Drugs & Medicine – Unit 3

ADVANCED / 22-20
BEGINNER / 16-14
& ORGANIZATION / o  Detailed research info
o  Specific addiction info/treatment
o  Info is logically organized and easy to understand
o  Core (main) message - very clear / o  Some research info
o  General addiction info
o  Information is organized and easy to understand
o  Core (main) message clear / o  Basic information
o  Addiction info is omitted
o  Information is loosely organized
o  Core (main) message attempted but does not stand out / o  Uses common knowledge – (no evidence of research)
o  Omits key information
o  Lacks addiction info
o  Lacks organization
o  Did not identify a core message
& EFFORT / o  Presentation is engaging, original & motivates
healthful choices
o  Memorized script, lyrics
o  Uses a variety of props &/or backgrounds
o  Positive, unique catch phrase is used at least twice / o  Presentation is interesting & informative
o  Script was read
o  Used props/visual aids
o  Includes an original catch phrase / o  Very basic attempt to inform or influence
o  Used prop or visual aid fashioned from classroom materials
o  Inclusion of catch phrase attempted / o  Lacks information that can positively influence other students to avoid drug abuse
o  No props or visual aids
o  No catch phrase included
& USE OF TIME / o  Always on task
o  Works well as team member
o  Works independently
o  Completed on time
o  Shows evidence of extra effort/working on project out of class / o  Rarely off task, conversations were mostly focused on work
o  Mostly works well w/team
o  Works with a minimal teacher guidance
o  Completed on time / o  Occasionally off task, disruptive or not focused on work
o  Occasional difficulties working w/team
o  Needs teacher guidance frequently to stay on task
o  Completed late / o  Often off task and /or disruptive
o  Difficulties working w/team
o  Unable to work without constant teacher guidance
o  Project incomplete or not handed in on time
PRESENTATION & APPEARANCE / o  Presentation is well designed, audible, and varied w/ many extras
o  Presenters -well prepared & organized
o  Script is typed or neatly written, correct spelling / o  Presentation is organized & audible
o  Presenters are prepared
o  Each group member has a script.
o  Script is mostly legible
o  1- 2 misspelled words / o  Difficult to hear &/or understand presenters
o  Presenters are unsure or confused- parts/roles/topic
o  Script is hard to read – careless handwriting,
o  3 or words misspelled, punctuation/capitalization errors / o  Presentation lacks organization - seems to be spontaneous and ad-libbed, not a prepared script
o  Presenters are unprepared or decline to present
o  Script not handed in

GROUP MEMBERS ______Grade ______

TOPIC ______Rev. 1/14