSIBILITY of the student to initiate the request for a make-up exam or for an extension of a deadline. The student MUST initiate this request immediately upon discovering that he/she will not be able to meet the above requirements. FAILURE to get EXPLICIT (in writing) PERMISSION to miss an exam or deadline will result in a grade of failure.
The exam is weighed 40% and class participation will count for 20%. The final draft of your research project design will be worth 40%. No substitute work is allowed. Office hours will be posted on my door and webpage. My telephone number is 908-737-3992. My email is ckelly(at) . Please put “PS-5015” or “Grad. Course—Analytical Methods” in the subject line of your email, when you write. Thank you.