2015 River of the Year Nomination Form
Nominations due Friday, October 24, 2014 by 5 p.m.
Submission instructions:
Complete this form electronically and email it to Angela Vitkoski at by Friday, Oct. 24 at 5 p.m. Please be sure to include both this nomination form and a high quality photo of your river. If you have any questions, please contact
Angela (570) 718-6507 or at
Nomination of the ______as the2015 “River” of the Year.
[Name of river or stream]
Nominating Organization:
Is your organization a 501(c)3 charity currently registered with the IRS?
Is your organization currently registered with the PA Department of State Bureau of Charitable
___Yes___No, if no then please explain below.
Contact Name:
Street Address:
Web site:
What river or stream are you nominating for 2015 River of the Year?
In which river basin is your river or stream?
Based on river miles, access points, and in-stream flow is it feasible to host a one-day and/or overnight sojourn paddling trip on your river or stream?
Please describe your river or stream, the conservation needs and successes, and any other reasons why it would be a good choice for 2015 River of the Year.
Please describe your organization and why you feel that you would be a good host for the 2015 River of the Year.
Please list some examples of the activities that you will undertake throughout the year if selected for the 2015 River of the Year.
No organization can do these activities alone. What other organizations will you partner with in carrying out the 2015 River of the Year program?
In order for your nomination to be consideredyour mustincludea high quality photo of your river or stream. This photo will be used to promote your nomination during the voting process.