Wednesday 13th November / Music Instrumental Information Session @ 4.45 pm.
Wednesday 13th November / Prep – 4 Assembly.
Wednesday 20th November / VCE/ VET Exams Conclude.
Wednesday 20th November / Prep – 4 Assembly.
Wednesday 27th November / Book Club Orders Due.
Thursday 21st November / Year 12 Valedictory Dinner.
Friday 29th November / Last Day Year 11 students.
Friday 6th December / Prep – Year 10 Adventure Park Excursion.
Friday 6th December / Last Day Year 10 students.
Wednesday 11th December / Presentation Night 9 – 12 Learning Community – Performing Arts Area.
Thursday 12th December / Presentation Night 5 – 8 Learning Community – Performing Arts Area.
Wednesday 18th December / P – 4 Learning Community Concert.
Thursday 30th January, 2014 / First Day Term 1.
Over the past fortnight our Year 12 students have been fully engaged in their final VCE exams. This week sees the exams continue for most students. The last exams at Laverton College takes place Thursday next week. VCE results will be announced around the middle of December. The next event of the Year 12 calendar will be the Valedictory Dinner on Thursday 21st November.
Visitors to the school in the past week may have noticed that we have finally had the concrete slab for the new gym laid. Whilst the project is slightly behind schedule, the builders are hoping to quickly begin work on the steel framework for the new gym.
Whilst we have not finalised the dates for all our Curriculum Days for 2014, we can confirm that the first two days of the school year will be Curriculum Days. Teachers will return on Tuesday 28th January and students will commence on Thursday 30th January. There will be two additional Curriculum Days during the year which we will notify families of, early in the new year.
As requested in our last Newsletter, we would like to hear from any family whose children are not returning to Laverton College in 2014. Your assistance with this will help is with our year level planning.
At this stage the College is aiming to send home the notice in relation to the 2014 Prep – 4 and Years 5 – 8 book packs and Fees towards the end of this week, that is, Thursday or Friday.
As we enter the second half of Term 4, all families are asked to take note of a range of important dates and activities as listed at the start of the Newsletter. If any families require any information in relation to any of the events they are requested to contact the main college office or the admin office in their child’s Learning Community.
A reminder that, the notice about the day at Adventure Parkwas sent home to all families on the 14th October. The closing date for payments is Friday 22nd November. Any family that does not have an Adventure Park note can obtain one by contacting the office at school.
Each Learning Community will be holding a special end of year function. The Years 9-12 Learning Community Presentation Night will be held on 11th December. The Years 5-8 Learning Community Presentation Night will be held on the following evening, 12th December. The Prep -4 Learning Community Concert will be held during the morning of Wednesday 18th December.
Have a great week,
Neil Sproal
College Principal
- No dogs are permitted in the school grounds at any time.
- Laverton College carparks are designated for staff parking only.
Don’t feel out of the loop; visit our website for the latest news and all previous newsletters. . You can also receive the newsletter via email by:
- Phoning the College and advise your email address or
- send us an email requesting this
It is important that all students currently having lessons attend the meeting with a Parent/Guardian.Anyone who is interested in the program is also very welcome to attend.
When:Wednesday 13 November 4.45 – 5.30pm
Where:Laverton College Performing Arts Centre
RSVP by calling or emailing the school on 93691833,
If your child will not be attending school, the College must be notified. If it is a planned absence, please send a note or phone the College before the absence. If it is unexpected, please phone the College on the morning of the absence before 9.30 am.
The Napthine Government wants to change the 2013/2014 performance and development review process used in schools. The performance of all staff in Laverton College is currently assessed against agreed standards each year.
The proposed changes include an expectation that between 20-40% of teachers and education support staff and 25-35% of principals are to be deemed as not performing. There is no evidence to suggest this is true. In fact, at Laverton College we have a review process that is fair and to which teachers are appropriately accountable. To suggest that nearly half of our teachers are not performing in all schools, including Laverton College, has angered staff across Victorian schools.
It is irresponsible and unfair of the Government to suggest that up to 40% of staff are not performing to the standards required. The Victorian public education system is one of the most successful systems in the world despite being the lowest, per-student funded system in Australia. This success has only been achieved by a workforce that is hardworking and highly skilled. This is also true of the staff at this school.
The Australian Education Union has initiated Federal Court action resulting in the changes being halted pending a court decision. Since its election in 2010 the Government has cut $600 million from public education, affecting many programs, including literacy and numeracy programs, VCAL and basic services and regional support to schools.
You can support school staff by by emailing Premier Denis Napthine, Minister responsible for the Teaching Profession Peter Hall, or your local MP.
Their email addresses are: and .
Your MP’s address can be found at members.
Thank you for your continued support of our College.
Jason Crebbin
PresidentAustralian Education UnionLaverton P – 12 College Sub-branch
Changes in adolescence… many changes!
Young people may start to develop relationships with others that could be romantic or intimate as they start to explore their sexual identity. Talking about relationships, sex and sexuality is something that many parents may not want to do but despite what some young people think, young people do not know everything and they (as do all people) need skills to successfully negotiate healthy relationships. At school, these topics are addressed but we are not able to give the individual attention to it that your child can get at home.
As stated in the Victorian education department’s website,
“sexuality education reflects the approach our schools take in covering the many areas of this topic, including focusing on love, abstinence, safer sex, respect for others and oneself, diversity, personal rights and responsibilities, relationships and friendships, effective communication, decision-making and risk behaviours”.
Home/family is where every person first learns about trust, love, affection, bodies, privacy, values, respect, negotiation, consent, communication, rights, responsibilities, and relationships. The earlier adults listen and actively listen (= not half listening!), hear what information your child has and have conversations about these matters, the easier it is to have those more difficult conversations later on about relationships as they get older. As children move into puberty, they may not be talking or asking questions about some topics and you may need to find opportunities to have these discussions (certain TV shows and/or the news may be helpful for starting these). With age-appropriate information and effective communication skills, the better they will be prepared for different relationships and hopefully for their own optimal wellbeing.
Information for parents:
There are many resources to assist parents including:
- Family Planning Victoria website ( - information plus “Surviving Puberty: a guide to parents and carers.”
- Headspace ( - interesting reading about adolescent romantic relationships.
Information for young people:
- – information regarding health issues including mental health, physical health and sexual health as well as where to get more help and support.
Viv Harris- Laverton College Health Promotion/Secondary School Nurse
All students need to wear their College hat this term when playing outside or doing sport.
Students who do not bring their hats will sit under cover if they are outside.
Please ensure that all hats are named so that if they are lost we can return them to the correct child. If your child has lost their hat please check the lost property box which is located near the Prep-4 office.
If your child cannot participate in sport or has a medical reason (i.e broken arm etc.) we need a note advising the reason and the length of time the student will not be able to participate (sport/running around etc).
The student will then be issued with a “Sport Alert” or “Medical Alert” badge which they will wear while at school. They must collect it before school and at the end of the day return it to the Prep-4 office.
If you know people who have not enrolled their child for Prep next year or are new to the area please remind them that we are taking enrolments.
Anyone who has siblings at school please make sure that their Preps for 2014 are enrolled as transitions will start soon and we need to have them on record so that we can contact them.
Congratulations to Grade 4MP – winners of week 3.
We have introduced another attendance award into the assemblies. All students who have 100% attendance go into a draw with their class. Each class has a draw and one student from each class wins a prize.
I would like to thank all parents and students on the increased and improved attendance and improved punctuality routines. Students absences have improved from 82% to 85%.
We still have a few students who regularly arrive late. In many cases they are missing core teaching for literacy or numeracy. So that they do not fall behind the students will be able to make up their time in Study Club which operates for the first 15 minutes of recess or lunch. Study club is supervised by Prep -4 staff and is a time where gaps are filled and students retain the ability to keep up with their peers with work expectations and skills.
Jesse Lynch – 2JM - standing up and doing the right thing.
Kim Tongia – 3RB – settling well into his new school.
Phoenix Maxwell – 2JM – for moving up five levels in reading.
Ridhi Passi -4MP/AP – showing bravery in performing for assembly and having a go at lots of things in class.
Aholiapi Taunisila – 1AR – confidence in reading and writing in front of two teachers.
Noah Lindsey - 1HJ- confidence in reading and writing in front of two teachers.
Bea Trinidad – 2JM – moving up two levels in reading
Eden Wilson – 1AR – remembering facts about dolphins and sharing with the class.
Isaak Pitcher –showing bravery in Blue Earth.
Mia Thompson – PLP – showing bravery in attempting all new tasks eagerly.
Hanan Millitina – 1HJ – working really hardtop complete her work.
Ms. Jan Scott - Prep-4 Community Principal
Laverton P-12 College qualified and entered two teams (Carbon Formula Engineering and Team Element) in the Formula 1 in Schools STATE Championships held at Quantum Victoria. Over two days the teams battled it out against 20 other Victorian schools for a hopeful place at the Australian National Finals. The students were given the opportunity to meet and speak to the Federal Minister for Science and Technology and get up-close and personal with a real Formula 1 car. The months of hard work and dedication paid off and Laverton finished overall forth in both categories and walked away with two overall state awards;
- most innovative design (Carbon formula engineering, Development Class) and
- best portfolio (Team element, professional class).
Well done to both teams. They represented the Collage proudly. Further information about the program and the REA foundation can be found at:
On the 29th and 30th of October, a group of students from Laverton College, along with Mr Chandler, competed in F1 racing at Quantum Victoria in Bundoora. Two teams went to compete and the team names were Team Element and Carbon Fibre Engineering. On the first day we got there early and set up our booth, and we registered with the coordinator of the event. We had a welcoming ceremony and started competing. Engineering was first up and we had to talk about why we chose the design of the car. Afterwards, we had to present a speech to some judges about our team and what roles we all had. The judges scrutinised the car (which means they checked it out with regulations), but we got some time penalties because there were faults with the car. In the automatic racing section, we had to stand by and watch if our car had the fastest time. Unfortunately, we had some problems with the car and lost some points. On the second day we had the reaction time activity, which was where we had to see if we had fast reflexes for starting the car. In the knockout racing section, we got knocked out by a team of girls but showed good sportsmanship and pride. While our team was waiting, we looked around at other school’s booths and chatted to them about their designs. After that we had a closing ceremony and received some awards. Team Element won the award for Best Portfolio and Carbon Fibre Engineering won Best Car Design. The days were really fun, and we all had a good time.
Dylan Kerridge 11C
The school has organised appointments at Werribee Donor Centre for Wednesday 4th December, 2013. There will be 1 groups of 7 (6 students and 1 staff) leaving at 10:00am and returning to school at 12:00pm.
If you are interested in donating blood and are over 16 years of age and weigh 50kg or more, please see your Young Blood Ambassador Tristan Lee for details.
Students who are planning to donate blood will need to bring their photo ID on the day and make sure they eat and drink plenty of fluids beforehand. If they are unwell on the day they will not be able to donate.
Alternatively, all students over the age of 16 are able to donate at their own convenience at any of the Donor centres in Melbourne.
For more information please see Mrs Sandra Di MieriLaverton College P-12 Blood Donor Coordinator.
Victoria University is into its 18th season of conducting Sports Camps, which provide grass roots sporting opportunities for children aged 6 – 15. The range of activities that these children can participate in includes soccer, tennis, basketball, netball, cricket and various other sporting activities. These camps are aimed at providing not only sporting opportunities for participants, but to also assist in laying down the foundations for a healthy and active approach to life and all of its associated challenges, while having fun and making new friends!
The camps are in January 2014. Applications close Friday 13th December, 2013.
For more information please see Mr Anthony Daborn in the Years 9– 12 Learning Community.
Our local Care Coordinator of Aboriginal Health is Alex Rojas. Contact Alex for the following:
- Working with you and your doctor to find the best treatment plan for you,
- Helping give you a better understanding of your health problems, treatments and medications,
- Help you find and access medical services,
- Organise your transport,
- Direct you to community programs that may help improve your health and wellbeing.
If you or someone you know would like the help of a Care coordinator please contact Alex Rojas by phone 8731 6540 or mobile 0478 671 501 or email
Monday 2nd December / Year 9 Exams.Tuesday 3rd December / Exams till 1.00 pm/ BBQ Lunch/ Period 5 – normal classes
Wednesday 4th – Thursday 5th December / Normal Classes.
Monday 9th – Friday 20th December / Year 10 2014 – Orientation – Compulsory attendance required.
Monday 2nd December / Year 10 Exams.Tuesday 3rd December / Exams till 1.00 pm/ BBQ Lunch/ Period 5 – VCE/VCAL Enrolment.
Wednesday 4th and Thursday 5th December / Year 11 2014 Orientation – Compulsory attendance required.
Thursday 21st November – Monday 25th November / Year 11 Exams.Tuesday 26th – Friday 29th November / Year 12 2014 Orientation Week – Compulsory attendance required.