Troop 423 Advancement
There have been many ranks and merit badges earned since the September 2012 Court of Honor. The boys have been busy earning 75 merit badges, ranging from Auto Maintenance and Camping to Water Sports and Space Exploration. Many of the merit badges earned were Eagle-required, helping the scouts reach the next rank in their journey to Eagle.
The 20 rank advancements earned are as follows:
Second Class: Jason Anderson, Brandon Praye, Karthik Tiruvallur
First Class: Hunter Klein, Siddarth Sylace, Karthik Tiruvallur
Star: Alex Chamberlain, Mark Fellin, Justin Jackson, Quinn McDonnell, Jeffrey Sharp, Jacob Stollberg
Eagle: Zach Bigej, EJ dela Cruz, Jake Garcia, Alec Malnati, Cooper McDonnell, Ben Pursley, Andrew Smelter
Bronze Palm: Tim Fellin
There were also several Nights of Camping awards earned. Four scouts plus two adults reached the 25 Night milestone. They are Jonathan Gillespie, Liam Myers, Sid Sylace, Kyle Van Velkinburgh, Mr. Schmidt and Mr. Stollberg. One scout reached the next level spending more than 50 nights in the great outdoors – Brandon Praye. And finally, the boys couldn’t do what they do without the help of their awesome adult leaders. Congratulations to Mr. Ratchen for reaching the 100 night milestone!
Congratulations to the boys and all of their hard work!
Congratulations to New SPL Clay VanRiper
Clay VanRiper was elected the Troop’s new SPL for the next term and has organized his PLC. The Troop thanks the outgoing SPL Travis Root for his leadership while leading the Troop through the last 6 month.
Eagle Watch
Congratulations to Tim Fellin who just celebrated his Eagle COH last Sat, March 9th, at St. Anthony’s Church. The last six months has seen the Flying Foxes patrol working on getting their Eagle projects and Boards of Review completed. The Flying Foxes are planning a group Eagle COH on May 5th at TCC. Congratulations also to Ben Pursley and Cooper McDonnell for their Eagle rank accomplishment.
Summer Camp Planning Has Started
Summer Camp prep for 2013 has started. The Troop is going to Camp Meriwether on the coast from July 7-13. Cost per Scout is $259 and the Troop is looking for the 1st payment now of $130. The balance of $129 will be due May 15th. See the most recent email for further details.
New Parent Orientation Meetings Have Started
Troop 423’s annual new parent orientation sessions started on March 4th and continue to April 22nd. The goal is to give our new parents the information they need so that they and their new Scout can hit the ground running and to acclimate the newcomers to Troop 423. The following is the schedule and we encourage all the new Parents to make the sessions.
Date / Title / TeachersMarch 4th / Welcome to the Troop / Sam and Lauri
March 18th / Getting Started / Todd Garcia
April 1st / Finances and Committee / Mike and Eric
April 8th / Personal Info and Safety / Lauri and Nelson
April 15th / Annual Program / Greg and Tyler
April 22nd / Beyond the Basics / Cathy Garcia and Bruce
Congratulations to the Outstanding Flying Foxes Patrol
The Flying Foxes are a special group of boys. They have been together in scouting since 2nd grade as Wolf Cubs in Pack 799 all the way through to their senior year in high school earning their Eagle ranks in this great Troop 423. They are truly a band of brothers. Although they have differences, they work together well, encourage each other, and really have the mindset of “no man left behind”. All six of them will celebrate earning their Eagle rank at a joint Court of Honor on May 5, 2013 at TCC. You are all welcome to attend!
Foxes highlights and a mention of their Eagle Projects:
- All are OA members who staffed several Camporees and attended 2 Conclaves
- They were active campers spending anywhere from 77 to 135 nights camping
- Three of them attended the National Jamboree in 2010
- Two served as SPLs and many as ASPLs
- Three attended Polaris and Sogus Leadership Training camps
- All participated in several high adventure outings, including two raft trips on the Deschutes river (50-100 miles) and a 50 mile hike in the Eagle Cap Wilderness
- All attended most summer camps including their last one possible at Camp Parsons 2012
Eagle Projects:
Andrew -Installed a 25 foot tall flag pole at the TigardSenior Center just behind TCC.
Jake – Built outdoor storage shed at Templeton ElementarySchool.
Trevor– Planted flowers and grass and installed a retaining wall at Templeton Elementary School.
EJ – Built rain water storage barrels at a garden area at Templeton Elementary School next to the storage shed Jake built.
Zach – Built book shelves at Durham Elementary School and organized a book drive to go along with this.
Alec - Installed an air conditioning concealment structure at TCC.
Congratulations to this outstanding group of young men!
Troop Calendar website
Except for Courts of Honor which start at 7:00PM, Troop Meetings are scheduled to begin at 7:30PM and end at 8:45PM. PLC meetings run from 7:00PM to 8:00PM. ASM meetings run from 8:00PM to 9:00PM. OA Chapter meetings, Roundtable meetings, and Committee meetings normally start at 7:30PM and end by 9:00PM.
Wed, March13: Calendar UpdateMtg – 630pm Max’s
Thurs, March 14:OA Roundtable/Chapter Mtg – 7pm
Sat-Sun, March16/17: Royce Finel Campout
Mon, March18: Troop Mtg/New Parent Orient – 730pm TCC
Wed, March20: Key 5 Mtg – 630pm Max’s
Thur,March21:PLC/ASM Mtg – 7pm TCC
Mon, March25:Spring Break, No Troop Mtg
Sat,March30: Zach Garcia Eagle Project – 9am Templeton Elementary School
Mon, April1: Troop Mtg/New Parent Orient – 730pm TCC
Thur, April4:Committee Mtg – 7pm TCC
Sat-Sun, April6/7:New Scout Campout
Mon, April 8: Troop Mtg/New Parent Orient – 730pm TCC
Thurs, April 11:OA Roundtable/Chapter Mtg – 7pm
Sun, April 14:JLT – 1pm
Mon, April15: Troop Mtg/New Parent Orient – 730pm TCC
Wed, April17:Key 5 Mtg – 630pm Max’s
Thurs, April 18:PLC/ASM Mtg – 7pm TCC
Mon, April22: Troop Mtg/New Parent Orient – 730pm TCC
Fri-Sun, April 26-28:District Camporee
Mon, April 29:Troop Mtg – 730pm TCC
Thur, May 2:Committee Mtg – 7pm TCC
Sun, May5:Flying Foxes Eagle COH – TCC
Mon,May6:Troop Mtg – 730pm TCC
Thur, May9:OA Roundtable/Chapter Mtg – 7pm
Mon, May13:Troop Mtg – 730pm TCC
Wed,May 15:Key 5 Mtg – 630pm Max’s
Thur, May16:PLC/ASM Mtg – 7pm TCC
Committee News
Troop Membership
Current stats are: 68 scouts and 67 registered adults. The Troop is actively enrolling Cub Scouts this spring as they cross over.
Troop Uniform Bank
The Troop Uniform Bank is always looking for donations. Please contact Mr. or Mrs. Skurdahl if you’d like to donate your unused Troop apparel along with equipment you might not use anymore. Also contact the Skurdahl’s if you’re looking for something you need.
Youth Protection Training
Cub Scout, Boy Scout, Varsity, Venturing
Available online at
This training is required for ALL Scout Leaders!
Cub Scout Leader Specific Training
Available online at
Training can also be scheduled at the Pack level.
Contact Tom Kroen to schedule training.
or 503.692.2799
This training is for Cubmasters and Assistants; Pack Committee Chairs and Members;
Tiger, Cub Scout and Webelos Den Leaders and Assistants
Saturday, April 13, 2013
Scoutmaster/ASM Leader Specific Training – Sessions I, II & III
Varsity Leader Specific Training
Tualatin United Methodist Church
20200 SW Martinazzi Ave, Tualatin
8:00AM – 2:00PM
This training is for Scoutmasters, Assistant Scoutmasters, Varsity Leaders
Friday-Saturday, April 26-27, 2013
Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills
Evergreen Aviation Museum – Scout Camping Facility
McMinnville, OR
This training is being held as part of the Wapiti District Camporee.
This training is for all Boy Scout and Varsity Scout Leaders!
Webelos Leaders can also attend to satisfy their outdoor training!
Questions: contact Tom Kroen – 503.692.2799 e-mail -
Additional Training Opportunities
Cub Scout Leader Specific
April 13 – Sunset Trail (Beaverton)
Scoutmaster/Asst. Scoutmaster/Varsity/Venturing Leader Specific
Feb 23 – Sunset Trail (Beaverton)
March 15-16 – Thunderbird (SE Portland)
April 13 – Sunset Trail (Beaverton)
Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills
March 8-9 – Sunset Trail (Beaverton)
May 18-19 – Sunset Trail (Beaverton)
March 9 – Sunset Trail (Beaverton)
Merit Badge Tips
Here are some tips for scouts young and old as a reminder of how the merit badge program works and what to do if you encounter problems finishing a merit badge.
Choosing a Merit Badge
Choosing your next merit badge (or first merit badge if you are new to the troop) should be fun and at the same time working towards a goal. A scout should always be looking towards their next rank advancement, as such try to find merit badges that compliment requirements of the rank you are pursuing. If your next rank involves camping outdoors, tying knots, cooking meals or hiking try to find merit badges that you can earn simply by attending troop outings or special events that include the use of those skills. Younger scouts can sign up for Eagle required merit badges but should be cautioned that many of them involve extensive work and may take months to complete. Try something that might not be too difficult at first and get a few under your belt (or on your sash). Many troop meetings are geared towards merit badges and there are special events held in the community that teach a specific merit badge with the goal of having the scout leave that event with a completed merit badge.
Partial Merit Badge cards
Many scouts who attend summer camp come back with merit badge cards that have unfinished requirements. When this happens the scout should immediately see the Merit Badge Coordinator to ask for the merit badge to be reassigned to an ASM within the troop. There are counselors for every merit badge, if one is not readily available we will find one and get the merit badge reassigned to that counselor as soon as possible. On occasion an ASM will organize a merit badge for an upcoming patrol event like a 50 mile bike ride or hike. In those instances the Merit Badge Coordinator may elect to assign the same counselor to all the scouts signed up for that event. When a card is assigned to a counselor it is a random event, there are many counselors who teach merit badges so the goal is to try to spread them out evenly so no one counselor is overloaded with assignments. Some merit badge counselors do not regularly attend meetings so the scout must call or email the counselor to set up a time to meet to work on the merit badge. It is important to remember that several members of our troop such as Mr. Kinsley are eager to continue teaching merit badges even though they may not be as visible as some ASMs who attend the weekly meetings.
Lost Cards
If a scout loses a merit badge card it can be started again. The scout would need to meet with their counselor to get as many requirements signed off as possible. If the card is relatively recent and the scout has been working on it, many times the counselor can assist in identifying which requirements were already met and sign them off again. BUT, if the card is an older one and the scout has not worked on it recently the requirements may have to be earned again. It is the responsibility of the scout to take care of their blue cards and protect them from damage or loss. If the counselor and the merit badge coordinator agree, requirements may be signed off after discussing and agreeing that the scout did perform the required tasks – a scout is honest. The goal is to give a scout credit for the hard work they did even if they cannot always prove they did the work. Some requirements will not be given if the actual task was not performed. Earning a certain number of nights camping is a requirement for some merit badges or rank advancements. If the ASM, counselor or Merit Bade Coordinator knows the scout did not achieve the requirement they will not be given credit for the task. Lost cards are always a problem for scouts who leave their cards in the box after troop meetings. The box is only a temporary place to facilitate movement of the cards to and from the coordinator, scout and the Scoutmaster. Completed cards go in the box, partial cards should not be left in the box. Because so many scouts shuffle through the cards in the box some of them might be misplaced or lost. As a general rule, KEEP YOUR CARDS IN A SAFE PLACE. Scouts can keep track of their own cards and bring them to and from the meetings safely. Those cards are gold, ask any aspiring Eagle Scout who lost a card they needed to get their last and most important rank.
Process Map
Here is a step by step guide to beginning and completing a merit badge.
- Fill out blue card including all three sides with name of badge, scout info and troop info.
- Turn card in to Merit Badge Coordinator for signature of Scoutmaster and assignment to counselor. If Coordinator is not present place card in box under the appropriate tab.
- Check the box at the next meeting to find the signed card ready to be worked.
- Fulfill all the requirements and have assigned counselor initial and date the requirements. Once completed the counselor must sign that the card is completed.
- Once signed and completed return to the Coordinator. If not present place the card in the box under the appropriate tab.
- Coordinator will get the card signed by the Scoutmaster then submit to the Advancement Chair.
- The Advancement Chair will obtain the merit badge and enter it on Troop Master as completed.
- Merit Badge will be awarded at the next Court of Honor.
OA News
Wapiti Chapter Meetings
March 14
OA Lodge Members,
Be sure to check our Lodge website:
Bound in Brotherhood, Separated Through Service
Eagle Projects Approval Location Change
As of October 1, 2011, Eagle Scout Boards of review and Eagle service project District reviews and approvals will be done at Tigard Methodist Church on TUESDAY EVENINGS. Mr. Young, our District Eagle Advancement Chair is generally their starting at 7PM. Note this is a change from the traditional Wednesday evenings.
Attention Life Scouts
Plan to present your Eagle projects at the committee meetings which are held the 1st Thursday of each month.
A Note to New Eagle Scouts
Once you have picked up your Eagle Certificate, please contact me. In order to update Troopmaster with your Eagle rank, I need to know three dates. These are the Eagle Project completion date andthe dates of your Scoutmaster Conference and Eagle Board of Review. Please call Cathy Garcia at 503.684.8219.
Service Hours
For the purposes of rank advancement, the troop does not keep track of service hours. It is the responsibility of each scout to record this information.
Boards of Review
Here are a few points to remember before scheduling a Board:
1. Complete your Scoutmaster Conference first before contacting Cathy Garcia.
2. Be caught up with dues.
3. Wear full Class A uniform, including socks and belt.
4. Make sure you know the Scout Law, Oath, Motto and Slogan.
Boards of Review
Just a reminder that if you’re requesting a Board of Review, it must be pre-arranged in a timely manner; i.e. not the night of the Troop meeting that you’re requesting the Board. Also, if you want to get your advancement recognized at a Court of Honor, the deadline for your Board of Review is 2 weeks prior to the COH. And finally, remember that for advancement you must have held a leadership position in the PLC within the 6 months leading up to your Board of Review. Cathy Garcia is the person to contact to schedule a Board of Review.
Keep your Dues up to Date
One of the duties of all of our Scouts to keep your Dues up to date. Currently there’s only one Patrol that has all of its members completely up to date. As a Troop about 50% of Scouts don’t have their dues up to date. Not having your dues up to date will keep you from participating in some activities and will also prevent a Scout from advancement when their ready. So going forward, check your dues status and get them up to date.
Important Advancement Criteria Reminder
There’s a minimal criteria for Scouts to advance that has become an area of emphasis for the Committee going forward. All Scouts MUST participate satisfactorily during the time period the Scout is looking to advance. In other words, the Scout must show up for meetings and events to advance. In recent history, this requirement for advancement has not been enforced evenly. If you have any questions regarding these criteria, please talk to your Patrols’ ASM or the Scoutmaster.
It is a goal of Troop 423 and its Committee, to provide a significant number of opportunities for Scouts to participate in outdoor activities organized by both the Troop and by Patrol. These activities include campouts at local Scouting properties, backpacking trips in State and National Forests and National Wilderness Areas, cabin campouts at Scout properties and State Parks, overnight events at athletic centers, and of course, weeklong Summer Camp. Through the Scoutmaster, Assistant Scoutmasters, and the Patrol Leaders Council, our activity program is planned, often 12 or more months in advance.