Information for social workers and other professionals who require a web based resource of commissioned and other services which they can access on behalf of Children/Young People and families.
Name of Officer completing form
/ Beckie RichardsPosition
/ Service Manager /Team
/ Compass Coventry Young Persons Substance Misuse ServiceDate
/ 21/08/2017 /Tel/mobile no.
/ 02476 251653Mob 07711094578
/Please write short sentences or paragraphs to answer the following questions /
1.What is the name of the service
Compass Young Persons Substance Misuse Service
2.Brief Description of the Service
- Service is commissioned to provide targeted and specialist services for young people involved in problematic substance use (drugs & alcohol);
- Suitable for any young person under the age of 18 years living within Coventry;
- Transitional strand - suitable for young adults up to the age of 25 years where adult services deemed unsuitable or whereby the young person would benefit from support transitioning into adult services.
- Provide a range of targeted/early interventions to vulnerable groups of young people deemed more at risk of substance misuse;
- Offer support and advice to parents, carers, significant others and families;
- Provide consultancy and support to professionals and volunteers working with children and young people by offering guidance and support with initial identification of substance misuse related issues, how to respond appropriately and how to engage young people;
- Work alongside local communities, neighbourhood forums and key partners to respond to local hotspot issues as part of a co-ordinated multidisciplinary approach.
3.Intended Outcomes of the Service
To reduce the risk of harm posed from substance misuse; to successfully engage young people in psycho social interventions resulting in a reduction of personal drug use or complete abstinence;
4.What is the Access Eligibility Criteria for Referrals (E.g. Known to social care, age criteria, part of vulnerable group, Looked after Child, under supervision of YOS etc.)?
- Compass will accept a referral from any source providing that the young person has consented to the referral being made.
- Referrals to Compass can be made over the telephone, e-mailed or posted. Children and young people can also self refer via the freephone number or our local website/e-mail address.
- If you refer a child or young person into the service then Compass will contact you to confirm receipt of referral and inform you of what will happen next.
5.Accessing the Service. Can people access this Service themselves by going directly to the relevant Provider/Service or do they go through Social Care?
6.If through the Provider/Service, please provide the details including e mail address, phone number and suitable contact details including any out of hours contact information
E Mail Address: or
Phone Number: 02476 251653
Name of Contact: Beckie Richards - Service Manager or Geetanjali Sembi – Team Leader
Other Information: Compass Coventry – 12 Warwick Row, Coventry CV1 1ED
7.If through Social Care please provide the link (or hyperlink) here so people can gain access to further information
Link Details: N/A
8.Please e mail this completed form and most up to date referral form (unless already completed in the last three months to):
Palvinder Kudhail, Interim Strategic Lead, Improvement
Khalifa, Shoayb, Business Manager: Performance & Quality Assurance
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