Job Description Sample Language
Guidance: All federally funded staff should have a job description that reflects their funding source and the purpose of the supplemental position as it relates to the grant(s) they serve. Suggested job description language should be tied to the Intent and Purpose of the federal grant fund. An excellent source regarding the Intent and Purpose of NCLB grants is noted below.
The same process may be helpful in determining the Intent and Purpose of each federal grants, i.e. IDEA B-Formula, IDEA B-Preschool or other federal grants.
Excerpts from the Program Guidelines, 2015-2016 No Child Left Behind Consolidated Application for Federal Funding
Title I, Part A
Intent and Purpose
Title I, Part A, provides supplemental resources to LEAs to help schools with high concentrations of students from low-income families provide high-quality education that will enable all children to meet the state student performance standards. Title I, Part A, supports campuses in implementing either a schoolwide program (SWP) or a targeted assistance program (TAP).
Title I, Part C
Intent and Purpose
The purpose of the Title I, Part C-Migrant Education Program (MEP) is to do all of the following:
1. Support high-quality and comprehensive educational programs for migratory children to help reduce the educational disruptions and other problems that result from repeated moves
2. Ensure that migratory children who move among the states are not penalized in any manner by disparities among the states in curriculum, graduation requirements, and state academic content and student academic achievement standards
3. Ensure that migratory children are provided with appropriate educational services (including supportive services) that address their special needs in a coordinated and efficient manner
4. Ensure that migratory children receive full and appropriate opportunities to meet the same challenging state academic content and student academic achievement standards that all children are expected to meet
5. Design programs to help migratory children overcome educational disruption, cultural and language barriers, social isolation, various health-related problems, and other factors that inhibit the ability of such children to do well in school, and to prepare such children to make a successful transition to postsecondary education or employment
6. Ensure that migratory children benefit from state and local systemic reforms (NCLB Title I, Part C)
Title I, Part D, Subpart 1
Intent and Purpose
The purpose of Title I, Part D, Subpart 1, is to do the following:
1. Improve educational services for children and youth in local and state institutions for neglected or delinquent children and youth so that such children and youth have the opportunity to meet the same challenging state academic content standards and student academic achievement standards that all children are expected to meet
2. Provide such children and youth with the services needed to make a successful transition from institutionalization to further schooling or employment
3. Prevent at-risk youth from dropping out of school and provide dropouts and children and youth returning from correctional facilities or institutions for neglected or delinquent children and youth with a support system to ensure their continued education
Title I, Part D, Subpart 2
Intent and Purpose
The purpose of Title I, Part D, Subpart 2, is to do the following:
1. Improve educational services for children and youth in local and state institutions for neglected or delinquent children and youth so that such children and youth have the opportunity to meet the same challenging state academic content standards and challenging state student academic achievement standards that all children in the state are expected to meet
2. Provide such children and youth with the services needed to make a successful transition from institutionalization to further schooling or employment
3. Prevent at-risk youth from dropping out of school, provide dropouts and children and youth returning from correctional facilities or institutions for neglected or
Title II, Part A
Intent and Purpose
The intent and purpose of the Title II, Part A, program is to provide financial assistance to LEAs to do the following:
1. Increase student academic achievement through improving teacher and principal quality and increasing the number of highly qualified teachers in classrooms and qualified principals and assistant principals in schools
2. Hold LEAs and schools accountable for improving student academic achievement
Title II, Part D
Intent and Purpose
The purpose of Title II, Part D, is to improve student academic achievement through the use of technology in elementary and secondary schools. It is designed to assist every student—regardless of race, ethnicity, income, geographical location, or disability—in becoming technologically literate by the end of eighth grade and to encourage the effective integration of technology resources and systems with professional development and curriculum.
Title III, Part A
Intent and Purpose
Title III, Part A, provides supplemental resources to LEAs to help ensure that children who are limited English proficient (LEP) attain English proficiency at high levels in core academic subjects and can meet state mandated achievement performance standards.
Title IV, Part A
Intent and Purpose
The purpose of the Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities (SDFSC) program is to support comprehensive (EE–12) drug use prevention and violence prevention programs that: (1) prevent violence in and around schools; (2) prevent the illegal use of alcohol, tobacco, and drugs; (3) involve parents and communities; and (4) coordinate with related federal, state and community efforts and resources to foster safe and drug-free schools and communities as required by the Principles of Effectiveness.
Title V, Part A
Intent and Purpose
The purpose of Title V, Part A—Innovative Programs is to do the following:
Support local education reform efforts that are consistent with and support statewide education reform efforts
Provide funding to enable state educational agencies and LEAs to implement promising educational reform programs and school improvement programs based on scientifically-based research
Provide a continuing source of innovation and educational improvement, including support programs to provide library services and instructional and media materials
Meet the educational needs of all students, including at-risk youth
Develop and implement education programs to improve school, student, and teacher performance, including professional development activities and class-size reduction programs
Title V, Part A, Subpart 2 – Funding Transferability
Intent and Purpose
The purpose of Title VI, Part A, Subpart 2, is to allow you flexibility to target federal funds to federal programs that most effectively address your unique needs and to transfer federal funds allocated to other activities to allocations for certain Title I, Part A, activities.
Title VI, Part B, Section 6211—REAP
Intent and Purpose
The purpose of REAP Section 6211 is to address the unique needs of rural school districts that frequently (1) lack the personnel and resources needed to compete effectively for federal competitive grants and (2) receive formula grant allocations in amounts too small to be effective in meeting their intended purposes.