Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of Croydon NASUWT held on 17th January 2017 at 4.30 at Croydon Park Hotel.
Sally Arthey (in the chair), Alison Morgan (NEM) and 18 other members of the Croydon Association.
No apologies had been received.
The minutes of the previous AGM were agreed to be a true record.
Matters Arising:
There were no matters arising.
President’s Report
Sally Arthey, acting President for 2016, presented a report which was published in the Annual Report
Secretary’s Report
Jayne Melling presented a report which was published in the Annual Report
Treasurer’s Report
This report (which included the financial statement) was published in the annual report. The report and the accounts were accepted. (Proposed Jayne Melling, seconded Sally Arthey)
The following had been nominated via HQ and were elected unopposed:
· Secretary Jayne Melling
· VicePresident Fiona Tinwell
· Treasurer Graham Cluer
Sally Arthey, who had been VicePresident and acting President in 2016, was confirmed as President for 2017
Bob Chandler and Anita McGowan had been proposed as committee members via HQ. These members were declared elected unopposed.
Ken Waterhouse, Jason Brand, Mary Davey, Tilly Osei-Fosu and Charlotte Griffiths were co-opted onto the committee (proposed Graham Cluer, seconded Jayne Melling). The Secretary would call for additional committee nominations to fill these and other vacant posts.
Graham Cluer was appointed as Assistant Secretary (until 31/08/18).
The meeting appointed Sally Arthey to be Benevolence Officer and Graham Cluer to be Recruitment & Organising Officer.
The committee were empowered appoint other representatives and to make changes as required during the year.
Jayne Melling and Sally Arthey had been elected as Conference representatives via HQ. The meeting additionally elected Jason Brand and Anita McGowan as Conference Representatives (proposed Graham Cluer, seconded Jayne Melling). Anita would only attend part of the Conference.
Members re-ratified a financial protocol as published in the Annual Report. The treasurer proposed a budget for the two year period 2017 – 2018 which was published in the annual report. The budgets were agreed (proposed Graham Cluer, seconded Jayne Melling).
The meeting agreed to limit our conference reps to 5 in 2018.
Alison Morgan (Sutton) was welcomed to the meeting and gave a short report. She was nominated as a candidate for National Executive Member for 2017/8 (proposed Graham Cluer, seconded Jayne Melling).
Facilities time. The meeting agreed that Jayne Melling would receive all the available facilities time allowed and empowered the committee to make changes if necessary during the year.
Date of next meeting
It was noted that probable dates for future meetings 8th May 2016, 10th Oct 2017, 23rd January 2018 (AGM). Other dates may be inserted as required.
The meeting closed at 5:05 and was followed by a discussion about issues affecting members..