Woodleaf Packing list

Pillow and Sleeping Bag

Sunglasses & hat

Sunscreen, lotion, lip balm, pool towel

Personal items, toiletries (shampoo, conditioner etc), and bath towel

Bring any medication that you take, but please tell us as the leaders will take the medication and it will be distributed at camp by a health care professional.

Clothing – shorts, pants, shirts (at least a couple T-shirts), undergarments, socks, sandals and closed toed shoes you can walk and be active in, and swimsuit. It gets cold at night, so bring pants and sweatshirts for the evenings. Bring active type clothes!

Extra set of clothes to THROW AWAY @ Woodleaf. I suggest black if possible. This INCLUDES CLOSED TOED SHOES (We might get a little dirty once!)

A Western outfit

A “nice” outfit- this does not need to be crazy nice, but a sundress or skirt for girls and collared shirt for boys. If possible, make it black or white.

A tacky prom outfit

A sports outfit (even just the Tshirt from your favorite team….Go Warriors)

**All the costumes seem silly, but trust me you will want them! Ask a leader if you need help finding any of these items (530-867-7354)

Camera (if you want)

Spending money for: snack shop, store, camp souvenirs, t shirts & sweatshirts etc.

The minimum spending money would be somewhere around $25.

**Note: All electronics will be locked up for the week, we are unplugging! We will take all cell phones, ipods etc and lock them up at camp- or you can just leave them at home.