Evaluating a Collaborative Task
Death of a Salesman Seminar
This summative task must be completed collaboratively in groups of 2 or 3 students. This does not mean however that all members of a group will receive the same grade. You will be evaluated both independently and collaboratively.
This is a collaborative aspect of the task. I expect each member of the group to have input as to the content of the handout. Though one person might be responsible to publish the handout and create the layout, everyone must have a say as to what appears on the page. Also, everyone is responsible for the spelling, grammar and overall language conventions used on the page.
Visual Component
This too is a collaborative aspect of the task. Again, all members must have input as to how you will use visual elements to get your message across. Don’t forget that the visual component is a small part of the task. Please use visuals wisely. They should not outshine the speaker and should not distract from what is being said.
This is the individual part of the assignment. Though you may have worked on the general content of the presentation as a group, what you say in front of the class and how you say it will affect your individual grade.
Each member’s “part” must show knowledge of the play, the characters and how the theme relates to the world in which we currently live.
It is important that you divide the content so that each member of the group is able to show his or her knowledge of each of these aspects. This is where I can see if you truly understand what you are saying. Your tone of voice, inflection, eye contact, attitude, knowledge and confidence are also all part of the evaluation.
Don’t forget, you must speak for at least 3 minutes!