Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library
Donation Form
Privacy Statement: This information will not be used for any purpose other than the Imagination Library.
Yes! I would like to make a donation to support the Macon County Education Foundation's
Dolly Parton's Imagination Library program.
Enclosed is a check or money order for $ __________.
My name: ______________________________________________
Company/Organization: ___________________________________
Address: ________________________________________
City: _____________________ State: ____________ Zip: _________
Phone: _________________________________________________
Please makes checks payable to Macon County Education Foundation, Inc.
Many people want to know MCEF's costs to provide books to one child for a year. A contribution of $30 will pay for the cost of getting books to one child for one year. A contribution of $60 will pay for the costs of getting books to two children for one year. etc. However, a contribution in any amount is appreciated!
Use your browser's PRINT button to print this page. Fill out the form and
mail it with your check or money order to:
Macon County Education Foundation, Inc.
P.O. Box 66
Lafayette, TN 37083
(615) 699-2705
Thank you!