1:30 P.M.
May 22, 2006, June 12, 2006; June 19, 2006
Items 4d, 6, 7, 8, 11, and 29
15. Draft legislation amending the financial disclosure statement for members of voluntary boards and commissions.
24. Local Law with respect to a vehicle immobilization program to enforce the provisions of the County For-Hire Vehicle Law.
2. HON. TOM ABINANTI: Healthy Air Legislation:
a) Local Law amending the Laws of Westchester County with respect to regulating the content of fuels. Also E&E, 1/23/06
3. HON. JAMES MAISANO & HON. TOM ABINANTI: Eminent Domain Reform: Local Law to restrict the use of eminent domain. 1/23/06
4. Identity Theft:
a) HON. TOM ABINANTI: Local law to protect employees from the impacts of identity theft resulting from the actions of their employers. 1/23/06
b) HON. TOM ABINANTI: Local law to restrict the use of Social Security numbers. 1/23/06
d) HON. MICHAEL KAPLOWITZ: Press article on identity theft. 1/23/06
6. HON. MICHAEL KAPLOWITZ: Zone Pricing: Resolution supporting State Legislation that would prohibit zone pricing of gasoline. 1/23/06
7. HON. MICHAEL KAPLOWITZ: Co-op/Condo Assessment: Correspondence from Legislator Kaplowitz to the New York State Senate opposing amendments to State law in relation to the assessment of condominium or cooperative residential properties.
8. HON. MICHAEL KAPLOWITZ: Cost of Radiological Preparedness: Resolution supporting state legislation that would offset the cost of radiological preparedness by requiring that the fee be paid by licensees. Also PSS, 1/23/06
9. HON. GORDON BURROWS: Budget Calendar: Memorandum and Resolution to the Chairman regarding a proposal to change key dates on the County Budget Calendar.
Also B&A, 1/23/06
10. HON. BERNICE SPRECKMAN: Rodeo Ban: Constituent communication requesting legislation prohibiting rodeos in Westchester County be re-introduced. 1/23/06
11. HON. MARTIN ROGOWSKY: Broadband Investment & Consumer Choice Act:
Resolution from the Village of Rye Brook opposing the Broadband Investment & Consumer Choice Act and the Video Act of 2005. 1/23/06
12. HON. MARTIN ROGOWSKY: Bedbugs: Press article on bedbug infestation. 1/23/06
13. HON. VITO PINTO: Military Service Credit: Resolution requesting that Congress pass legislation crediting Nurse Corp. Cadets with military service. 1/23/06
14. HON. MARTIN ROGOWSKY: Rental Horse Licensing: Local law licensing the use of a horse in a rental horse business. 1/23/06
15. HON. MARTIN ROGOWSKY: Financial Disclosure: Draft legislation amending the current financial disclosure statement for members of voluntary boards and commissions. 2/6/06.
16. HON. URSULA LAMOTTE: Living Wage Law: Correspondence from the Family Services Society of Yonkers regarding compliance with the County Living Wage Law. 2/6/06.
17. HON. SUZANNE SWANSON: Amendment to Consumer Protection Law: Constituent request to amend the County Consumer Protection Law regarding product labeling. 2/6/06
19. COUNTY EXECUTIVE: Oil Tank Overfill Protection: Local Law requiring the installation of overfill protection devices on certain oil storage tanks. Also Env/Eng, 3/13/06.
20. HON. GEORGE OROS: Sex Offenders: Proposed legislation to ban convicted pedophiles and registered sex offenders from living near County facilities frequented by children. Also PSS, 3/13/06
21. HON. GEORGE OROS: Eminent Domain Legislation: Correspondence from the Westchester County Housing Opportunity Commission regarding the County’s eminent domain legislation. Also HPGO, 3/13/06
22. HON. JOSE ALVARADO: Animal Acts Ban: Constituent correspondence regarding the reintroduction of legislation banning traveling animal acts on county property. 3/13/06
23. COUNTY EXECUTIVE: Rewards for Information: Local Law authorizing certain County officers to offer rewards for information leading to the apprehension and conviction of persons who commit crimes. Also PSS, 3/13/06
24. COUNTY EXECUTIVE: Vehicle Immobilization Program: Local Law with respect to a vehicle immobilization program to enforce the provisions of the County For-Hire Vehicle Law. Also PSS, HPGO; 3/13/06
26. HON LOIS BRONZ: Spay/Neuter Services: Forwarding correspondence from the Animal Defenders of Westchester with regard to spay/neuter services. 3/27/06
27. HON. GEORGE OROS: County Healthcare System: Forwarding correspondence from the Minority Conference members requesting the Board’s Committee on Legislation and the Committee on Family, Health and Human Services review the Westchester County Association’s report on the County’s healthcare system. Also FHHS; 3/27/06
28. HON. MICHAEL KAPLOWITZ AND WILLIAM RYAN: Sewer District Modification: Forwarding a petition from the Town of New Castle requesting the inclusion of parcels in the Saw Mill River Sanitary Sewer District. Also B&A, E&E, GCED, PWTLP; 4/10/06
29. HON. WILLIAM RYAN: Public Service Commission: Forwarding a letter from the Communications Workers of America, Local 1103, urging the Board to support Assembly Bill 9807, which would require the Public Service Commission to suspend its ongoing deregulatory proceedings. Also PWTLP; 4/10/06
30. HON. LOIS BRONZ: Solid Waste Law: Forwarding a request from Edward Malone, Treasurer of Brookfield, with regard to meeting with a legislative committee to discuss changes that have occurred since the enactment of the Solid Waste Law. Also E&E; 4/10/2006
31. HON. JUDY MYERS: IDA Guidelines: Correspondence from the Westchester County AFL-CIO urging support for legislation which will set guidelines for developers and contractors who use public funds. Also B&A/PWTLP; 4/24/2006
32. HON. LOIS BRONZ: New Castle Sewage Diversion: Correspondence from Yonkers City Council Member Patricia McDow asking the Board to work with New Castle to develop alternatives to sewage diversion to the County Sewage Treatment Plant in Yonkers. Also B&A/E&E/GCED/PWTLP; 4/24/2006
33. HON. GEORGE OROS: Gasoline Tax: Forwarding a draft Resolution to eliminate the collection of county sales tax on the sale of gasoline. Also B&A; 5/8/2006
34. HON. GEORGE OROS: Gasoline Sales Tax: Forwarding his memorandum urging the Board of Legislators to immediately adopt the appropriate legislation to opt into the State’s legislation capping the sales tax on gasoline. Also B&A; 5/22/2006
35. HON. LOIS BRONZ: Amending IRS Code: Forwarding a copy of Resolution 153-2006 approved by the St. Lawrence County Board of Legislators supporting U.S. House of Representatives bill H.R. 1405 amending the Internal Revenue Code of 1986. 5/22/2006
36. CLERK OF THE BOARD: Real Property Taxes: Forwarding a Resolution from the Town of Bedford deferring the deadline for the payment of real property taxes as part of a statewide “Patriot Plan” for persons who have been deployed by the military. Also B&A; 6/7/2006
38. HON. MICHAEL KAPLOWITZ: Agriculture and Markets Law: Forwarding correspondence from Yorktown Councilman Nicholas Bianco with regard to amending the NYS Agriculture and Markets Law in relation to requiring pet dealers to maintain dialing devices in the event of a fire emergency. Also PSS; 6/19/2006
39. HON. BERNICE SPRECKMAN: Constituent Correspondence: Forwarding a request from the Animal Defenders of Westchester for a resolution banning the selling of foie gras in restaurants. 6/19/2006
40. HON. THOMAS ABINANTI: Right of First Refusal: Forwarding correspondence to set forth the meaning and intent of Westchester County Administrative Code Section 209.101(8)(b), commonly known as “right of first refusal”. Also HPGO; 6/19/06
41. HON. THOMAS ABINANTI: Trash Haulers: Forwarding copy of a news article with regard to recent FBI indictments within the trash hauling business. Also E&E; 6/19/06
42. HON. JOSE ALVARADO: Parkland De-dedication: Forwarding Resolution 116-2006, from the City of Yonkers, requesting a Home Rule Message from the State Legislature seeking the de-dedication of certain parkland situated within the City of Yonkers. Also PWTLP; 6/19/06
43. HON. THOMAS ABINANTI: Voting Machines: resolution urging the Westchester County Board of Elections to certify opotical scanning machines with paper ballots as the HAVA compliant machine of choice. Also HPGO; 6/19/06
LEG - AGENDA 7/7/2006 – Page 1